The Final Meltdown 9.12.09

smadag1 Posts: 1,368
edited September 20 in Health and Weight Loss
Mornin ladies

I am very disappointed in myself, I have fallen off the exercise band wagon and can not get back on.I am doing good on my cals and water but not my workouts. I know if I want lose more weight I need to start working out again but I just can not seem to get going. It is no ones fault but my own and I am the only one who can get myself going again. I will definatly get something in tonight no matter what it is.


  • Hang in there. No one is perfect all the time. Maybe you got bored with your work outs. Have you tried any fitness classes? There are a lot of ways to get exercise. You can go for a walk, if you find a nice park to go to it won't feel so boring. You can run at a track, bike, swim, etc. On days when I can't hardly get moving I set a mini goal for myself like "I am going to run 2 laps or walk 20 minutes." Usually once I get started it isn't so bad. Enlisting a friend to work out with you would help that way you don't let eachother give up. Good luck.
  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Virtual hug comm'in your way, Smadag!
    I haven't had the best start to the week, in fact, aside from the normal morning miles with the puppy, I didn't make it to the gym yesterday.

    How about this.... can you do something outdoors? Do you have a bike? Perhaps looking forward to a ride Sat morning would help you get back in the mindset.

    We all experience the rollercoaster effects of daily life... you just hit the dip! Write down next week's eexercise goals (the next upturn on the rolloercoaster) and before you know it, you'll be soaring down on the scale again!!

    :flowerforyou: **hugs** :flowerforyou:
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    smadag - relax....don't pressure yourself - if you are doing well with your nutritional goals then you'll be ok - would it be better with exercise - of course but don't lose sleep over it.

    I've been struggling for a month to lose anymore weight...kind of dead in the water - I think I am going to start adding a 20 - 30 minute elliptical to those days I am doing strength training. Scheduling everything is so hard - we work around my workout classes, daughter tennis, son football and baseball, and the PUPPY! I don't want to keep her kenneled all the time so we try to keep her up and out during the day....

    Anyway - I think this is what I am going to do the rest of this week....

    1350 calories eating exercise calories or at least 1/2 of them
    96 oz of water
    Wednesday - Kickboxing 1 hour
    Thursday - strength 1 hour, cardio 30 minutes
    Friday - Rest or walking
    Saturday - RUN
    Sunday - Walking
    Monday - Strength 1 hour, Kickboxing 1 hour
    Tuesday - Walking

    I use walking as my rest day - usually my hubby will go with me. He can't run right now - he's hurt his achilles (sp?) tendon.

    Any suggestions or feedback would be great.....
  • smadag1
    smadag1 Posts: 1,368
    I know I am stil doing alright but I thought I would be farther in my journey than I am so I am disappointed with myself that I have gotten this lazy.
    Maybe I need a new exercise to get going again
  • chrissyh
    chrissyh Posts: 8,235 Member
    I know I am stil doing alright but I thought I would be farther in my journey than I am so I am disappointed with myself that I have gotten this lazy.
    Maybe I need a new exercise to get going again

    Definitely try something new -

    go skating
    jump rope
    play kickball
    hike a trail
    try a new machine
  • fiftyandfit
    fiftyandfit Posts: 349 Member
    GOOD MORNING!! :flowerforyou:

    smadag........know the feeling.......exercise? what exercise???? doing fine w/ food counts and
    water.....but just can't find the motivation to MOVE!!!!

    lleanak and chrissy.........I'm sooooooo impressed by the 2 of you and the commitment not
    only to exercise, but to yourselves! :flowerforyou:

    DD#1 is on the road, am hoping that I'll get back to making myself #1 (very hard for me to do...)
    need to start journaling again why I do the things I do and why I can't do things for myself before
    taking care of others. :grumble:

    Happy Hump Day girls!! :flowerforyou:

  • Ileanak
    Ileanak Posts: 343 Member
    Pam, you are such a cheerleader today!

    This thread and you ladies are such a nice way to have a mental moment to myself at different times of the day.......

    i just spent an hour dealing with my M-I-L, who is a user and a drunk and irresponsible (yes, i can go on).... any-whooo. Since she lives in my DH's house, I have to deal with things as he is deployed.

    So after I finally got her off the phone, I thought I would drop in here to check on the postings. You ladies make me smile... THANK YOU!

    That woman drives me nuts!... thankfully, not to drink... but it will be a sweaty afternoon at the gym to work off someof this frustration!

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