30 day shred vs. Tae Bo

I am going to really get back into exercising when school is out. I am a teacher and Friday is our last day of school. I have always loved Tae Bo and have many of his dvd's to work out at home. I have a 8 month old and two and half year old so I can work out during afternoon naps. I am curious which would be better for me to do. I do not own the 30 day shred yet, but saw on amazon is is less than ten dollars. Anyone have some advice for me? I plan to work out M-F.


  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    They are both very good. If you are tight on time, do 30 Day Shred. The Tae Bo dvds I have tend to run 45min up to and 60min.