I can already tell this is going to be a problem...



  • fabandfunat51
    fabandfunat51 Posts: 117 Member
    Fyi a Diabetic eating plan is VERY healthy and balanced. Not something to be wary of, but a great way to get good carbs and lean proteins into your diet. Even sweets - its about watching carbs not sugar. Good Luck!
  • lmarshel
    lmarshel Posts: 674 Member
    My calorie allowance for maintenance is about 1500. After I add in my exercise cals for the day, I usually end up eating about 2000-2100 calories each day. My carbs look like they run between 200-250g every day. I don't really try to stay within a specific range...that's just where they end up. Feel free to take a look at my diary to see where those carbs come from, if you like. Mostly they are bread, cereals, fruits & veggies and sweets. One bowl of cereal can be 50g of carbs, so it doesn't take long to make it over the 200 mark.

    And remember that you don't have to eat a specific number of carbs every day. The figure is just a limit. If you only eat 200, should be no big deal.

    Congrats on the baby, and best of luck to you! :)
  • p0pr0cksnc0ke
    p0pr0cksnc0ke Posts: 1,283 Member
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    I was very overweight (okay, obese) during all 3 of my pregnancies. Each time the doctor's told me they would not be concerned if I lost weight durning the pregnancy, they would actually be happy.

    My mother successfully lost 100 lbs while pregnant with me. The doctors weren't concerned as long as she didn't lose more than 4 lbs in a week. Poprocksncoke isn't worried about her losing weight. She is concerned about the OP stressing out about what she is consuming. Stress isn't any better for the baby than junk food. The OP seems to be making this more complicated than it has to be. Either that, or the nutritionist did.

    HEYYYY at least someone on here can read and comprehend! Derp! :flowerforyou: :smooched:
  • marieautumn
    marieautumn Posts: 932 Member
    your doctor probably suggested a diet such as that because you run the risk of getting diabetes since you are over weight AND it runs in the family. so i would listen to your doctor instead of trying to figure it out yourself.
  • Bearman45
    Bearman45 Posts: 46
    Don't give up! Ditch the "diet" if you like but don't give up your wish to become healthier. If it's all overwhelming, then just keep using MyFitnessPal to record what you do eat. Try to reduce your sugar intake first, and record your weight every few days. Doing just that will allow you to look back at your logs and start to learn which foods affected your weight and which ones didn't.

    We're all different, and you'll be surprised by which foods affect you and don't.

    I was overwhelmed too. But you can get past it. For me it was about educating myself. I watched a video called "Hungry For Change" and it was a real eye opener for me. Google it.

    Reduce sugar, use this site, and think about how getting healthy will benefit your kids!
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    It doesn't sound like she is, it sounds like she doesn't want to go overboard. No one needs to gain crazy amounts weight while pregnant. I gained 12 lbs with my first pregnancy and had a healthy 7 lb 14 oz baby and I only weighed 112 lbs pre-pregnancy.

    on a 3rd time around pregnancy.. its par for the course to know you are going to gain some weight and you also know what you ate the previous times that made you gain the unwanted weight.

    Eating healthy, non processed, well balanced meals while pregnant is ideal. Stressing over everything you put in your mouth (giggity) and worrying about macros while pregnant is adding unnecessary stress.

    Or, following a plan outlined by a doctor and nutritionist which provides plenty of caloric intake for the mother and fetus while promoting general health and possibly preventing gestational diabetes......yeah, I think that might be a better idea than "eating healthy" and saying "know you are going to gain some weight".

    Leave it to the doctors and professionals people......not the internet!

    Obviously, the plan is not working for her. Believe it or not, being pregnant doesn't mean that your choice no longer matters. The OP should revisit the nutritionist to work out a more manageable meal plan.
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member
    If I were you, I'd listen to them. If you ignore it, you may have full blown gestational diabetes. This is a risk the bigger you are when pregnancy begins... and it's no fun to eat THAT diet! O.o What's worse--my mother had GD, which s later resulted in full blown diabetes type II. Which is now diabetes type I because her pancreas just decided to stop making insulin altogether...

    It's really better to just listen to them on this matter (and I'm a bit of a rebel)...
  • sarahrbraun
    sarahrbraun Posts: 2,261 Member
    just do your best to hit the dietary reccomendations you were given.

