Things Ive Found To Personally WORK!!!

hi guys. ive recently been on a mad mission to get abs. i got my bf down but they still wouldnt show. i tried everything from cardio every day to cutting my calories and lowering carbs. but nothing worked!!
then i tried a diffrent method!!
+i upped my consumption of water from basically 0.5 to 3,4 litres a day
+i upped, yes UPPED my calories but kept it balanced, had my carbs with protien and a source of fruit or veg, but split them into smaller and more even meals. and cut carbs from 7pm onwards

these 2 combined made a hell of a diffrence to the look of my abs and they began to appear after all the hard work i did these small teqniques made the most diffrence.

i then binned off the crunches and leg raises and added weights into my ab routines. did crunches with a 5kg plate, then weeks on upped it to a 10, then 15. and i did hanging leg rises instead of standered laying raises, and trained my obliques with the pulley handles in the gym. boom hello abs!

increasing my calories and water intake lowered my bfp but 4% and gave me a mroe vascular look to my physique. ive tried loads of diffrent tecniques to define and build

and i belive the methods i use atm are the best because ive seen the most progress from the strange ways i do thing!
ive still got another year atleast before i consider myself WOW material but i will be more than happy to help anyone because i went from a skinny 0%muscle guy with no clue to 9%bf lean in 2 years. i use only tecniques that work because there is so much bull**** out there. listening to that bull**** wastes progress time.

crackon people , much love azz x :glasses: x


  • azza_aesthetics
    oh, you can see my before on my profile. wasnt fat. but helll no had no muscle
  • mrob81
    mrob81 Posts: 36
    Nice progress. I concur with that low carb/zero carb after a certain time at night. I workout in the evenings so I ate carbs for breakfast and dinner if it was immediately after my workout. It helped a lot.

    I am going to take you up on your observation about using fruits and veggies for carbs. I will start eating them tomorrow for lunch and cut out other complex carbs that I normally ate like baked sweet potatoes.
  • azza_aesthetics
    i dude. you have really great shape but personally i feel you are in the same boat as i was! i had real good proportion, great upper body shape and your pecs are a good size! a little leaner and rip out a bit and youll be spot on!! some of the methods ive tried may seem really daft but work. i havnt used a supplement in about 6 months because i think they are a bit overated and expensive. i just cant afford them! lol. try this one. works for me so hopefully will work for you. i have 2-3 tins of mackeral with aprox 3,4 rivita's, i splash vinegar over the mackeral and it seems to be my ideal post workout meal! for some bizzare reason it prevents me from getting late night food/sugar cravings which i used to suffer really bad. and which i believe was a main reason for my prevention of a vascular physique. for example id eat healthy all day, low sugar no chocolate crisps etc. do a workout in the evening, have dinner then late about10,11 have really strong sugar and junkfood cravings and i lead myself to believe 'ive worked hard in the gym, this bar of chocolate or bag of crisp will not make a diffrence!' i was definatly wrong. soon as i conquered my craving for junk. the veins and striations began to appear! in litterally 1,2 months. i think it has something to do with the vinegar i put all over the mackeral. puts me off eating all night because it repeats on me. try it dude, hopes it works the same!!