Same 2lbs....

kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
The scale just isn't moving. I am losing and gaining the same 2lbs! I am doing my workouts (3 days lifting, 3 days cardio) and eating within the guidelines (NROL4W).

I was so hoping I could stay with this increase caloric intake, but apparently it's just more than my body needs...sigh. I guess I have to go back to "light" eating again. So not looking forward to that.

A healthy 51 yr old woman that works out should not have to eat like a bird!

Diary is open for those that care to look.

My stats: 5'4", 144/146 lbs, 51 yrs old, workouts out 45 min daily 6 days a week. 1 rest day.


  • JenRunTriHappyGirl
    JenRunTriHappyGirl Posts: 521 Member
    You might not necessarily need to lower your calories, you might just need to change something. I know that in the past my body has "gotten used to" whatever it was that I was doing, so it was not working as well.
  • DyanCB
    DyanCB Posts: 138 Member
    You have been on MFP for more than a year so I am probably going to tell you what you already know. I am going to share what has made a difference for me.

    1 - The scale does NOT dictate progress, it simply is not a good reflection of the changes going on in your body.
    2 - Inches DO dictate - track your measurements - waist, under bust, neck, forearm, hips, bust, thigh
    3 - The combo of cardio and strength training works wonders - even though weight is dictated 95% of what we weigh it is FITNESS that helps show off the progress.
    3 - Track body fat % - in 30 days mine went from 23% to 20.1%. I use
    5 - Take pictures all along the way. What you see in the mirror day-to-day is seen through your own filters - your own eyes. On the other hand, the camera does not lie and will help you to see the truth.

    Again, I barely see the difference on my scale but check my profile - I have photos that show a significant difference in body composition.

    Good luck.
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    You have been on MFP for more than a year so I am probably going to tell you what you already know. I am going to share what has made a difference for me.

    1 - The scale does NOT dictate progress, it simply is not a good reflection of the changes going on in your body.
    2 - Inches DO dictate - track your measurements - waist, under bust, neck, forearm, hips, bust, thigh
    3 - The combo of cardio and strength training works wonders - even though weight is dictated 95% of what we weigh it is FITNESS that helps show off the progress.
    3 - Track body fat % - in 30 days mine went from 23% to 20.1%. I use
    5 - Take pictures all along the way. What you see in the mirror day-to-day is seen through your own filters - your own eyes. On the other hand, the camera does not lie and will help you to see the truth.

    Again, I barely see the difference on my scale but check my profile - I have photos that show a significant difference in body composition.

    Good luck.

    Thank you for sharing. It does help. You make very valid points. Thanks for the calculator.
  • Nelliebird1430
    This has happened to me in the past...SO FRUSTRATING! Try taking your measurments weekly instead of relying on just the scale to show your progress. It has really opened my eyes to how our body can change and get smaller even though the scale isn't showing it! Hope this helps! Good Luck!
  • kel7298
    kel7298 Posts: 1,542 Member
    Yeah, I am definitely going to measure. I haven't done that in a while
  • leslisa
    leslisa Posts: 1,350 Member
    Me: 42 yo woman 5'1"

    I don't think I eat like a bird, more like a vulture and I eat 1000 cals a day. I just eat a lot of low cal choices.

    That being said, since I've hit over 40, the time of day I work out and if I rev my metabolism through the day really effects me. I have to do something in the am prior to breakfast to kick start the metabolism (I do abs and walk my dog about 1/2 - 1 mile at a doggie pace). I also get up and move during the day and try to do stairs for a couple of minutes at least once a day besides my regimented cardio.

    I also drink a boat load of water and decaf green tea.

    Whatever you decide, good luck!!