eating too much?



  • southernpurplevegan
    southernpurplevegan Posts: 48 Member
    Are you kidding???? You need more food not less. Your may not even be at your BMR just to sustain living. Cal. your TDEE and BMR to determine how much you should be eating. 1000-1200 is not enough.


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  • vnherald
    vnherald Posts: 1
    If you are exercising that much, it is probable that you are gaining muscle weight, which is heavier that fat weight. And I don't think your aren't eating enough to sustain that much exercise...which causes your body to store foods so that it doesn't starve.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    hey guys.
    think im eating too much in a day can anyone help out this is an idea of what i eat in a day
    2 slices of wholemeal toast
    mid morning snack- apple
    lunch- piece of fruit and low fat soup
    mid afternoon snack- fruit and a low fat granola bar
    dinner time- weight watchers ready meal with veg
    im eating my full calorie allowance on the food tracker
    but last time i tried doing this i gained weight im really worried that its going to happen again maybe i should aim for 1000 calories instead of 1200 ?
    I agree with those who say you need to eat more protein, and more calories overall.

    Instead of two slices of toast, one slice and an egg or two.
    Add a string cheese stick or a tablespoon of almond or peanut butter to that mid-morning apple.
    Some Greek yogurt with the afternoon fruit instead of the granola bar.
    Not sure about the WW meals, but a lot of those prepacked deals tend to be high in sodium - maybe grill or bake some chicken or fish with fresh herbs and lemon along with your veg.

    I would definitely not go down in your calories, especially if you're exercising. Gotta fuel that body! :smile:

    I would definitely check out the tools at - calculators to figure your body fat, goal body weight, calories and BMR. Lots of good info there, and can seem overwhelming at first, but read through it - it's your health and it's worth it. :flowerforyou: