Losing weight and fertility treatments

So I just started and I'm doing pretty well with the program and I'm on schedule for losing the 20 lbs or so that I want to lose.

My concern is I'm starting up fertility treatments again - the reason I gained the weight before and I'm scared about sliding backwards.

Does anyone out there gone through this kind of thing and if so any advice??



  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    No, but if they adjust your hormone level, I can see it happening. Do not get discouraged. Eventually the caloric intake, output will balance out and think how fit you'll be if you get preggo. So much easier to go through a pregnancy when you were fit to begin with (IMHO).

    Cheers and good luck!!

  • logrolls
    logrolls Posts: 3 Member
    I'm currently trying to lose the weight I've just gained from fertility treatments....any updates from you? I need some motivation, because sometimes I feel like I should just give it up until after all this crap...but I know I need to be healthy NOW.
  • crazyellybean
    crazyellybean Posts: 999 Member
    So I just started and I'm doing pretty well with the program and I'm on schedule for losing the 20 lbs or so that I want to lose.

    My concern is I'm starting up fertility treatments again - the reason I gained the weight before and I'm scared about sliding backwards.

    Does anyone out there gone through this kind of thing and if so any advice??


    The main thing about going through treatments and gaining weight is to not let the emotions run your eatings schedule. and to realize it's ok to do moderate exercise well going through them. Most women gain weight because of the hormone fluctuations and the emotional craziness lead them to eating! Log every day and keep an eye on what you eat, make sure to get a walk or other moderate exercise in. You can do it, it's just hard!