
My doctor just put me on Seasonique to help with my painful periods. I was wondering if any of you have had an adverse side effects while taking it.



  • jehembee
    jehembee Posts: 114
    I've taken it before, but didn't like it.
  • kc4173
    kc4173 Posts: 22 Member
    No issues here. Been on it for several years.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    I didn't take Seasonique.....but my doctor prescribed a generic birth control for me to take the same way, so I would only have 4 periods a year. I stopped taking them because I didn't feel like "me" anymore. I was having major mood swings and I still had a lot of breakthrough bleeding.

    I've been off of birth control for about a year now. I started having problems with my periods again after I stopped taking it, but now that I'm losing weight, I'm not having any issues. I feel a lot better.

    Everyone reacts differently - I hope it works for you!
  • mgnmsn
    mgnmsn Posts: 133 Member
    i hated it. i cried constantly and it made me miserable. i am on beyaz now and i love it! orthotricyclen was also okay also. but i quit with seasonique because it had negative effects on me. but everybody is different! try it for a month and find what works for you!
  • juliaamilee
    juliaamilee Posts: 262 Member
    I take a form of Orthocylen the same way. Except, I never take the placebo. I never have a period. WONDERFUL! I had one Dr tell me that I needed to allow myself to at least once in awhile. When I told her, no. There was no medical need to have a period when your on birth control. Either I do it my way or we schedule for an ablation. She agreed. No need to have one as long as I am happy with it and its working for me.
  • kzivic
    kzivic Posts: 326 Member
    I'm on it now, been taking it for about 3 years. It's really helped with the horiffic PMS I'd have every month. Having it only once every 3 months is much easier to deal with, and it seems my PMS symptoms are no where near as bad

    The one drawback is when TOM comes around, it's so unbelieveably heavy. Like ridculous heavy where I think something is majorly wrong and I call my doctor freaking out. It wasn't like this for the first couple years on Seasonique, just in the last year or so that it's gotten bad.

    I can't decide what's the lesser of two evils, the terrible PMS I'd have every single month, or one bad week every 3 months.

    Good luck!!
  • RunHardBeStrong
    RunHardBeStrong Posts: 33,069 Member
    Regular Seasonique made me extremely moody and just not myself. I was much better on Seasonique Lo (less hormones). I loved the only 4 periods a year!! I went off at beginning of year to see if I could regualte on my own but it's not working even after having the NovaSure procedure done. I'm contemplating going back on the Lo.
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    I am actually using the generic version, Jolessa, for the same reason. I have not had any weight gain from it or any other side effects associated with birth control pill. I think you should be ok. Now when its TOM, it's like I don't even notice that I have it!
  • wakie27
    wakie27 Posts: 26
    I was on seasonique (well, started off as seasonale) for almost 7 years (obviously take some time off for my two pregnancies). I, too, was put on it because I had EXTREMELY painful periods, like, blacking out at school from the pain, painful.

    I loved it while I was on it, it made my periods super light and only 3 days long (whereas before they were 7-8 days and very heavy for about 5 of those days!), it definitely stopped the horrific cramping.

    I recently stopped it because it was starting to affect other areas of my life (tmi ... s-e-x drive totally disappeared). So, now I'm back to regular TOM's, heavier than when I was on the pills, but not as much cramping as before the pills, so that's good.

    Good luck!
  • *bump* for more advice :happy:
  • solaryellowtj
    solaryellowtj Posts: 27 Member
    I was on it for 6 months and HATED it and stopped taking it all together! I usually would get migraines right before my TOM when I was on orthotri (thats pretty much how i knew it was coming) and the migraines were terrible so my obgyn was like "we'll put you on this so you have less migraines". Yea not so much! I had more migraines than before, my blood pressure was through the roof and I had to be on medication and went back and forth to my general practitioner and did all sorts of tests and they wanted to test me for sleep apnea too. I realized the only change I had was the seasonique so I stopped taking it. About a month after I stopped taking it my blood pressure was normal, I didnt have to take any more medication for it, didnt have migraines, didnt have sleeping problems (so I didnt have to take the sleep apnea test) and felt much better. My cycle was not regular for over a year though and a different doctor had to give me medcine to jump start it and get it regular.

    Personally I hated it and it did not work for me, but then again I know a friend that hates orthotri and makes her super evil and moody and break out and it doesnt do any of that to me.
  • fabafter5
    fabafter5 Posts: 200 Member
    I was on it and had a lot of breakthru bleeding for the first couple of months. I loss 10lbs and it became inaffective for me! I went in for my annual and my gyno told me that I was "mid cycle". AKA ovulating. I wasa very shocked to say the least! I remember feeling bloated and crampy every month just like my period was coming. I went back to a regular pill.
  • olyrose
    olyrose Posts: 569 Member
    I was on it for 6 months and HATED it and stopped taking it all together! I usually would get migraines right before my TOM when I was on orthotri (thats pretty much how i knew it was coming) and the migraines were terrible so my obgyn was like "we'll put you on this so you have less migraines". Yea not so much! I had more migraines than before, my blood pressure was through the roof and I had to be on medication and went back and forth to my general practitioner and did all sorts of tests and they wanted to test me for sleep apnea too. I realized the only change I had was the seasonique so I stopped taking it. About a month after I stopped taking it my blood pressure was normal, I didnt have to take any more medication for it, didnt have migraines, didnt have sleeping problems (so I didnt have to take the sleep apnea test) and felt much better. My cycle was not regular for over a year though and a different doctor had to give me medcine to jump start it and get it regular.

    Personally I hated it and it did not work for me, but then again I know a friend that hates orthotri and makes her super evil and moody and break out and it doesnt do any of that to me.

    I just had a similar realization! I had been having horrible headaches and migraines, dizziness, nausea, and felt really congested all the time. I went to my doctor 3-4 times, saw an Ear Nose Throat specialist, had a CT scan, saw an allergist twice, and they never found anything wrong. Finally started tracking the symptoms and realized they were the worst a few days before TOM. Told my doctor and he said it was due to low estrogen levels, so he prescribed me Seasonique. I haven't started taking it yet, but it will be the next one I try.
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    The thing about ANY medication is that it reacts for everyone a little differently. Something that works for you may not for someone else and vice versa. Generally, your body needs a month to adjust to new birth control pills. If after a month, you are not feeling normal, call your doctor and ask for something else. Spend some time looking for the right medication, not just whatever the OBGYN put you on. It took me three times to be put on a medication that worked well for me (LoEstrin 1.5/30). Give it some time, and if you have any severe or constant side effects call you doctor immediately.

    Also, a lot of times doctors have free samples of these and you can try a few on the medical company's dime before finding one that works. Ask the nurse!