My little rant =)

tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
Should I eat more? Should I eat less? I think this "eat more to weigh less" is stupid! I think you should "eat more to weight less! Blah. Blah. Blah

You know what, stop treating your body like it's exactly like everyone else's. If you are stuck, or want to try something new, then try something new. Who knows, maybe upping your calories will help your body to lose some weight and get over your plateau, maybe it won't, give it a shot.

Should you eat your exercise calories back? Try doing the opposite of what you are currently for a couple of weeks, see how you feel and how the scales and measurements agree with it.

For me, I have to plan ahead if I am going to workout, and eat more throughout the day. I always eat all of my calories back, otherwise I don't feel well, and cannot perform up to my highest levels. I have been around a 1800 cals/day for a while now (MFP suggestion for 1lb/week) and have found that it has worked out good for me. Being that I'm 6'2" tall and am down to around 197lbs, these 1200-1400 cals/day diets that I see wouldn't work for me. I tried them out, but it's like running a monster truck on 5 gallons of gas, it just wasn't enough fuel.

Get out there and explore, find what's right for your body! Your body is unique, experiment (with healthy solutions), you never know what you'll find out about yourself!

I'm done, have a great day all!


  • iLoveMyPitbull1225
    iLoveMyPitbull1225 Posts: 1,690 Member
    feel better now? lol

    sometimes you just gotta say it.
  • holligo_lightly
    like! everybody's different....
  • shaazzap
    shaazzap Posts: 18
    I hear ya! Yes if theres one thing ive learnt over the last several months....everyone is different!! And reacts differently to different diets :) x
  • macpatti
    macpatti Posts: 4,280 Member
    So, we shouldn't ask each other for suggestions? We shouldn't be curious about what has worked for others? What's the point of a support group if people are going to post rants about people needing advice?
  • Captain_Tightpants
    Captain_Tightpants Posts: 2,215 Member
    I don't think that was a rant, it was just good smart advice.
    If you do what you always did, you'll get what you always got.
  • lthomas2541
    Excellent rant!
  • Goofy076
    Goofy076 Posts: 287 Member
    HAHA well said .. people forget every body is different and what works for one will not work for you too so you need to test and adjust as you go haha
  • lorib75
    lorib75 Posts: 490 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you! I get tired of everyone thinking that THEIR WAY is the best way. NICE POST!!
  • jpinge
    jpinge Posts: 71 Member
    Perfectly said!!!
  • Excellentia
    Excellentia Posts: 182
    What you said!
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    So, we shouldn't ask each other for suggestions? We shouldn't be curious about what has worked for others? What's the point of a support group if people are going to post rants about people needing advice?

    People ask these sorts of questions and completely dismiss about half the MFP populations opinions before they've given it an opportunity to work eg the recent thread about how they don't think eating more to weigh less will work.
    There is a difference between asking for support and telling people that you disagree with what they are doing
  • workinonmyfitness2
    workinonmyfitness2 Posts: 7 Member
    I agee!
  • mrsjs140
    mrsjs140 Posts: 15
    I agree 100%. I have tried only eating 1200 calories of what people like to call "clean eating" and it's not for me. I was at a stand still doing it perfectly, and when I wasn't doing it perfectly I was gorging myself with foods that I wanted but felt that I couldn't have. I finally said enough is enough. I changed my style of eating exactly what I want clean or not at the 1 pound loss for me...which is just under 1500 calories a day. Since then I have lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks...WITHOUT EXERCISE!
    In order for me to be successful I have to enjoy what I'm eating and I have to feel like I have actually put food into my body. Now, I do feel that exercise is important I just haven't started doing it yet. I'm gun shy from a previous injury/surgery. I'm working on building up the guts, but do intend to add it later.
    I think everyone has to decide what is the right path for them. You have to be happy and satisfied or you'll never stick through it.
  • JustJennie1
    JustJennie1 Posts: 3,843 Member
    *sigh* Unfortunately people still aren't going to listen. I'm with you. It frustrates me when people say "THIS is the way it has to be! You HAVE to eat 1800 calories a day and eat all of your exercise calories back otherwise you'll starve to death!" Or "You MUST eat 6 small meals throughout the day otherwise you will starve to death!"

