On restricted diet for Kidney Disease - Stage 3

Hello. I'm not on dialysis, and plan on keeping myself stage 3 or above so dialysis is not an issue i need to face. i have the foods i can eat watching protein, sodium, potassium. Anyone else here in the same boat? just wondered how you're doing and any help you can give me, i'd certainly appreciate it. thank you in advance


  • nikncon
    nikncon Posts: 3 Member
    Hello.I just found this site.At my last physical I was told that my GDR was 59. I have not seen nephrologist yet.Appoinment only April 30 2013. I have cut out salt.I need to lose 30 pounds.Any advice.Thanks.nikncon.
  • nikncon
    nikncon Posts: 3 Member
    Hi Andrea.I will see a nephrologist April 30th because my Gfr showed 59 .I have been cutting out salt.I must try to lose 30 pounds.How are you doing?
  • ebk8767
    ebk8767 Posts: 5
    You and I are in the same boat!!! I just had a kidney removed due to cancer and now find out my other kidney isn't doing so well. GFR - 33. It is scarey!!!! Sometimes hard to sleep!! I see my nephrologist 6/17. I saw a nutritionist the otherday and am starting on a renal diet. I hope we can encourage eachother!!!