
Sassy922 Posts: 399 Member
Today's Groupon is for Pole Dancing classes, and it got me thinking that I would like to supplement one of my running days with a different kind of fitness activity. So instead of buying classes, I decided to check out what my gym has to offer.

Yoga is pretty much the only class on the list that I have an interest in and have not tried.

Can you give me any tips, comments, yays, or nays about yoga, please?

Thanks I appreciate the help.


  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    If it's free at your gym, what do you have to lose?

    Also, many studios offer a free first class.
  • artbkward
    artbkward Posts: 238 Member
    I've always enjoyed yoga classes at my gym. There are many types of yoga, some more strenuous than others but they will all help your balance and flexibility, which are very important.

    Don't get discouraged if you can't do all the moves right away, some take time.
  • MoveTheMountain
    Today's Groupon is for Pole Dancing classes, and it got me thinking that I would like to supplement one of my running days with a different kind of fitness activity. So instead of buying classes, I decided to check out what my gym has to offer.

    Yoga is pretty much the only class on the list that I have an interest in and have not tried.

    Can you give me any tips, comments, yays, or nays about yoga, please?

    Thanks I appreciate the help.

    Yoga is fantastic, and there are many different types. Yoga is a full body workout that yields a ton of benefits aside from burning calories: strength, flexibility, awakening muscles we didn't know we had, and it really is very meditative. It never fails that about an hour after I do a solid yoga set, I feel this weird, positive glow every place. I know, that sounds wacky, but it really is true.

    Hatha yoga (also sometimes called 'gentle yoga') is great for stretching and getting your zen on, and you'll feel great after you do it. Even among yoga workouts, this one probably burns the fewest calories, but it's usally the best for focusing on flexibility and state of mind. You tend to stay in the poses for a long time. If your gym just lists their yoga classes as 'yoga', this is probably the one they do. And even though it's gentle, it's still very beneficial - 'gentle' just means that you're not racing through poses, doing pushups in between vinyasas, etc. Hatha yoga builds strength and balance, too.

    Bikram, or 'hot' yoga, generally follows a set sequence of poses that you do twice, in a very hot room. Some people really love, and you'll sweat a ton; but it's really still not huge on burning calories. The focus of bikram/hot yoga is to detoxify your body through lots of sweat. (Bring a lot of water.)

    Ashtanga/Power/Vinyasa yoga is the best for burning calories, but it's not really as zen as Hatha yoga. You tend to move through the poses more quickly, and there's a lot of emphasis on strength building. You definitely get a great stretch in, as well. Personally, this is my favorite, but an hour of this still only burns about 450 calories for me.

    Here's a link that also talks about different types of yoga:

    For people who use yoga as their only form of exercise, it seems to be that 90 minutes daily is the benchmark. But to supplement what you're already doing, to maintain flexibility and give yourself a great feeling in mind and body, even half an hour can do the trick, just a few times a week.

    In the event that you don't really gel with the classes at your gym, don't give up. There are also a number very good, very cheap DVDs you can get if you'd like to get a feel for different lengths/types of yoga workouts. I never take classes, but I've built a library of about 20 DVDs (not including the ones I've given away to friends) that I cycle through. All you need is a floor, a mat, and a DVD player, and you're on your way. I like the privacy, and the quality of the instruction on lots of these is really excellent - read the reviews on Amazon before you buy.

    I hope this helps!
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Yoga is relaxing yet taxing on your muscles in a stretching sense. It is great way to stretch your muscles while getting a good workout in. Enjoy it doesn't hurt to try