    I've tried the 6 meals and it didn't really work out for me (although at the time I did it I was NOT working out as hard as I am now). I was also eating close to 1,200 calories/day up until a few weeks ago when I decided to switch things up a bit and increase my calorie intake to 1,500 (which I just started and I'm honestly having a hard time hitting that goal right now) and up the workouts. I'll see how this pans out and how my body reacts to it.

    It's all trial and error. What I think people don't understand is the fact that everyone is different. What works for you might not work for me and vice versa. Listen to your body, play around with your food intake/exercise etc. and see what works for YOU.
  • mandimuscles
    mandimuscles Posts: 107 Member
    I totally agree!! The same thing doesn't work for everyone, just try something already! If it doesn't work or you plateau, try something else!!! Everyone seems to have their opinions of "you're doing this wrong" or "I need to follow you exactly" but to me if it works, it works, if it doesn't, move on and try something new! :) There's my rant for the day!
  • tigerlily8045
    tigerlily8045 Posts: 415 Member
    To add to your little rant, If you are going to change it up, give it some time. holy smokes, you can't drop calories and then eat tons of calories or vice versa and expect to lose 10 lbs in 2 days.... Sheesh.

    There is certainly not 1 way to do things and people are here for lots of different reasons and on lots of different plans whether to be a body builder or just lose weight in general.

    Take it all in and decide what is right for you and if you want to try something new. Educate yourself and ask how "clean eating" works or how EMTLM works or Whatever.
  • sharleengc
    sharleengc Posts: 792 Member
    With nothing else working and a seemingly endless, i finally gave in and upped my calories by 133. I didn't want a big jump, just big enough to try it. I decided to give it a month for my body to adjust and see what happened since I know it's not a quick change. Well, I didn't really see any change, mostly that I just stayed steady.

    However, this week, I started a "Latin Party Pack" of Dance off the Inches. It comes with a 30 day plan for the 4 workouts. I've only done 3 days but this has TOTALLY jump started the plateau. Since I started this, I've lost 2 lbs and that's eating probably about half of my calories back. I try for all but sometimes it just doesn't happen if I already have dinner planned out...

    So, while upping my calories didn't hurt didn't really help either. Changing from running to this workout system has totally made the difference.

    I agree. Everyone is different. Don't be afraid to try something new because what works for some may not really make a difference either way for you.

    The only advice I really have is that if you change something, make sure that you give it time to work. Changing something in weight loss can take your body to adjust so you aren't going to see immediate results.
  • tony2009
    tony2009 Posts: 201 Member
    So, we shouldn't ask each other for suggestions? We shouldn't be curious about what has worked for others? What's the point of a support group if people are going to post rants about people needing advice?

    Okay, first, please don't take things out of context without trying to conceptualize what I'm actually trying try to say in my posts.

    Research is never a bad thing, I'm not saying not to ask for advice. Where did I say, NEVER ASK FOR ADVICE YOU IDIOTS! What I'm saying is that there are too many people who are doing what your saying and turning a support group into a, I know what's best for you group. Why must you read into only part of my rant and not the other? As the top states, it's just aggravating to read a post like, eat more to weigh is bogus. While, in fact, it does work for some people. Maybe it didn't for them, so therefore it must be bogus for all.
  • kwin91
    kwin91 Posts: 128
    I agree with this alot. I also agree that some people want advice. I know what has been workings for me, and I stick to about 1200-1300 calories a day and I burn 300 and I don't eat back my calories. Why? Because I feel full. I don't need a lot of calories, which is what got me where I was in the first place, I overate.
  • delmc1
    delmc1 Posts: 331 Member
    great rant :mad: :mad: :mad:
    .totally agree on this.since i started mfp i have tried a few different things to help me .some worked others i gained , i still ask for advice concerning training when i'm stuck .
    advice is free .you can take it or not