Motivated to lose weight

bluzenith Posts: 12 Member
Hello my name is Kande. I am 25 years old and struggling to lose weight. I began walking and taking Jazzercise classes, but was recommended this site to track my meals. So far so good. I tracked my meal this afternoon and it was delicious and under 500 calories. So, it was a good meal for me.

What are your tips and tricks that could help me? I would also love to make some friends to motivate me.



  • arcticfox04
    arcticfox04 Posts: 1,011 Member
    Make sure you log your exercise with food. Net Calories should be your main goal. Water is also key make sure you get atleast 8 glasses a day.
  • citygirl4ever
    citygirl4ever Posts: 123 Member
    Feel free to add me. I joined in Jan but got serious in March. I have about 60 pds to lose and this time I am determine to lose the weight and keep it off. We all can support each other.