    I would go for whole grains--brown rice, multi-grain bread instead of white bread. Back in the day, about 12-13 years ago when I was pregnant with my daughter, there was a book called "what to eat when you're expecting" it was a companion book to "what to expect when you're expecting" and went over a lot of dietary guidelines for a healthy pregnancy

    Being overweight, although not diabetic, a diabetic diet is not a bad one to be on. It focuses on healthy choices. Many overweight women who eat a super healthy diet when pregnant will only gain like 15 pounds, and will actually be lighter than their pre-pregnancy weight by the time they go to their post-partum visit.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    So entering in 45% carbs into MFP it gives me 236 allowed carbs/day. This still seems like A LOT to me! Im curious what everyone else allows for carbs who are using a 2100 diet. Am I just that out of it or is 236 carbs a lot? After breakfast and lunch I've had 91. And i'll probably only have a snack and then dinner. I cant see using that many carbs!

    That sounds about right. I eat about 40% carbs in my diet. It's actually really hard for me not to go over that 40%, lol. I love carbs, but who doesn't? I think the key here, especially for your baby, is getting as many healthy and complex carbs as you can. Sweet potatoes, brown rice, whole grain bread, and even some dried fruit (although they are usually sweetened) are great sources and are very dense, so you don't have to eat a ton of them to meet your goal. Refined carbs taste great, but they add up on calories way too fast. They're just too easy to eat. To make it easier to get in your carbs, try eating more smaller meals throughout the day. Granola bars, apples, yogurt (especially chobani), those are great snack foods that can add to your carb total without making you feel too stuffed. Good luck!
  • CLCH3
    CLCH3 Posts: 7
    i havent read all of the replies yet but
    -im not DIETING! if i want to eat something, i do. all im trying to do is become more aware of what is really going into my body. with my first pregnancy I gained 80 pounds because i just didnt pay attention. I dont want to repeat that! I'll put my focus into losing the weight after the baby is born. for now, if i lose weight because i making healthier choices- great. but again, i just trying to be more aware at this point.
    -my doctor isnt the one who has me on the diabetics diet plan and ive passed the pregnancy diabetes test so i dont have it. all he wanted was for me to lower my carbs a bit because im a carb-a-holic. he wouldnt however say how many I should eat. he just stressed cutting back. that is why i went to a nutritionist because i dont know how much is a reasonable amount. my OB is not worried about me getting diabetes at this point either. i've asked him several times about it and he tells me not to worry right now, because everything looks fine.
    - i plan to take this diet plan with me to my next appointment and ask him what, if any of it HE wants me to follow. but for now i just want to focus on what he told me at my last appointment, which was cutting back on carbs.
  • sexforjaffacakes
    sexforjaffacakes Posts: 1,001 Member
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    It's perfectly healthy to diet while pregnant, and can in fact benefit the baby if the mother is very overweight.
    Please don't make statements about subjects you are misinformed on.

    As long as it's a healthy diet and not a horribly restrictive/low calorie one there is no problem.
  • LoraF83
    LoraF83 Posts: 15,694 Member
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    It doesn't sound like she is, it sounds like she doesn't want to go overboard. No one needs to gain crazy amounts weight while pregnant. I gained 12 lbs with my first pregnancy and had a healthy 7 lb 14 oz baby and I only weighed 112 lbs pre-pregnancy.

    on a 3rd time around pregnancy.. its par for the course to know you are going to gain some weight and you also know what you ate the previous times that made you gain the unwanted weight.

    Eating healthy, non processed, well balanced meals while pregnant is ideal. Stressing over everything you put in your mouth (giggity) and worrying about macros while pregnant is adding unnecessary stress.

    Or, following a plan outlined by a doctor and nutritionist which provides plenty of caloric intake for the mother and fetus while promoting general health and possibly preventing gestational diabetes......yeah, I think that might be a better idea than "eating healthy" and saying "know you are going to gain some weight".

    Leave it to the doctors and professionals people......not the internet!

    Obviously, the plan is not working for her. Believe it or not, being pregnant doesn't mean that your choice no longer matters. The OP should revisit the nutritionist to work out a more manageable meal plan.

    My point in saying what I said was this: The OP clearly stated she was done and giving up.

    The specific comment of "Please don't diet while pregnant" is fuel to her defeatist fire. There is plenty of medical knowledge and research that shows it is safe for overweight pregnant women to eat at a caloric deficit. The OP needs to trust the professionals and talk to them, not the internet, if she has a problem.

    Just saying "Don't diet" is not the answer for someone who wants to give up after one day. Not exactly helpful. I was simply trying to encourage her to trust her doctor. Herp-a-freakin-derp indeed.

