Gym Membership vs. Tattoo



  • YoungDoc2B
    YoungDoc2B Posts: 1,593 Member
    Definitely go with the gym,you can always get a tattoo at a later date when you reach your goal! That would be a nice reward, IMO. As far as the personal trainer goes, I'd skip it,that's an extra expense that you don't necessarily need. If you're ever confused on starting a routine or whatever, there's lots of free online sources you can use to find what works best for your body. If push comes to shove, you could always ask another gym-goer how to use a specific machine if you don't know how. The gym is a pretty friendly environment, i've found. Besides,when your training sessions are over you're going to have to work out alone and self-motivate yourself anyway without the help of a trainer, so why not start now?
  • Pocket_Pixi
    Pocket_Pixi Posts: 1,167 Member
    It all depends.. are you going to get the gym member ship and go, are you going to get the gym membership and make up reasons as to why you cannot go? if it is the later than I would say go for the tattoo... if you KNOW 100% with out a doubt you will use the gym get the membership.

    For me personally? I would get the tattoo... but thats because I know that I can find ways out of going to the gym and end up wasting the money. That and honestly I cannot get enough of the ink...
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,714 Member
    At 280lbs you'll need help. Unless you have a good grasp at workout form, take the trainer. Can't tell you how many times I'm in the gym and I see people WASTE their time doing exercises that don't apply to them. While crunches are great, if you're abdomen is and waist circumference is really large, it's not the best exercise to choose to strengthen the abs. Better off learning a compound exercise like rows to strengthen not only the back, but learning how to flex and hold a strong core.
    Also see if you can negotiate on the payment plans. Most gyms have a standard plan, but there's usually a "back up" plan if they feel that they have a person close to buying or is on the fence.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • Sissy4EverX3
    Sissy4EverX3 Posts: 247
    Wow. Such great responses and I most surely will make sure to check with the fine print stuff. I actually just learned I have a friend who goes to the Y a lot and offered for me to tag with her a few times just to check it out. So I think I'm going to do that - for now.

    The tat was/is/will be going on my left calf -- nothing big, nothing fancy.. just the Gemini symbol (picture II in balloon shape) with my niece's date of birth at the top (6/19/05) and my date of birth at the bottom (6/15/79) with her name in cross bar and my nickname of "Sissy" in the other. My calves have always been in decent shape - not only from carrying around the heavy duty weight, but also because I worked on my feet in gas stations for over 13 years.. so lots of walking. They're toning up now, but as far as anything else is concerned, I'm thinking its a safe bet to put it there. I wouldn't *dare* put it anywhere else on my body right now do to the losses.

    As for home workout DVDs, I did remember I have 2 that are as still in their original packaging.. I bought the damn things for myself as a Christmas present, then drama hit, I moved 5 times in 4 months... so I'm going ot have to go digging for them. But there's also Netflix, as well. Surely I can find something on there!

    You guys are GREAT.. thank you so much!!!
  • fortyandfab
    You MUST get to the gym. Food is a culprit in the weight game but without exercise, it will take longer to shed those pounds. Also - think about your health. The gym will strengthen and tone your muscles - especially your HEART!!!
  • FitFunTina
    FitFunTina Posts: 282 Member
    Count me in for the membership, too. ESPECIALLY if you are dealing with a plateau. A trainer can help you get out of that.
  • yallcallmedeb
    Gym with personal trainer. As one other poster stated.....getting a tattoo now when you are looking to lose a significant amount more weight might leave you with a saggy tattoo. Wait and do the tattoo when you have lost all of the weight and your skin has tightened up. I want to get another tat so badly but I know that I need to get the weight off first!
  • focus4fitness
    focus4fitness Posts: 551 Member
    While I think people can lose weight with or without a gym, I think having access to a gym really helps. I also think if you're really commited to losing the weight a tattoo is a bad idea at this time because it might get mis-shaped if you lose a hundred pounds or better.
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    As someone who frequents a gym only to use the Personal Training options (I still lack the motivation to get in there on my own!!) I would recommend the gym membership with the PT sessions! A Personal Trainer is an awesome source of motivation and they also show you how to use all the equipment correctly so you don't end up hurting yourself if you're not sure.

    My trainer has me currently doing 3 Weights sessions a week and 2 x 30 min boxing sessions plus 30mins of moderate cardio on the weekends. I would never be where I'm at without her constant support, motivation and at times hassling about being healthy, keeping myself moving and doing the right thing for me!

    100% gym membership from me :D