It IS achievable!

Hey there everyone! I'm writing this time to encourage you all a little bit, especially to those who've gained some pounds while following the program, or are currently in a plateau.

When I decided to lose weight in October last year, I went into a diet and lost 15 pounds in 3 months (from 140 to 125). In January I decided I was going to start running (3 miles each day) in order to lose those extra 10 lbs, but after a couple of month weighting 120 lbs, and the same diet (my error), I went into plateau. Everything I ate would go straight to my hips, and reflect on the scale, fluctuating between 119 and 122 lbs.

I got desperate and made a HUGE mistake! I decided to reduce the calories I was eating; so I went from a 1200 cal diet to a 600-800 cal diet (don't EVER try this!), plus cardio. This was simply frustrating, and gave me NO positive results at all. So I came to MFP, created an account and decided to continue with my weight loss but on the right track.

I increased my calories to 1200 daily, plus exercise (I vary with p90x, power yoga, and running). At first I was very frustrated because the scale went up to 126 the first week, and I realized most of that weight was water weight from my body hydrating, and obtaining the nutrients I deliberately took away from it. A couple of days later I started losing the water and went back to 123 lbs, and right know after almost 3 weeks I'm FINALLY seeing results again! It has been a while since I hadn't seen any changes in my body, and sometimes although I would see the numbers going doing in the scale, my body would remain the same. However, right now although the scale went up to 124, my body HAS changed! I can finally see some muscles, and a flat belly.

So PLEASE keep on going! Stick to your plan if you know is right, exercise, take some pictures to see the difference, measure yourselves, have a "goal jean," or do whatever you think might work for you, but don't just trust the scale, because you as me can get obsessed about the idea of losing weight, even in an unhealthy weight.

Changes don't only reflect on the scale, so KEEP ON fighting and DON'T GIVE UP!