Ok, I lost it and can't find it...

I'm talking about my motivation. I had my back surgery back in September, I was gung ho and lost a lot of weight in the first few months, I plateaud out and stopped losing. At first it was like, ok, no big deal, I'm ok with that. In that time I did a couple of 5k's and a 15k (decent times too), and over the last few months I've been eating like crap, not working out, and just don't seem to give a rat's hind quarters anymore.

I don't know what happened. I have great friends, I have all the tools available to me (gym in my office building, knowledge of eating the right foods in the right quantities, and local friends who want to work out with me), but for some reason I just can't bring myself to pack my gym bag the night before I come to the office to go into the gym.

I recently started working with a local performance group and they've started to take a lot of my time as well, but not so much that I can't work out. I'm just using them as an excuse. I have a run coming up at the end of July (in the muggy heat of Florida, and it's an obstacle course as well). I need to get off my *kitten*, I just can't get motivated. This sucks *kitten*.

My friends on here are awesome, and are really supportive, I'm just not carrying my weight. I'm not sure what to do. I know there will be a few "Well, just get off your rotund round back end and get moving and just do it man!" Which I really appreciate, I'm just at a loss as to how to "Insert Nike Slogan Here".


  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,388 Member
    Ups and downs, we all have them. Right now life keeps getting in my way and I roll out of bed too late or too tired to go to the gym. So I understand.

    BUT... if I would fall in bed an hour earlier (or two or three) and roll out that extra hour before, I'd go to the gym and I wouldn't feel so tired and down.

    Choices... I tend to pick the easy one, but in the end it's too hard to keep doing the same thing.

    As a friend I'll be happy to kick your *kitten* each day... even if it is just virtually. :)

    *...and I'd appreciate if you'd do the same.
  • Cacrouser
    Cacrouser Posts: 1
    I've been slacking off for the last couple of months also and before that I was doing so well! This morning I got my butt up out of the bed and decided that if I didn't get through the front door to restart my fitness regimen, then I .....Becayse all you need is that ONE day to start your fitness routine again and it's like riding a bicycle. Glad I was able to walk through the door today because I comopleted my workout and I feel better, energized and already excited about my plant to get to my goal. Just set a goal for yourself, stick with it, track your progress with a food and workout tracker, and work everything else around it. I get really upset when I am doing well then slack off for a while because it's much harder to get back into your rountine. Also you think to yourself "if I had just stuck to my guns I would be that much farther ahead now". Time is flying by, so don't give up. Get back in the game and remember don't let your body run the show, let your mind tell your body what to do, not the other way around. Good luck!
  • cmeade20
    cmeade20 Posts: 1,238 Member
    I just came back from vacation and am really struggling getting back on track
  • Skeena4
    Skeena4 Posts: 209 Member
    I'm sorry you feel that way - I HATE days like that... I know that for me... most of this is mental.
    If I think I can't do it, well then I might as well just not even try because I've already talked myself into being a failure. However, if there is a tiny voice, and sometimes I have to really strain to hear it (either that or I should see a doc haha) anyway, if there is even a tiny voice inside me that says "hey lazypants, you might be able to pull this off if you actually applied yourself" then, yeah, I give it a shot.
    Some days I struggle and fall in a sweaty heap on the floor, and some days (more than some days actually) I shock the he-l-l out of myself.
    So yeah, we all try, we all fail at some things, just start accepting failure less and less. :-)
  • lizzybethclaire
    lizzybethclaire Posts: 849 Member
    I joined MFP and a gym around the same time in May last year. I was on this horrible go to the gym, lose weight, eat healthy, gain weight, not go to gym, eat crap vicious cycle for most of last year. Finally back on track. Believe me, I made every excuse not to exercise. Now, I try to mix it up. On those days where you can’t bear it (and I have them), get your butt outside or to a mall or wherever you feel comfortable and walk around. It makes it more fun if you feel like going to the gym is a choice and not a chore.
  • ready2tryagain42
    Life, boredom and just not giving a damn is getting in my way today. Maybe I will get my motivation back tonight at water aerobics.
  • Methinksabout
    I've been slacking off for the last couple of months also and before that I was doing so well! This morning I got my butt up out of the bed and decided that if I didn't get through the front door to restart my fitness regimen, then I .....Becayse all you need is that ONE day to start your fitness routine again and it's like riding a bicycle. Glad I was able to walk through the door today because I comopleted my workout and I feel better, energized and already excited about my plant to get to my goal. Just set a goal for yourself, stick with it, track your progress with a food and workout tracker, and work everything else around it. I get really upset when I am doing well then slack off for a while because it's much harder to get back into your rountine. Also you think to yourself "if I had just stuck to my guns I would be that much farther ahead now". Time is flying by, so don't give up. Get back in the game and remember don't let your body run the show, let your mind tell your body what to do, not the other way around. Good luck!

    *printing this out for my own daily kick in my backside! GET STARTED ALREADY!!*
  • emnk5308
    emnk5308 Posts: 736
    You need to go off alone for a little bit. Go sit at the park or something, go for a long walk and re evaluate your life. Re think what started your weight loss, and what made you quit.. Just think on it alone. Remember what got you motivated in the first place, if its not there any more just find something new to motivate you.. =/
  • MyTime1985
    MyTime1985 Posts: 456 Member
    Remind yourself of all the reasons you started this journey to begin with.
  • knwitall
    knwitall Posts: 420 Member
    I find that looking through the success stories and seeing the before and after pic really helps keep me motivated! I look at them and see how far they have come and say to myself, You can do this!!! I wish you the best of luck of getting back on it and moving forward. Don't let a set back keep you from picking yourself up and moving forward. Just think of it as in the past and look to a new day and happier future. :)
  • betteringmyselfeachday
    1) start small. Count your calories. Walk the block. Do some small exercises while watching tv. before you know it, you will become this person who goes a little bit further each day.
    2) write a list of reasons for losing weight ( I actually posted mine, so you can read those for some ideas!)
    3) find some motivational fitness quote graphics- post those things everywhere! literally! Post them on the fridge, in the bathroom, next to the tv. I have a picture of a Dallas Cowgirl Cheerleader on my phone, that way I have a constant reminder of what I am working towards.
    4) use a search engine for a weight loss simulator image. It shows you at your current weight, it shows you at your goal weight. Once you see that, viola!
    5) Pick an item such as your old skinny jeans, hang them up out in plain sight! It is a reminder of where you want to go!
    6) Find a friend to walk with you instead of eating dinner together!
    7) Clean out your kitchen and replace all bad foods with fresh produce! I also pre-cut vegetables/fruits, I weigh things out on a food scale and place in baggies, etc. so that when I want a snack it is already ready.
    8) If you watch tv, watch stuff that is motivational. Biggest Loser, Extreme Makeover Weight loss edition, those shows that have like 1/2 ton person, etc. It will make you realize if they can do it so can you. It also shows you where you don't want to end up (like those 1/2 ton people who get surgery or end up dieing!)
    9) Rely on MFP for extra support on bad days! Feel free to add me!
  • tageekly
    tageekly Posts: 3,755 Member
    Weight loss and being healthy is more a mental battle than a physical one. I went through a lull a few months back too and spent time evaluating my workouts and food goals and made some changes. It's easy to get stuck in a rut of exercise and eating and feel bored with it or not want to get back into the healthier habits, but it's really about finding the internal motivation to keep going.

    It's so cliché but really if you get off your *kitten* and just do it (Nike expression) you'll remember why you forced yourself off the couch.