Just starting today

Well a friend of mine got me in to this site and I am starting today. If anyone has anywords of wisdom or any advice I am ready to hear it. Well about me: I am a 48 year old mother of 7 grandmother of 4 soon to be 6 and I have MS and muscular deterioration, I weigh 435 lbs today and use an electric wheel and I am so tired of not beeing able to walk anymore because of my weight it is unreal. Something has to give. I am a very intelligent pearson, to intelligent to let my life continue this way. My problem is I love food. I eat when I am happy, when Im sad, or especially when I am bored or working at my computer.


  • jmart53
    jmart53 Posts: 47
    Hi there and Welcome. First of all we ALL love food, that's what got us here. This site will help you train yourself to be more aware of what you actually eat. Keeping track of your calorie intake, fat, sodium, carbs etc. It's amazing what you learn. You just have to start stocking your shelfs with healthier snacks. Please friend me if you like, the motivation and support around here is GREAT. Your gonna be happy you joined. I let my friends view my food diary and get helpful hints and advise. I wish you the best on your journey and i hope to be one of your MVP's. Good luck to you.
  • pacarolinagirl
    Welcome! I'm somewhat new here as well. I created an account months ago (could be longer) but I never go serious about "logging" my food & exercise. I was pretty much down last year due to a back injury which resulted in surgery back in Dec. I have become recomitted to my weightloss goal & being fit. I always managed to drop some weight & kind of get off track. Not anymore! I have a goal that I want to hit & I am DETERMINED to do it. I need to do it for me! Feel free to add me if you want.
  • BostonMatt
    BostonMatt Posts: 258

    My advise would be to read around the forums. Lots of smart knowledgable and willin to help people. Post a lot, I find the more I post the more focused I stay.

    Good luck!
  • jeanninecurran
    jeanninecurran Posts: 63 Member
    I just started today, too. I actually joined this site two years ago but never kept up. I rediscovered it today when I decided to get serious. I just found it amazing that when I tracked my food I realized how much i was really overeating. This site makes it so easy to track my daily intake. I'm going to try to do this everyday.

  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    My words of wisdom...stick with it! There will be ups and downs. ZERO of the friends I have recommended this site to actually use it. They all signed up and never really came back. Strange to me that they see it working for me, yet disregard it for themselves. The reality is not everyone is ready and that is ok. Good luck to you!
  • riotsgram
    riotsgram Posts: 24 Member
    Feel free to add me! I just started one month ago and I'm loving it. I joined in January but never really commited. This time I have and the love and support you get is invaluable. Please just take it one day at a time and you can do it. We're all here to help each other.