chocolate covered zombie elves (questions only)



  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Dawn, do you think this will get Sandy here?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    How can she not come running when you have your cannon out Pirate?
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    the could she not show up now?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Did you polish your cannon yet this morning?
  • garnetsms
    garnetsms Posts: 10,018 Member
    Can I say Thank you MikeyD for accepting the position of my own personal hulk? Can you believe I remember you saying your last name was Oxbig several posts ago?

    OH! Welcome back Elvis!!

    Jamie, don't you know its good to see you girl?

    Pirate, I hope that pulls her out.
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    How can she not come running when you have your cannon out Pirate?

    Mabye she is running in the opposite direction because she can't handle seeing it? do you think her legs are wobbly?
  • MikeyD1280
    MikeyD1280 Posts: 5,257
    Can I say Thank you MikeyD for accepting the position of my own personal hulk? Can you believe I remember you saying your last name was Oxbig several posts ago?

    isn't it catchy?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Pirate, did you point it directly at her? She may have been a little overwhelmed?
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Is it ok to eat lunch early?
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    Shelia, you mind if I said yes to be your personal hulk, AKA Mr. Oxbig,

    When did Elvis even leave the building?

    Leah, are you scared that Dean may mark his territory?? :laugh:

    Dawn, isn't my freaking shirt lost in a vodka bottle somewhere?

    Jamie, what eminem song?

    OHH NOOOO did I meet my question quota?

    Dont you know he can mark his territory anytime he wants? :wink: :laugh:

    Doesn't Dean feel lucky? Maybe he will sarenade you in his low man voice

    lmao Mikey... doubtful...Did you know I am listening to old school hip hop?

    @ leah
    I've heard people say that too much of anythingIs not good for youBaby. But I don't know about thatAs many times as we've loved we shared love and made loveIt doesn't seem to me like it's enoughIt's just not enoughit's just not enough.My Darlin' I can't get enough of your loveBabeGirlI don't knowI don't know vvhyCan't get enough of your loveBabe.

    In my best Barry White did that work out?

    That was almost too good... are you hiding Barry White in there ? :laugh:
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Whats for lunch? Will you talk with your mouth full?
  • mommy2AR
    mommy2AR Posts: 2,802 Member
    old school hip hop huh? what are you listening to?


    is that scary? hahaha
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    Whats for lunch? Will you talk with your mouth full?

    Is it inpolite to type with your mouth full?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Do you still have salt on your fingertips?
  • bigphatcat
    bigphatcat Posts: 7,843 Member
    Do You think maybe someone else should invite Sandy?

    Maybe she is tired of my know something new?
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    If you lick your keyboard, do you still have to log it in your food diary?
  • dinovino_59
    dinovino_59 Posts: 1,700
    did you use up all of your cannon balls on her?
  • WhiskeyCity
    WhiskeyCity Posts: 711 Member
    ...Maybe she is tired of my know something new?

    Do you think Sandy's down with OPC?
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Does OPC stand for Other Pirates Cannons? haha
  • DawnVanSlim
    DawnVanSlim Posts: 10,471
    Do you think we should send Elvis to get Sandy?