eating disorders.

This is a rather sensitive topic... and yes I have suffered from an ED in the past. So, I'd like to take a moment to call out to all the ignorant people who make fun of people for having ED's like it's something that's so easy to control, like "why don't you just eat?" or "you should eat more". It really pisses me off that I have gotten a lot of judgement and negativity on this site, it's ignorant and inconsiderate, I'm on here trying to help myself. so even though you think someone should be eating more, that's THEIR own business. I mean, I get it, many people don't understand Eating Disorders and think it's a load of bs but it's probably one of THE most difficult battles, so to judge someone with an ED or who has previously suffered from one, that's F***** up.


  • Girl, I totally feel you. I've suffered from an ED for about 10 years. Anorexia to BED to full blown Bulimia. Not a fun ride, by any means. I recently started intensive treatment, as my bulimia got really out of control and for the first time in my life I was ready, accepting and willing to tackle the monster. Since being in treatment I've learned so much about this disease (yes, an eating disorder is a disease) and have realized things I never thought I would. I think a part of treatment is to start to put less importance on how other people view you and start having confidence in how you see yourself, but there's still that large part of me that is angry because people don't understand what I'm (and every other ED sufferer) going through. I recently returned back to work and some of my coworkers that were informed as to why I was on medical leave were so ignorant when I got back. One of them even commented on the food I was eating! I wanted to cry. No matter how hard I tried to explain to these people what I was going through, it just doesn't process in their head. Anyway, the point of this was to give you support in your journey to feeling healthy and to tell you that I understand. We eating disorderers stick together;)
  • kittyfrost
    kittyfrost Posts: 54
    Completely right. In my experience, you have to truly want it to change, and it's a very long, complicated process to get better.