There is honestly something wrong with me

Ok. I'm practically fed up. I've been stuck around the same weight since March 2012, and now ever since May 2012 I've been GAINING WEIGHT. What the hell is going on? I'm seriously about to cry right now. I know I'm freaking out and I need to calm down but seriously this is just ridiculous. I literally can not lose weight. It's a miracle that I went down from 152lbs to 145lbs, which is why you see on my ticker it starts at 145lbs because thats when I started MFP. But honestly, I just weighed myself, and I'm back to 144lbs.

Just really name every weight loss trick in the book. I guaranteed I've done about 99.9% of them and it HAS NOT WORKED. Please help. Just name every trick or tell me what could be wrong because I don't get it =\

(Here's what I'm currently doing: I play tennis about 3-5 times a week. I've been strength training five times a week with 10 pound weights since I'm a beginner and do my weight training at home. I mix up my cardio ALL THE TIME. I mix up my strength training moves ALL THE TIME. I've tried low carb high protein diet. I've tried eating a 1200 calorie limit, a 1400 calorie limit, and even just did the whole "listen to when youre body is hungry.") I'm stuck.

EDIT: I am 18 years old and 5'6". If you read my reply post on the second page I HAVE BEEN TRACKING CALORIES from January 2012-April 2012. Then I took a little break and started tracking again from May 2012 til this week.


  • thomassd1969
    thomassd1969 Posts: 564 Member
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.
  • ginamaria724
    ginamaria724 Posts: 133
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.

    I haven't been tracking lately because everyone has been telling me so many different things to do that I just do not know what to eat and how much to eat anymore.
  • cholibear
    cholibear Posts: 86

    I'm in the same boat and it sucks.
  • Oliviamarie05
    Oliviamarie05 Posts: 528 Member
    Keep going. I recently gained almost 8 pounds back over a two month period and it's just starting to away now. There are times when I needed to just take a week where I did NOTHING and it helped my weight loss. Right now, I eat healthy during the week and Saturdays I usually pig out. It seems to work. I think it's called calorie zig zagging or some such thing.
  • mcarter99
    mcarter99 Posts: 1,666 Member
    Lose the scale. It lies. 2 lbs. isn't necessarily a gain of fat. You're doing well. It never comes off in a straight linear fashion. It takes a long time to make big changes. Keep trying! You're probably doing everything right and are about to have a big scale breakthrough soon.
  • pdj1220
    pdj1220 Posts: 175
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.

    I haven't been tracking lately because everyone has been telling me so many different things to do that I just do not know what to eat and how much to eat anymore.
    Hmm, wonder if this could be your problem. Seems like making a single change and giving it time to work or fail might be better. With lots of changes at once you have no idea what is helping or hurting.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    How tall are you? How old are you?

    Judging by your profile picture, the activity level you describe and the fact that you have some team pictures on your mirror I'm going to guess that you're reasonably athletic. Is it possible that you may have increased your lean muscle mass? Are you still growing? How did you pick your goal weight of 130?
  • gurlygirlrcr80
    gurlygirlrcr80 Posts: 162 Member
    Are you keeping track of your measurements? gaining weight doesn't always mean fat gain...
  • cmriverside
    cmriverside Posts: 34,126 Member
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.

    I haven't been tracking lately because everyone has been telling me so many different things to do that I just do not know what to eat and how much to eat anymore.
    Hmm, wonder if this could be your problem. Seems like making a single change and giving it time to work or fail might be better. With lots of changes at once you have no idea what is helping or hurting.

    yep. QFT.
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Ok. I'm practically fed up. I've been stuck around the same weight since March 2012, and now ever since May 2012 I've been GAINING WEIGHT. What the hell is going on?

    You're consuming more calories than you're burning. That's the heart of the matter plain and simple. While it's normal to have a 1 - 2 pound change day over day due to water retention if you're not seeing results after 2-3 weeks then you need to either alter your diet or add more exercise.

    You could be:
    A. Underestimating the food you're eating.
    B. Overestimating calories burned during exercise.
    C. Not logging all your food.
    Are you keeping track of your measurements? gaining weight doesn't always mean fat gain...
    This as well. Take measurements every week or two and see if there are any changes.
  • thrld
    thrld Posts: 610 Member
    Lose the scale. It lies. 2 lbs. isn't necessarily a gain of fat. You're doing well. It never comes off in a straight linear fashion. It takes a long time to make big changes. Keep trying! You're probably doing everything right and are about to have a big scale breakthrough soon.

    This. Stop weighing yourself.

