chocolate covered zombie elves (questions only)



  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Could it mean your cannon is as hard as a rock?:blushing:

    I was admiring you wasn't I? :blushing:

    did you look? :embarassed:
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    good morning handsome mfp hubby, were you flirty with another while i wasnt looking lol

    good morning beautiful dawn, isnt he just the sweetest?

    yes...Am I in trouble?
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    no, do you know why? because you would enjoy the punishment too much
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    im from the green mountain state, does that mean my mountains should be green?

    would they be the green monsters? Are they related to the one at Fenway?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    no, do you know why? because you would enjoy the punishment too much

    AWE C'MONNNNNNN!!!! Did you catch on to me that quick?
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    did you know i figured you out awhile back?

    do they look like monsters to you?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    would jolly green giants be a better term?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Isnt the Hulk a not so Jolly green giant?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    are you calling the Hulk a boob?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Good morning, my friends!!! How is everyone today?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    are you calling the Hulk a boob?
    Who me, dont you know I wouldnt dare?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Good Morning, Shelia. Did you know I am fine, and yourself?
  • littlemoonsandy
    littlemoonsandy Posts: 1,930
    good morning sheila, did you know im glad to hear your feeling a little bit better
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    morning SoCo, how ya feeling?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    I am feeling better than I did yesterday. Thank you all for asking!!

    Do you thinking taking an "easy" day is a good idea?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Can I say, sweat does a body good?

    Did you know I go by the rule, if you’re sick from the shoulders up, still work out. If you are sick from the shoulders down, take it easy. Did you also know a lot of viruses and bacteria can't live in temperatures over 98 degrees? That explains why I never get sick anymore! I am always at the gym raising my body temperature above that. Sweat baby sweat! (whispers in Pirates ear "sweat")
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Did you know I never heard that rule? I will keep it mind though next time I'm sick. Do you know I don't get sick very much because I take a daily Multivitamin?

    Dawn, you tease!
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    do you know I been working hard?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Did the viagra not wear off from last night Mikey?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Can I say, sweat does a body good?

    Did you know I go by the rule, if you’re sick from the shoulders up, still work out. If you are sick from the shoulders down, take it easy. Did you also know a lot of viruses and bacteria can't live in temperatures over 98 degrees? That explains why I never get sick anymore! I am always at the gym raising my body temperature above that. Sweat baby sweat! (whispers in Pirates ear "sweat")

    Do you know that does make sense?

    However, how is it that my son who is a very active young man got sick over the weekend? (respiratory infection)