Is this normal?

TsukiNoMiko Posts: 4
edited September 20 in Food and Nutrition
Due to some bad advice from a health teacher i found out recently that the last few years i have been seriously starving my body (limiting myself to 24 grams of fat a day mostly fruits and veggies) but thank fully I have been corrected as to how much i am supposed to be consuming to go along with what exercise i do and now that I have been eating right and drinking atleast 64 oz of water I have been steadily gaining weight! For example In may i weighed 115 pounds when I found out I was pregnant by the end of june i had unfortunately experienced a missed misscarriage and by the end of that i weighed 120 becuase i couldnt exercise for that period of time (may-july 6) I gained weight.Then in july my doctors put me on the pill and shortly after that i noticed that even though i resumed my exercise regiment (30 min a day 5 days a week) i wasnt losing that 5 pounds i gained.Now within the last week or so i have begun eating the way this program said (1200 cals a day + 435 when I exercise for an hour) i have increased my exercise from a half hour of circuit training to an hour of circuit training and began making sure to drink my 64 oz of water (which befre iwas lucky if i drank 24 oz of water a day) still taking the birth control and im GAINING WEIGHT i weigh almost 124 pounds when i weighed in this morning.Is this to be expected? can somebody please explain why this is happening to me im very confussed and frustrated my old diet was way bad for me but atleast i wasnt gaining weight! Thanks for the help and sorry to sound like a baby but this is just frustrating any advice is appreciated.


  • juliep63
    juliep63 Posts: 84
    You are likely to gain weight on the BCP because you are tricking your body into thinking it's pregnant (i've heard 10-15 lbs is average). I took the Depo Povera shot and gained something rediculous like 30 lbs! (then I gave up and started eating like crap again, which did NOT help the sitation... hence me being on this site).

    If you are looking for birth control that won't make you gain weight, I recommend Mirena. It's an IUD, and since it only affects the uterus, you don't gain weight. Side effects are mild - you bleed a lot for the first month and cramp a bit the first couple of weeks, but then it's business as usual. It's expensive ($400.00) but covered by most medical plans. It can stay in for up to 5 years. Best. Investment. EVER.
  • I know it's not a lot but I wonder if you are actually seeing the weight gain. What I'm thinking part of it is you may just be putting on muscle weight which I'm pretty sure is heavier than fat. I know when I first started working out I gained about 5 pounds in the first couple weeks before I started any kind of loss. I'm sure some of these lovely ladies will have more to say about the pill situation. Curse of being a guy in a woman's world is I can't really answer things from your perspective.
  • April0815
    April0815 Posts: 780 Member
    The only thing the pill will do is make you have more of an appetite. The weight you are showing on the scale can be water weight or gaining muscle. You need to start measuring yourself and don't go scale crazy. Go by how you are feeling and your clothes are fitting. Is it TOM? Give it a lil longer, you said yourself it's only been a week since you started following the rules from this site.
  • I actually tried to get my doctor to do the mirena option for me but they said they wont do it for anyone under 25 or without 2 kids.kinda messed up huh? :) thanks for the you know if the nuva ring also caused weight gain?
  • bethrs
    bethrs Posts: 664 Member
    From my understanding the nuva ring is like the pill, only it distributes (potentially different and in different doses of) hormones internally- so same thing, different delivery. Most likely similar results. Sorry.
  • juliep63
    juliep63 Posts: 84
    My first GP wouldn't let me get an IUD because I was under 25 (I was 17 the first time I asked) and hadn't had children. Years later, I switched GPs, and the second one told me that she didn't want to do it because my cervix wasn't "stretched" enough from childbirth and she would have problems getting it in. She sent me to a gynocologist to have it done. That explaination makes a LOT more sense, so I'm betting that your GP told you that to make you go away... mine did.

    If you request a gynocologist, they can dialate it and put it in for you. It hurts like a b*&^%, but the end result is TOTALLY worth it. My second GP tried to talk me into other birth control, but I point blank told her I didn't like the weight gain and wasn't taking anything else. Just tell your GP that the alternative is him or her delivering a baby for you in 9 months... trust me, they'll give it to you then. :noway:
  • Kelly11
    Kelly11 Posts: 75 Member
    I always gain water weight when I'm on the pill. I've tried many different brands, and I think some people's bodies just handle it differently. I actually feel so much better on the days when I'm on the placebo pills. I have so much less waterweight that it's visibly noticible. If you're not feeling 100% about this pill, try a different brand! Docs are usually pretty good with letting you try a different brand or type. Plus, I also think, once you really get into the swing of things regarding your eating and exercising, you'll start to feel better overall. You've had a hard year!
  • MTGirl
    MTGirl Posts: 1,490 Member
    It could be from the pill. Also, if you have been under-nourishing your body for years, it is programmed to hang on to weight right now. If you keep eating healthy and exercising, your metabolism will catch up. It takes awhile for the "furnace" to get stoked again after it has been starved for fuel for a long time. You will see a temporary gain because of this, but when your body realizes that it is going to get adequate nutrition it will amp up and begin to function better. I would wait about 1 month or 6 weeks and see if the scale starts moving down again. If they don't move down, then maybe look into different birth control. Or if your weight keeps going up like crazy. (like up to 130 or 135)
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