Date Weight

so, my bf takes me out to eat a lot and lets me order whatever i want. he cooks for me as well and we snack a lot. i'm not really complaining, hes a great bf, but i don't want to gain anymore weight.

how do i stop this? i know its about self control, but its kind of hard when he busts open a bag of cookies while we are watching tv. i've even been buying him snacks too and sharing them with him. i'll show up with a food present. what makes it even worse is that hes really really skinny and he eats A LOT.


  • Ritzbrit
    Ritzbrit Posts: 211 Member
    Ah sounds like my bf. He is skinny and has a crazy, good metabolism. He doesn't eat fruit and the only veggies he eats is corn and potatoes. His favorite foods are chips and cookies and drinks lots of pop. I've gained 30 pounds in the past 4 years we've been together because I thought I could eat what he can. Nope.

    For the most part with my healthier life style it's been easy because he is really supportive. Since we live together we go grocery shopping together. I get my healthy stuff and he gets his crap.

    Weekends tend to be the biggest challenge because we go out to eat or he likes his fast food. If it's fast food, I get a salad or make sure I have room for the calories. If it's at a sit down restaurant I look up menu ahead of time for a healthier option.

    My bf loves to cook as well. Most of the time now we cook our own dinners but still eat together. If I decide to eat something he cooks I take smaller portions or maybe have the meat but skip the mashed potatoes. It is all about moderation and self control, including your snacks. It was hard at first because I would love to have the chips he's having but now I just don't. It gets easier!
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    It all comes down to your own personal willpower. You just NEED to STOP buying the food presents. STOP buying the unhealthy snacks. And when you go out to eat, order sensibly. My husband eats what he wants to, but I can't let HIS choices affect MINE. Plain and simple.
  • steelyjoe22
    steelyjoe22 Posts: 40 Member
    I have the same problem, but opposite genders . . . my girlfriend can eat whatever she wants, whenever she wants. It's genetic - her 82 year old grandfather eats twice as much as I do, and is all skin and bones.

    When going out to eat, I've been trying to cut down on caloric beverages - 1 beer instead of two, no soda, etc. I also now always plan on taking half of my entree home with me and eating it at work for lunch the next week. That saves money and calories :-)

    When cooking at home, I've made my intentions of losing weight clear, and she is very supportive. We've been cooking things that are more healthy, and again, save some for lunch during the week.
  • montana_girl
    montana_girl Posts: 1,403 Member
    Completely sympathize... I had lost 80 pounds when I meet my BF (now Hubby) and gained 30 back over the course of a year. Granted it wasn't all "date weight" because I had family drama going on in my life as well (I'm an emotional eater).

    Not sure what advice to give... I eventually "plateaued" for a year or so, then I started getting serious about the weight loss again.

    Just keep working at it and eventually something will click. Maybe try explaining to him your frustration, bring "healthy" snacks, and ask him if he would be willing to try some lighter versions of the meals he enjoys cooking. My hubby finds it a challenge to convert favorite meals into a lighter but just as tasty version. It doesn't always work, but he sure enjoys the challenge! :laugh:
  • Suggestions= cut apples in half and put a little bit of brown sugar on them then pop them in the oven for a few minutes for snacking while watching a move. Its like 70 calories for the apples and the are delicous! For present food, bring something healthy. I am in the same boat with my bf. I gained 40 pounds in the past couple months since we moved in together. plus i just had twins last jan, so that doesnt help. take him places you can go for a coupe stroll or hiking. Try to stay away from where food is. =D Good luck!
  • GasMasterFlash
    GasMasterFlash Posts: 2,206 Member
    Pretty obvious that he's trying to sabotage you. What other reason could there be? This happened to me. My ex-wife was making me fatter because it helped her feel better about cheating on me with a thinner guy. You should check his text messages, email and Facebook immediately.
  • DrKittyCat
    DrKittyCat Posts: 108
    I was so skinny when I met my boyfriend, but after living together for four years, I put on 40 pounds and he stayed muscled and fit. Which isn't fair because he eats way more than me! He doesn't want me to lose weight either! I had to convince him that I was losing weight for my OWN happiness, not him, and now he totally supports me and keeps me on track.