    And yes, I know that it doesn't mean her choice no longer matters. And I have been pregnant and had gestational diabetes.....thanks to all my wonderful "choices" and excellent judgement. It wasn't exactly a fun experience, and the consequences pretty much sucked too (large baby, labor complications, emergency c-section). So, offering encouragement to follow her doctor's advice was my way of trying to protect the OP from a bad outcome.
  • debussyschild
    debussyschild Posts: 804 Member
    If I were you, I'd listen to them. If you ignore it, you may have full blown gestational diabetes. This is a risk the bigger you are when pregnancy begins... and it's no fun to eat THAT diet! O.o What's worse--my mother had GD, which s later resulted in full blown diabetes type II. Which is now diabetes type I because her pancreas just decided to stop making insulin altogether...

    It's really better to just listen to them on this matter (and I'm a bit of a rebel)...

    While this is scary, it's also very true... A healthy diet that supports your pancreas as well as keeps you at a healthy pregnancy weight sounds like exactly the right thing for you and your baby.
  • jenbk2
    jenbk2 Posts: 623 Member
    Okay- here comes some tough love.
    While you are pregnant that baby should be your number one concern. You may not have diabetes now- but you could get it while you are pregnant. I don't know how far along you are. Do some research on what it is like for babies who are born with women who have had diabetes. (I am type 1) I know the guilt. If I could have not had diabetes and have my children born with low blood sugars, having to be in the NICU and having to go early because of MY diabetes. I would have done anything in my power to stop it. You are not dieting you are changing your lifestyle. If you have gestational diabetes while pregnant you have chances of getting Type 1 after the pregnancy is over. This is not something you want. You are 22- now is the time to take care of yourself so you can live to be 80-90. Do what your Dr/nutritionist recommends. You need to lose alot of weight. When you are pregnant your baby will get what he/she needs first then the rest goes to you. So don't feel like you are "starving" your baby.

    Please take the advice.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    It doesn't sound like she is, it sounds like she doesn't want to go overboard. No one needs to gain crazy amounts weight while pregnant. I gained 12 lbs with my first pregnancy and had a healthy 7 lb 14 oz baby and I only weighed 112 lbs pre-pregnancy.

    on a 3rd time around pregnancy.. its par for the course to know you are going to gain some weight and you also know what you ate the previous times that made you gain the unwanted weight.

    Eating healthy, non processed, well balanced meals while pregnant is ideal. Stressing over everything you put in your mouth (giggity) and worrying about macros while pregnant is adding unnecessary stress.

    Or, following a plan outlined by a doctor and nutritionist which provides plenty of caloric intake for the mother and fetus while promoting general health and possibly preventing gestational diabetes......yeah, I think that might be a better idea than "eating healthy" and saying "know you are going to gain some weight".

    Leave it to the doctors and professionals people......not the internet!

    Obviously, the plan is not working for her. Believe it or not, being pregnant doesn't mean that your choice no longer matters. The OP should revisit the nutritionist to work out a more manageable meal plan.

    My point in saying what I said was this: The OP clearly stated she was done and giving up.

    The specific comment of "Please don't diet while pregnant" is fuel to her defeatist fire. There is plenty of medical knowledge and research that shows it is safe for overweight pregnant women to eat at a caloric deficit. The OP needs to trust the professionals and talk to them, not the internet, if she has a problem.

    Just saying "Don't diet" is not the answer for someone who wants to give up after one day. Not exactly helpful. I was simply trying to encourage her to trust her doctor. Herp-a-freakin-derp indeed.

    And yes, I know that it doesn't mean her choice no longer matters. And I have been pregnant and had gestational diabetes.....thanks to all my wonderful "choices" and excellent judgement. It wasn't exactly a fun experience, and the consequences pretty much sucked too (large baby, labor complications, emergency c-section). So, offering encouragement to follow her doctor's advice was my way of trying to protect the OP from a bad outcome.

    And my point is that stressing about it can be just as harmful as eating badly. Poprocksncoke didn't mean any harm with her statement. Sure, some clarification was needed, but you could have made your point without calling her out.
  • CLCH3
    CLCH3 Posts: 7
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    I was very overweight (okay, obese) during all 3 of my pregnancies. Each time the doctor's told me they would not be concerned if I lost weight durning the pregnancy, they would actually be happy.

    My mother successfully lost 100 lbs while pregnant with me. The doctors weren't concerned as long as she didn't lose more than 4 lbs in a week. Poprocksncoke isn't worried about her losing weight. She is concerned about the OP stressing out about what she is consuming. Stress isn't any better for the baby than junk food. The OP seems to be making this more complicated than it has to be. Either that, or the nutritionist did.
    I feel that the nutritionist had made it complicated. I simply went in asking about carbs because i didnt want to cut out too much. i didnt know what i needed and what i didnt.
    she gave me instructions telling me when, how much, and what to eat at exact points during the day. i tried following it and it stressed me out. which is why i have decided to make it simpler and only worry about the carb part of it and see what my doc has to say about it at my next appointment.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    I was very overweight (okay, obese) during all 3 of my pregnancies. Each time the doctor's told me they would not be concerned if I lost weight durning the pregnancy, they would actually be happy.

    My mother successfully lost 100 lbs while pregnant with me. The doctors weren't concerned as long as she didn't lose more than 4 lbs in a week. Poprocksncoke isn't worried about her losing weight. She is concerned about the OP stressing out about what she is consuming. Stress isn't any better for the baby than junk food. The OP seems to be making this more complicated than it has to be. Either that, or the nutritionist did.
    I feel that the nutritionist had made it complicated. I simply went in asking about carbs because i didnt want to cut out too much. i didnt know what i needed and what i didnt.
    she gave me instructions telling me when, how much, and what to eat at exact points during the day. i tried following it and it stressed me out. which is why i have decided to make it simpler and only worry about the carb part of it and see what my doc has to say about it at my next appointment.

    Definitely this. You will be fine. Don't let anyone worry you. You and your baby are going to be okay, and you and your doctor are going to figure out a plan that works for you! Best of luck! :flowerforyou:
  • CLCH3
    CLCH3 Posts: 7
    Please don't diet while pregnant.

    It doesn't sound like she is, it sounds like she doesn't want to go overboard. No one needs to gain crazy amounts weight while pregnant. I gained 12 lbs with my first pregnancy and had a healthy 7 lb 14 oz baby and I only weighed 112 lbs pre-pregnancy.

    on a 3rd time around pregnancy.. its par for the course to know you are going to gain some weight and you also know what you ate the previous times that made you gain the unwanted weight.

    Eating healthy, non processed, well balanced meals while pregnant is ideal. Stressing over everything you put in your mouth (giggity) and worrying about macros while pregnant is adding unnecessary stress.

    Or, following a plan outlined by a doctor and nutritionist which provides plenty of caloric intake for the mother and fetus while promoting general health and possibly preventing gestational diabetes......yeah, I think that might be a better idea than "eating healthy" and saying "know you are going to gain some weight".

    Leave it to the doctors and professionals people......not the internet!

    Obviously, the plan is not working for her. Believe it or not, being pregnant doesn't mean that your choice no longer matters. The OP should revisit the nutritionist to work out a more manageable meal plan.

    My point in saying what I said was this: The OP clearly stated she was done and giving up.

    The specific comment of "Please don't diet while pregnant" is fuel to her defeatist fire. There is plenty of medical knowledge and research that shows it is safe for overweight pregnant women to eat at a caloric deficit. The OP needs to trust the professionals and talk to them, not the internet, if she has a problem.

    Just saying "Don't diet" is not the answer for someone who wants to give up after one day. Not exactly helpful. I was simply trying to encourage her to trust her doctor. Herp-a-freakin-derp indeed.

    And yes, I know that it doesn't mean her choice no longer matters. And I have been pregnant and had gestational diabetes.....thanks to all my wonderful "choices" and excellent judgement. It wasn't exactly a fun experience, and the consequences pretty much sucked too (large baby, labor complications, emergency c-section). So, offering encouragement to follow her doctor's advice was my way of trying to protect the OP from a bad outcome.
    I meant i was done and "giving up" on the strict diet plan that the nutritionist gave me. not that i was giving up on eating healthy, or the carb part of the "diet" that my OB asked me to watch (which again is the ONLY thing he asked me to watch). so i AM trusting my doctor. its the nutritionist im not "trusting" i guess.

    im not eating junk food and drinking pop all day which resulted in the doctor giving strict orders. hes just encouraging me to become more aware before it becomes a problem....again! thats all im doing.
  • CLCH3
    CLCH3 Posts: 7
    for everyone saying its not my choice that matters, put my baby first, etc......
    thats clearly what i am doing. im not going to continue to repeat myself. if i wasnt putting my babies health first, i wouldnt be trying to eat healthier and be more aware of what im eating

    im getting bashed for "dieting" by some of you. some of you are acting like im eating and eating junk or possessed foods....some are acting like i HAVE diabetes....i dont think some of you are reading before replying.

    all i asked was if this carb number seemed right. so i dont know how some of you are reaching such assumptions into everything.
    I clearly said I had talked to my doctor in the OP. im not just deciding out of no where to diet, cut carbs, or do whatever.
  • mdbs2004
    mdbs2004 Posts: 220
    I'm still fat. I'm hard on myself. I'm still the same person inside that was was 375lbs. I'm guessing i'll always be that person. I just sometimes wish people had been harder on me when I was 300lbs and maybe I would never had hit 375lbs.