Question about the fat macro

Do you count good fats? I'm almost always over my fat goal for the day. I'm not going to lie, sometimes that excess is from too much cheese, but other times it's from lots of nuts, avocados, olive oil, etc.
Like today for example, if I eat what I have planned I'll be 26 grams over my fat goal but 33g of it is coming from EVOO and some avocado. The 19 grams in the red sauce I make is also partially made up of EVOO.
So, do I subtract them? Do I ignore it? Or do I try to get my fat (good and bad) intake under control?


  • ahamm002
    ahamm002 Posts: 1,690 Member
    As long as you're getting enough protein and staying within your overall caloric goals, then there is no reason to worry about getting too much fat. This is especially true if the worst fat you have is just cheese. Make sure you're avoiding partially hydrogenated oils though.
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Do you count good fats? I'm almost always over my fat goal for the day. I'm not going to lie, sometimes that excess is from too much cheese, but other times it's from lots of nuts, avocados, olive oil, etc.
    Like today for example, if I eat what I have planned I'll be 26 grams over my fat goal but 33g of it is coming from EVOO and some avocado. The 19 grams in the red sauce I make is also partially made up of EVOO.
    So, do I subtract them? Do I ignore it? Or do I try to get my fat (good and bad) intake under control?

    It would *matter* if you are eating over TDEE, otherwise, you are just fine :-)
    Though only make sure to avoid trans fats, these are the devil product
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Bear in mind that MFP's starting fat goal is actually really low. 65g is closer to what is normally recommended for a female
  • PercivalHackworth
    PercivalHackworth Posts: 1,437 Member
    Bear in mind that MFP's starting fat goal is actually really low. 65g is closer to what is normally recommended for a female

    I use to apply it on percentage for people - from 25 to 30% per day, but 65 g is good yes, no real need to go over
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I'd recommend throwing the concept of 'good' and 'bad' fats out of your mindset. There is only really one 'bad' fat and that's the one that human beings messed around with in labs - trans fat.

    All other natural fats - whether saturated, monounsaturated or polyunsaturated are perfectly acceptable forms of healthy nutrition. If you don't buy that, look up what eskimoes eat...

    There is a significant amount of controversy over whether it's the saturated fat in red meat that increases the risk of certain health conditions, or whether it's due to something else entirely - possibly something very complex like a specific balance of different components.

    The only real issue with fat intake in your diet is that fat is so much more energy-dense than the other macros that too much of it means you get to eat less before you hit your daily calorie allowance.
  • Elizabeth_C34
    Elizabeth_C34 Posts: 6,376 Member
    I agree with the advice given above. Don't worry about your fat intake. Just avoid trans fats entirely, and you should be alright.
  • jlcl119
    jlcl119 Posts: 51
    Thank you everyone, good to know.
    I don't make a habit of avoiding any specific foods, but I keep processed foods at a minimum and almost never purchase anything with hydrogenated oils or HFCS. Though sometimes that gas station nacho cheese sings me it's siren song.