Seems like I'm plateauing again.....

nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
:cry: Seems like I plateau every couple of weeks. Every 2-3 weeks. Has anyone else plateaued this often? I weight lift 3 x week and cardio 5 x week for 1 hour each session.


  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    Yes Im the same way the first 30lbs was eazy but now:grumble: :grumble: :grumble: Im lbs away from bein in the 170's and its killin me ugh....:grumble:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    Do you change up what you do as far as cardio and weight lifting routines? This can really make a difference! :happy:

    ~Leash :heart:
  • czewwhat
    czewwhat Posts: 8,715
    yes, I call it the metabolism reset. it happens! just keep at it. It works!
  • nursegirl79
    nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
    I do turbo kick alternating with hip hop hustle 3 x week and jog 2 x week. Doing chalean extreme at home.

    Have any ideas how to mix it up? Maybe run more with less aerobics? I don't know....I'm fusturated:sad:
  • JStarnes
    JStarnes Posts: 5,576 Member
    i plateau'd that often from april until this past monday. :angry:
  • VballLeash
    VballLeash Posts: 2,456 Member
    I do turbo kick alternating with hip hop hustle 3 x week and jog 2 x week. Doing chalean extreme at home.

    Have any ideas how to mix it up? Maybe run more with less aerobics? I don't know....I'm fusturated:sad:

    Running will definitely help you slim down if you stick to it but once again don't JUST run... maybe try increasing the intensity. The classes may not be hard enough for you. Also intervals are very effective on any cardio machine... I know its frustrating but don't give up!!

    ~Leash :heart:
  • Shanta1983
    Shanta1983 Posts: 1,228 Member
    i plateau'd that often from april until this past monday. :angry:

    oh ow
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Are you eating/ burning the same amount of calories every day? Your body adapts to whatever you're doing, so you need to shake things up, and keep it guessing. Have you tried calorie zig-zagging?
  • firedragon064
    firedragon064 Posts: 1,082 Member
    2,3 weeks? Are you losing inches? I think for people who do high/med intensity workout, they lose inches 1st. This is just my theory since work out builds more muscles.
    Also do you eat your exercise calorie? I have to make sure I eat at least the MFP suggested calorie event tho I'm on a low carb diet so I only count carb. I did not know I was undercalorie... . I work out at least 1 hour a day and someone told me that I don't eat enough calorie so I burn more muscle instead of fat
    :mad: I was so mad at myself because I did not lose weight for 2 months!!! I should try somethig else.
    Oh well at least now I know.

    I'm eating more calorie now.. If I still don't lose weight I'm going to cut down my cardio workout because he also told me I'm overtrained but I don't think so.

    To change your routine, may be for a week use different muscle... go biking, swimming, do long hiking,/walking since walking does use different muscle than jogging. Also add weight lifting to your routine, do combo move : squat, deadlift, push up, lunge.
  • nursegirl79
    nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
    Well I did lower my net calorie to 1200 a week ago to try to lose 2lbs a week. Maybe that is to low? I was at 1340.
  • :cry: Seems like I plateau every couple of weeks. Every 2-3 weeks. Has anyone else plateaued this often? I weight lift 3 x week and cardio 5 x week for 1 hour each session.

    Plateauing every 2 - 3 weeks is exactly what is suppose to happen if you stick to a specific routine you are doing. Researched learned a long time ago that the body adapts to a routine in 2 weeks and masters it in 3 weeks. Once something is mastered you become so efficient that changes stop happening because the body has nothing new to adapt to. So, your every 2 - 3 weeks of plataeuing is dead on! Any good exercise program will consist of phases. Each phase will last 2 or 3 weeks precisely to keep from plateauing. Thats why I love P90X so much. Every 30 days everything changes, including the body.
  • July24Lioness
    July24Lioness Posts: 2,399 Member
    Also, from everything I have read, which I read a LOT -

    A true Plateau is where you don't lose inches or pounds for 4 weeks or longer.

    So 2-3 weeks is technically not a plateau - and I would venture to say that you are probably losing inches.
  • If you want continuous and more rapid change 4 weeks is too long to wait to change your regimen. I have been fortunate enough to know many, many people who don't change their regimen at least once per month and they have nice pot bellies to show for it. I say fortunate because its a priceless learning method for me, to learn by seeing others make mistakes instead of me making the mistakes...LoL Consequently I have a stellar tummy.
  • nursegirl79
    nursegirl79 Posts: 146 Member
    :cry: Seems like I plateau every couple of weeks. Every 2-3 weeks. Has anyone else plateaued this often? I weight lift 3 x week and cardio 5 x week for 1 hour each session.

    Plateauing every 2 - 3 weeks is exactly what is suppose to happen if you stick to a specific routine you are doing. Researched learned a long time ago that the body adapts to a routine in 2 weeks and masters it in 3 weeks. Once something is mastered you become so efficient that changes stop happening because the body has nothing new to adapt to. So, your every 2 - 3 weeks of plataeuing is dead on! Any good exercise program will consist of phases. Each phase will last 2 or 3 weeks precisely to keep from plateauing. Thats why I love P90X so much. Every 30 days everything changes, including the body.

    You made me smile....We will see if there is any difference in my weight or inches in one more week.. I think I check to often. I'm gonna do P90x after finishing Chalean extreme. I lost 2 inches off my waist after only 3 weeks with CX.....Now nothing which is way I thought I was plateauing....
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