Another newbie

Hi everyone,
I'm Maureen. My husband actually turned me onto MFP. He downloaded the app last night and started telling me all about it. So I decided to join this morning.
I've tried losing weight on my own and telling everyone on Facebook. I was able to keep track for a few months and lost about 17lbs. Then I stopped and gained it all back +10lbs.
I'm on three different meds for my high blood pressure. And if anything, I just want off the meds!!
I'm hoping the lose enough weight to feel healthy, and so that when I roll out of bed in the morning my feet will stop hurting.
My hubby has finally realized that he needs to also lose weight, so hopefully this time, now that I have support at home, maybe we can both do it.
I'm planning a vacation for the two of us next September and hope that by then I would have reached my goal, and he his. It will be great to finally be at a decent weight and not be self-conscious about my looks.

Looking forward to talking to people on this site, making new friends and sharing the positive (and negative) steps I make!