Over Working?

I've been trying hard to get in better shape. Add muscle, burn belly fat, etc. I added some friends this week and started using the social side of MFP - which has been great.

The motivation is great! Seeing everyone's post makes me want to work harder and seeing all the beautiful people on here is inspiring and motivating in itself.

However, the last few days after my morning workout, I have been too sick to eat. I forced myself to eat after the workout as I know my body needs it. I am just wondering, am I going too hard? Or is there something else going on? Shouldn't I be starving after an intense workout?


  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,293 Member
    You may want to pick one goal at a time. either add muscle (bulk phase) or lose fat (cut phase).

    It is very hard to do both at the same time, but if that is your goal it comes down to diet more than training. You treat each day as its own, not week to week. Essentially you eat at a caloric surplus on strength training days, and a deficit on cardio or rest days. Both days will be relatively high protein. Here is a link regarding body recomposition. I find it much easier to do bulk and cut phases.

  • pj12string
    pj12string Posts: 128 Member
    Are you following a fitness program or doing it all on your own?
  • MissFit0101
    MissFit0101 Posts: 2,382
    After really intense exercise, I cannot eat for an hour or two. Then I get really hungry. When I first started working out, I couldn't eat at all after any kind of workout. I felt nauseated. I think it just took my body time to get used to a new routine and the new stress I was putting on it.
  • brianchi
    brianchi Posts: 71 Member
    Eric - Thanks! Great advice......could not read the article - got it blocked at work. I emailed it to myself and will read at home. Appreciate your advice.

    Makes sense on bulking or cutting. I hear ya. I'll have to check out that article tonight and come up with a better game plan.

    PJ- I am sort of doing it on my own. I went through P90X a year ago and learned a lot from the videos and try to keep with the same type of routine - chest/back, cardio, arms/shoulder, cardio, legs/back, etc. With a few variations.

    MissFit- That makes sense too. That is the exact thing that is happening to me. It may be the added intensity and taking my body a while to adjust.

    Thanks everyone!
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Are you eating anything before working out? You really should have something (especially 1st thing in the morning) before working out. I had the same problem until I started having a piece of Ezekial bread with a Tbsp of peanut butter 1/2 an hour before I started my morning work out... And I do think you should try to eat something after or at least have a glass of milk afterward

    Good luck on your journey! :smile:
  • brianchi
    brianchi Posts: 71 Member
    No I never do eat beforehand. That's a good point. Usually it is the first thing I do in the morning. maybe a glass of water and then get going.

    I force myself to eat after. I have a protein shake and try to put some food in my body.

  • laurajordana
    laurajordana Posts: 48 Member
    No I never do eat beforehand. That's a good point. Usually it is the first thing I do in the morning. maybe a glass of water and then get going.

    I force myself to eat after. I have a protein shake and try to put some food in my body.


    I normally eat something light about 30 min before i workout. something like half a banana with some almond butter or a homemade protein bar (http://recipes.sparkpeople.com/recipe-detail.asp?recipe=541619)
  • photojunkie28
    I agree with MissFit. I make sure to put a little food in about 45 min before my workouts (even though most are at 5:30 am) and then I have a hard time eating until at least an hour after as well. Then I get REALLY hungry. If you dont get hungry at all im not sure? I usually end up consuming most of my calories before 2 p.m. and coasting the rest of the night. Same applies for Zumba nights. I eat a little extra before to cover for the fact that I lose appetite afterwards then go to bed. I am new to the high intensity work outs though so it could be adjustments for sure.