I was watching a woman run a Boot Camp yesterday



  • naugustyniak
    naugustyniak Posts: 836 Member
    My son signed up for the Marines and leaves after high school next June. They have what they call PT (not sure what that stands for) every Wednesday to get them ready for basics. I ask him each time what they did and it sounds WAAAAYYY harder than the "boot camp" you described. To me boot camp is something I would strive to do but probably never could because it should be so hard. I hope that is not the norm.

    PT Stands for PHYSICAL TRAINING .. And don't let him think its like high school where you run the foot ball field a few times.. they work you until you throw up... They never stop doing PT.. My boyfriend is going on 6 years and he Pt's 3-4 times a week and when they deploy he works out even harder... Your son will hate it but it's a wonderful Career

    Right now he is loving it....he has always been very athletic so this is nothing for him.
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    what is plyometrics?

    plyometrics is using short quick, very intense motion to force the muscle to use ALL of it's fibers (or almost all, you can almost never use all the muscle fibers in a muscle). for instance, think about a push up, a plyometric pushup is the same except instead of just pushing back up to the starting position, you push up with as much force as you can muster, very fast, and push up off the ground. Plyometrics are very good for toning muscle, and increasing your coordination and mass to strength ratios (I.E. increase strength without making muscles bigger)

    here is a definition:

  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Maybe they were not in as good a shape as appeared?
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Maybe they were not in as good a shape as appeared?

    I dunno, but if that's the case, then I wouldn't call it boot camp, I'd call it, boot camp lite, or pre-boot camp. :tongue:

    I mean, if I called what she was doing boot camp, I'd feel embarrassed if some other trainer watched me.
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Naw, I excercise to feel good, not puke. :laugh:

    More power to all you knuckleheads though! :drinker:
  • SHBoss1673
    SHBoss1673 Posts: 7,161 Member
    Naw, I excercise to feel good, not puke. :laugh:

    More power to all you knuckleheads though! :drinker:

    Different schools of thought Nina. I'll tell you this though. After 3 or 4 weeks of a real boot camp routine, your body feels AWESOME in general. It sucks DURING the routine, but no more aches and pains when you wake up, no more huffing and puffing up and down stairs, no more feeling run down at the end of the day, etc. You're body just learns how to be more efficient. Everything gets easier, things smell better, you can think clearer, food taste better, the sky is bluer (ok ok, I'm exaggerating on the last couple but you get my drift)
  • NinaDawn79
    NinaDawn79 Posts: 164
    Naw, I excercise to feel good, not puke. :laugh:

    More power to all you knuckleheads though! :drinker:

    Different schools of thought Nina. I'll tell you this though. After 3 or 4 weeks of a real boot camp routine, your body feels AWESOME in general. It sucks DURING the routine, but no more aches and pains when you wake up, no more huffing and puffing up and down stairs, no more feeling run down at the end of the day, etc. You're body just learns how to be more efficient. Everything gets easier, things smell better, you can think clearer, food taste better, the sky is bluer (ok ok, I'm exaggerating on the last couple but you get my drift)

    . . . and food tastes better, you can do math in your head, you're obnoxiously cheerful. . . yeah, I totally hear you, and I seem to be getting all that from my moderate workouts. Nina = CRANKYpants when she misses a regular scheduled WO :grumble:

    Excercise Endorphins = ALL GOOD! But I just am not masochistic enough to work hard enough to puke . . . YET! I strive for that amazing balance of nutrition and movement where I am ENERGIZED by a meal, where going for a walk/jog is like a pot of black coffee, where I can't stop bouncing around the office like a freakin' kangaroo because I just feel awesome.

    However, I do accept that to get the body I want, I am eventually going to have to :gulp: experience some pain. There is a point of diminishing returns, but for now, my "feels GOOOOD" status is enough. (Oh, and hubby digs it too. :blushing: )

    I will totally come back and visit this thread when I get hungry for some blood and tears to go with my sweat though. :wink: