3 days till my wedding... feeling guilty..



  • jenj1313
    jenj1313 Posts: 898 Member
    I agree with all of the above. I just had a friend who got married on June 2 and she had similar feelings. She'd lost some, but didn't get to her goal, and gained a few in the week leading up to the wedding.

    But, she still looked awesome on her wedding day. Her dress was gorgeous, her hair was perfect, the wedding atmosphere was so "her", and most of all, she looked HAPPY!

    Don't beat yourself up... just take a breath and enjoy the ride!

    All the best to you and your hubs.!
  • anels449
    anels449 Posts: 3,187 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I am getting married this Saturday... so only 3 days away. I have put a lot of pressure on myself to look good for the day, and have made quite a few personal goals for myself... those that I have not met. Two years ago I lost about 21 lbs, and ever since, have had a very tough time moving forward. For reference, I am 25 years old.. 5'7", and I stay around 157-160 mostly. I started at 181 lbs. Every time I lose a few pounds and feel good, I screw it up. I wanted to be down to around 150 for the big day... and haven't gotten there. And now that I am only a few days away, I find myself stressed, and turning to some bad foods here and there.. and having a few too many drinks! At this point I just want to feel good, not puffy.. but I am having such a hard time. I just really want to feel good, but I have family coming down in a day or two, and then pre-wedding and wedding celebrations, of course.. so it's tough!

    I don't quite know why I wrote this post.... I think just to vent! I just want to look and feel good about myself, that's all.

    Dude, the last thing people are going to be thinking about at your wedding is "Oh my god she looks so fat!" People will be thinking how gorgeous you look and how great everything is! So you didn't lose *all* the weight you wanted, doesn't matter. The fact that you're working at it and made it this far is phenomenal. And people will see that! Unless they hate you (which...why would they be there in the first place, haha!) they all already love you for who you are, and are there to support you. No need to worry about a little extra poundage. ;)

    And yes, drink lots and lots and lots of water! It'll clear everything out, make your skin look great and your eyes whiter! Don't worry, you're gonna look awesome! :D And have fun! It's your wedding, you should!
  • cheesy_blasters
    cheesy_blasters Posts: 283 Member
    Honestly think you look GORGEOUS. I'm sure everyone there will think the same thing as well :)

    You could always try going to a sauna too. It would be relaxing!
  • go4itjoanna
    go4itjoanna Posts: 69 Member
    Oh Eryn, we are friends on MFP so you know that I know first hand what you are feeling since my wedding is just 2 weeks away.

    First of all you are BEAUTIFUL don't ever forget that. A few pounds up or down is not going to change that. You are stunning, gorgeous, beautiful (and I can bet that your hubby to be thinks that x 1000). So try to stop beating yourself up. You did not make the number you had set in your head... who cares!? I won't either. I don't care and none of my friends and family care. When you are in your dress and your hair & make-up is done you will be so pretty and then add to that the joy you will be feeling? You will be beaming!

    I can share with you what I have planned. 4 days before our wedding our festivities will begin and at that point I am going to put my diet aside. That said I am not going to just eat and drink like crazy cause I do not want to wake up feeling bloated (or have gained) on my wedding day but I do want to enjoy our wedding week since friends and family are flying in from all over the world. I do not want food to occupy my mind.

    I am going to try to avoid (or limit) foods that make you retain water (salt, processed food, alcohol (I will have some just not bottles) ect. and I will keep an eye on carbs. I am also going to drink lots of water just to make sure I flush my system and keep my skin and eyes glowing). I am also going to have a pair of spanx handy if I do feel bloated and just want to pull everything in a little.

    Just try to relax enjoy and don't fall onto food that you know in the long run just will make you feel guilty. You will not loose 6 pounds by saturday but you can make sure that you do not feel bloated and crappy. Take a deep breath and just enjoy every minute of the coming days.

    I can't wait to see photos and hear all about it!
  • luzmidd
    luzmidd Posts: 154 Member
    I agree with the spanx! And just remember to eat on your big day! A good healthy breakfast with protein to keep you going, because you will be super busy, and you don't want to look tired on your pics!