best workout dvds?

i've hit kind of a rut and i need a workout dvd i can do after i put my daughter down to bed that will burn some extra cals for me. but since money is tight i don't want to waste money buying a bunch of different ones to try them out so i was curious to see what you all have had success with. i would appreciate your input.



  • kimber607
    kimber607 Posts: 7,128 Member
    J/M fat boost metabolism is great and I often see it on sale at Target
  • katelbatel
    katelbatel Posts: 1 Member
    If you belong to Netflix, they have tons of Fitness DVD's that you could try before you buy. Also, our local library system has quite a few for free.
  • PattyTheUndefeated
    PattyTheUndefeated Posts: 302 Member
    Turbo Jam - Fat Blaster is one of my favs. It's under thirty minutes and one of the most intense cardio workouts ever. I can't live without it. AND it's alot of fun.
  • mossmommy
    thanks katelbatel for the library tip, i'll defenitely have to check that out.

    Patty: Turbo Jam looks good but is there any way to get it other than off TV ads?

    Kimber: I'll check Target tomorrow.

    Thanks ya'll. :flowerforyou:
  • lvnascar
    lvnascar Posts: 3,457 Member
    Do you have cable TV or a dish? If so check to see if you have FitTv or ExerciseTv on Demand. They have lots of workouts on there also.
  • AwMyLoLo
    AwMyLoLo Posts: 1,571 Member
    I just got the 30 day shred on for less than $10 including shipping. I have only done Level 1 once but it seems to be good! I love Tae Bo too!
  • metalpalace
    thanks katelbatel for the library tip, i'll defenitely have to check that out.

    Patty: Turbo Jam looks good but is there any way to get it other than off TV ads?

    Kimber: I'll check Target tomorrow.

    Thanks ya'll. :flowerforyou:

    Yes, the ceo of beachbody recommends purchasing any beachbody program through a beachbody coaches website because unlike buying through an infomercial you will get your own personal coach as a free service. I'm a beachbody coach and there are many others on my fitness pal so you have plenty of us to choose from :smile: