Dropping that "Gamer" weight... <3



  • Elen_Sia
    Elen_Sia Posts: 638 Member
    Welcome to MFP, Amy!

    Former hardcore MMORPG gamer here. Gained 30 lbs and then burned out completely after WoW (surprise, surprise!). May return to gaming with MW Online (it's so purdy!).
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    Hey guys, I have been live streaming my workouts on Just Dance, so if you are looking for a quick cardio fix please feel free to work out to my videos. I started to do this in hopes to get more gamers working out and also keep me motivated.

    Soon I will be streaming all kinds of games to work out to.I know you can't score but it's a lot of fun when we do it together and there is a chat room when it is live, but of course you have to tune into the live stream. Here is an example of my last workout on Just Dance Greatest hits, it's usually only a handful of us but the more the merrier. I know you can't score, but at least you don't need the system or game! <3


  • dizzyjojo
    dizzyjojo Posts: 5
    Hi Amy,

    I'm a self-confessed geek and gamer. I spend all day sitting at a desk and when I get home (I also spend 2hrs sitting on a bus every day) I pop the playstation on and get some escapism in.

    I have got Singstar Dance & also Mel B's fitness 'games' but am extremely paranoid about my partner's laughing at me so they rarely come out lol

    I'm sure we can all help each other long, I have 4 stone to lose so I'll need help :-) Good luck everyone, take care xx
  • 00Melyanna00
    00Melyanna00 Posts: 221 Member
    Hello! I am a gamer and I work in the industry.
    I have also been a fan of Frag Dolls for a while now: I love you girls.

    I am still a newbie around here! Currently using Your Shape: Fitness Evolved 2012 to exercise and the MFP food tracker here to make sure I get enough proteins (as I want to get fit, not just a smaller version of my flabby self).
  • mommajolynn
    mommajolynn Posts: 353 Member
    I love WoW, Rift, Borderlands, Batman, and pretty much every awesome game out there.

    I use Your Shape and Just dance. They are so much fun and feel so good.

    feel free to add me anyone. I've already lost 20lbs.. (havent put it in yet for today.. tomorrow is official weigh in day)

    Dream job = your job OP lol
  • ValkyrieFD
    ValkyrieFD Posts: 83
    Hi, so nice to meet you, yay for more gamers!

    I also have your shaped fitness evolved as it is a Ubisoft game as well (I work for Ubisoft). i am focusing on JD now, because I am part of the JD sweat team and it is a ton of fun, but eventually I want to stream all kinds of games and set up a regular work out program for gamers (and even non gamers as I believe anyone can have a good time working out) to have fun to work out to, without having to have all the equipment and games- as well as take it to a social level with live chats and encouragement.

    I have been going strong with my diet and exercise, and truthfully I have already found a whole new lifestyle and outlet for gaming that I love. Glad to see so many the same as me! <3
  • Vailara
    Vailara Posts: 2,454 Member
    I've been gaming for years, but I've made myself take a step back recently to focus on getting fit. It's not the best hobby for getting in shape! It must be even harder if you work in the industry.

    I'm planning to play Guild Wars 2 when it comes out, but it will be very, very casually. I find it too easy to get sucked in and find I've been playing for hours rather than minutes.

    I haven't tried anything like "Just Dance" though. Maybe I should look into combing gaming and fitness :). You seem to have found a way of making exercise fun! Best of luck to you!
  • Bub1971
    Bub1971 Posts: 106 Member
    Feel free to add :smile: