Whats so good about being 19 anyway ?!?!

When I was a teenager I thought that it was pretty stupid for people to be worried about turning 30, but as I'm only a few weeks away from my 30th birthday I've been seeing things differently.

Anyway, when I was jogging this morning I crossed the point which marks 5km and (while still running) I realised that its not only the furthest I've run since I've started trying to lose weight, its the furthest I've run in my entire life!

This got me thinking about myself one decade ago at 19, and I'm obviously stronger, healthier and faster than I was back then, but more than that, I'm smarter, more confident, more likeable, I have a better sense of humour, better relationships and am overall, and most importantly, much happier than I was then- and 19 is apparently supposed to be a peak in a person's life!

It made me realise that I haven't peaked yet at all, and I'm obviously still very naive if I think that turning 30 is in any way old or the end of something.

I ended up running 4 miles this morning - just over 6kms. It took me about 15 seconds to get my breath back and I walked home feeling fantastic! Monday is weigh day and I can't wait to see the scales :happy:


  • lulabellewoowoo
    lulabellewoowoo Posts: 3,125 Member
    Awesome post!!! I feel the same way. My almost 9 year old daughter took a Zumba class with me the other night. She plays basketball, all legs, and very active. And yet, she was out of breath and I was still bouncing around at 34 years of age. Youth doesn't have to be wasted on the young. To me, for my 30s, I realize that I may have to work just a little harder to keep extra pounds off, but I'm wiser and know how to do it properly and can run farther, climb higher, and feel better... and appreciate all those things and not take them for granted.

    Congrats on your 6kms! That's extremely impressive. Kiss those 20's goodbye with a bang, because 30s can and will definitely be YOUR time. Keep up the great work.
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    I'm just incredibly impressed (and slightly jealous) that you girls are so fit already when you're both just beginning your weight loss journey. Imagine how fit you'll be when you reach your final goals!
  • happygirl518
    happygirl518 Posts: 270 Member
    :flowerforyou: Wow love your post!!!! I can tell you that when I turned 30 you would have thought I was having a mid life crisis. It really bothered me, and all I can think is that I really liked being in my 20's, I was having the time of my life. Now I did get past it, turning 40 didn't bother me, heck at 42 to my surprise and remarried I had a baby (thinking all the while I was done having children, but oh what a blessing she has been). The joy and appreciation that comes with having a child later in life. I love it. Well I am 51 now, my hair is totally gray, little heavier than I like, menopause and all that jazz, but I'm lovin life, really lovin it.
    I can't help but envy your success, and yet I am glad to share in the knowledge that its never too late to take care of ourselves and be the best we can be.........its as simple as placing one foot in front of the other!!!!! I wish you much continued success........:drinker: to your health
  • hasiangirl
    hasiangirl Posts: 1,613
    i dunno i miss being 18-19....but then again those were fun years.....my friends and i had no responsibilities and did stuff 24/7.....and i was the most fit in my life at that age too .........the sad part being 19 wasnt that long ago, but it feels like ages ago
  • Poison5119
    Poison5119 Posts: 1,460 Member
    My thirties, too, were wonderful. Wait til you're in your forties!! :wink:
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    ahhh - 19... the best years of my life. Seriously. I had just retired from being a gymnast, I was hot, I was carefree, I didn't have any responsibilities.
    So far my 30's have been stressful. I've gotten married (33) seen my dad through two cardiac surgeries, bought 2 houses, and had 2 children. I'm hoping the last 2 years of my 30's will give me less stress and happier memories.... Because really, they've sucked hard.
  • CPBC
    CPBC Posts: 12
    Carefree but naive is clearly the right description. You also lack the resources to enjoy life to its fullest, I'm not talking about financial but emotional resources.

    As you 'mature' you stop worrying about what others are thinking and just get on with living, the best thing one can do for themselves is to be comfortable in their own skin - how can you love life or anyone else if you don't love yourself?

    As far as it being all downhill from 30, 40 or 50....thats BS!!

    In the past 9 months myfitnesspal has helped me keep on track as I prepared for the biggest challenge of my lifetime. I spent the month of July, and my 53rd birthday, with my 22-year old son mountaineering in beautiful British Columbia, Alberta and Montana. Something I have never done and a spectacular experience that I know I will repeat. Happy to share my experiences with you through my blog at www.mountainhighbc.com

    Life can be over at any age...if YOU give in....
  • LisaZaugg1976
    LisaZaugg1976 Posts: 1,144 Member
    I like being 19 too but that was because at that age my weight was not issue did not become issue until I was married and been struggling with it since then. But having this website has really opened my eyes a lot!!!
  • cyndijoy
    cyndijoy Posts: 27
    I dunno about being 19 either. I had one baby at 19 and another at 20.:blushing: I was incredibly naive at that age. I like knowing what I know now, although I'd rather be the weight I was then....lol. I remember thinking I was SUCH a heifer when I was wearing size 13's. That cracks me up...I WISH I was a 13 again! And hopefully will be again someday.
  • HealthyJess88
    HealthyJess88 Posts: 199 Member
    When I was 19 I was the same body size and shape I am now, overweight and squashy. I was in college and living off pizza, lollies and alcohol, sleeping til midday and only stumbling the few yards from my flat to uni or the pub. I look at photos and I think, that CANNOT have been the prime time of my life. I'm sure a lot of people can relate to that! Sure, college was amazing in terms of friends, fun, no responsibilities and parties...

    but I'm NOT going to be that typical 28 year old who just never got skinny again after the freshman 15 (or 30...). I know I'm only 21 now, 19 wasn't that long ago, and I'm going to find a way to work exercise into my daily working life.

    Does anyone else get as excited as I do, imagining how hot I wanna look at the end of this? I think about having a slinky waist or the "lara croft fit body but big boobs" combo and I'm like "I CAN'T WAIT!"

    The only problem is getting there! :laugh: cheers to being better at 21 or 28 or 35 or 46 or 53 or 60 than we were at 19.
  • RecliningFigure
    RecliningFigure Posts: 214 Member
    Why do we worship 19? Is it because it's only 1 year after legal? Or is it because it's barely out of puberty? Is it because these young girls are vulnerable and often uncomfortable in their skin (I was, even though I was under 100 lbs when I was that age). Perhaps it's not a female perspective, but one built more from a male gaze?

    Today at 44, I am more in control, smarter, healthier, fastest, and yes, I take up more space and I have no problem with that. What I don't have (that I did when I was 19) are the overwhelming feelings of inadequacy or being intimidated. I am rarely intimidated these days. I am comfortable with who I am and I rarely let others make me feel bad by their judgement of me. And I can overcome pretty much anything today, better than I could have at 19.

    So what is the deal with 19 year olds? It has nothing to do with actual 19 year olds. Is it because the ideal skinny body types are in all the fashion magazines are associated with that age? Or because they are shown to us as the ideal in commercials and sell us our shared values and sense of desire?

    If you're interested, you might want to rent the documentary "Killing Us Softly." There are several versions, but the most recent lecture is 1999 (vol. 3 I think), so it's more relevant. I show this to my women's history class on women, image, and the media. It's an eye opener, but for the many experienced members here, it may not be surprising.

    So to all you beautiful women who take up some space, like me, who are interested in improving their health, I raise my tall glass of water to you. In a world where the images around us belittle what we should be praising: strong older women, and yes, it gets better and better as you get older. Look at our site, look at the awesome members here. These stars (women and men) who give of themselves to the community their expert advice, they are my inspirations. You guys are awesome!
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    When I was a teenager I thought that it was pretty stupid for people to be worried about turning 30, but as I'm only a few weeks away from my 30th birthday I've been seeing things differently.

    Anyway, when I was jogging this morning I crossed the point which marks 5km and (while still running) I realised that its not only the furthest I've run since I've started trying to lose weight, its the furthest I've run in my entire life!

    This got me thinking about myself one decade ago at 19, and I'm obviously stronger, healthier and faster than I was back then, but more than that, I'm smarter, more confident, more likeable, I have a better sense of humour, better relationships and am overall, and most importantly, much happier than I was then- and 19 is apparently supposed to be a peak in a person's life!

    It made me realise that I haven't peaked yet at all, and I'm obviously still very naive if I think that turning 30 is in any way old or the end of something.

    I ended up running 4 miles this morning - just over 6kms. It took me about 15 seconds to get my breath back and I walked home feeling fantastic! Monday is weigh day and I can't wait to see the scales :happy:

    Here's some even better news: If you keep up with a healthy lifestyle, in many ways 40 is even better!

    50: not necessarily bad, but you realize you are past your peak ;-(
  • Hannah_Banana
    Hannah_Banana Posts: 1,242 Member
    Nineteen was only two years ago for me, so I don't really have much of a scope. I also had a husband, a newborn, bills, responsibilities and a masters degree to finish.

    I can definitely say that 21 is better than nineteen. (And I don't drink so that has nothing to do with it.) Life at 19 is HARD. You have no direction in life, you are coping with that transition from childhood to adulthood, you have no financial resources (and sometimes if you do, you're too irresponsible to do the right thing with them), you are still trying to escape that high school mentality that the most important thing in life is sex.

    I see getting older as relaxing compared to that mess. You are comfortable with yourself and your life settles into a routine. Routines aren't bad - they allow you to accomplish things that you would never have been able to living the crazy life of a 19 year old. :wink:

    In conclusion, you don't have to be 30, or 40 or even 70 to appreciate not being 19 anymore. :laugh:
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Ahh...but if we could be 19 and know what we know now. :tongue: You're right though, I wouldn't go back to being the naive, silly 19 year old Brenda for anything. I'm 36, and just figuring the important things out now!
  • BrendaLee
    BrendaLee Posts: 4,463 Member
    Here's some even better news: If you keep up with a healthy lifestyle, in many ways 40 is even better!

    50: not necessarily bad, but you realize you are past your peak ;-(

    Who says? Society? Screw 'em. :tongue:

    Here's a cool site that lists things people at your age (any age) accomplished.
  • ivykivy
    ivykivy Posts: 2,970 Member
    At 19 I said whatever. At 30 I say whatever and mean it. I can't wait to get to 40.:flowerforyou:
  • Azdak
    Azdak Posts: 8,281 Member
    Here's some even better news: If you keep up with a healthy lifestyle, in many ways 40 is even better!

    50: not necessarily bad, but you realize you are past your peak ;-(

    Who says? Society? Screw 'em. :tongue:

    Here's a cool site that lists things people at your age (any age) accomplished.

    By "peak" I was only referred to specific athletic accomplishments. I don't set arbitrary age limits, but I don't think I am ever going to beat the 5K PR I set back when I was 27.
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