    Get a tape measure. Use that to track your fitness, not the scale.
  • therealangd
    therealangd Posts: 1,861 Member
    You need to track, otherwise you can't pinpoint what is wrong. Whether you are underestimating food calories, overestimating exercise calories. You also need to stick with something for a few weeks to determine if that will work for you.

    It's a sure bet though that 1400 daily calories will not make you gain fat.
  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    Do one thing for 2 months. If it doesn't work, change it. Cut down processed food, eat plenty of fruit and veg. Cut back the exercise a bit. Working out 5 times a week is plenty, let alone 10. Calculate your TDEE and deduct 10% (you don't look like you have much to lose).
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.

    I haven't been tracking lately because everyone has been telling me so many different things to do that I just do not know what to eat and how much to eat anymore.
    Hmm, wonder if this could be your problem. Seems like making a single change and giving it time to work or fail might be better. With lots of changes at once you have no idea what is helping or hurting.

    ^^^ this. Choose one thing and give it 3-4 weeks to see how it works for you. First, start tracking again! Second, make sure you're eating at least your BMR. Then you can try cutting carbs, or upping your cals...just choose one thing and stick with it for a while to see if it works or not.
  • MeliciousGibson
    I'm in the EXACT same boat - in fact, I was wondering if my alternate ego created an MFP profile and started posting - until I saw that you were only 144!

    I got down to 145 at the end of February. I started teaching Zumba classes in April and have now gone up to 154 pounds. Yes, you read that right - 9 mother-loving pounds!

    I've also not been as diligent as I used to be on my eating due to my new schedule. I work an 8-5 job and teach Zumba 3 nights/week. This leaves my eating habits a little wonky, whereas before I would get home from work at 6:00, eat by 6:30 and be done with it. Now I get home at 7:30, eat at 8:00 (and a little more than I used to because I'm usually hungrier).

    I have seriously considered going back to the absolute beginning and starting at the 1200 calories again.

    Let me know if anything begins working for you. :)
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.

    I haven't been tracking lately because everyone has been telling me so many different things to do that I just do not know what to eat and how much to eat anymore.
    Hmm, wonder if this could be your problem. Seems like making a single change and giving it time to work or fail might be better. With lots of changes at once you have no idea what is helping or hurting.
  • Shannon2714
    Shannon2714 Posts: 843 Member
    Have you tried using the TDEE calculator to see what it recommends? You may not be eating enough, even at 1400 calories.
  • Mayor_West
    Mayor_West Posts: 246 Member
    Ok. I'm practically fed up. I've been stuck around the same weight since March 2012, and now ever since May 2012 I've been GAINING WEIGHT. What the hell is going on? I'm seriously about to cry right now. I know I'm freaking out and I need to calm down but seriously this is just ridiculous. I literally can not lose weight. It's a miracle that I went down from 152lbs to 145lbs, which is why you see on my ticker it starts at 145lbs because thats when I started MFP. But honestly, I just weighed myself, and I'm back to 144lbs.

    Just really name every weight loss trick in the book. I guaranteed I've done about 99.9% of them and it HAS NOT WORKED. Please help. Just name every trick or tell me what could be wrong because I don't get it =\

    (Here's what I'm currently doing: I play tennis about 3-5 times a week. I've been strength training five times a week with 10 pound weights since I'm a beginner and do my weight training at home. I mix up my cardio ALL THE TIME. I mix up my strength training moves ALL THE TIME. I've tried low carb high protein diet. I've tried eating a 1200 calorie limit, a 1400 calorie limit, and even just did the whole "listen to when youre body is hungry.") I'm stuck.
    Lemme see if I get this straight....

    You've been working at this since March of this year? A little more than 3 whole months? And you've tried "every weight loss trick in the book" during that time? It sounds like you want instant results and when you don't get them quickly enough for your tastes, then you change things up only to have the same unrealistic expectations not being met.

    The only secret to long-term weight loss is THERE IS NO SECRET. It takes time and consistent effort.
  • kgprice11
    kgprice11 Posts: 750 Member
    Honestly with how active you are, you are going to need a lot calories than 1400. When I was as active as you I was taking in around 2800 and still losing weight. I heard some BC pills also make you gain weight (Idk about this because I am a guy)
  • srp2011
    srp2011 Posts: 1,829 Member
    I might suggest opening your diary so others who are successful can give you advice.

    I haven't been tracking lately because everyone has been telling me so many different things to do that I just do not know what to eat and how much to eat anymore.

    Gee, this might be a big part of the problem... you're eating who knows what and who knows how much, and then wondering why you're not losing. It's really not rocket science. Eat fewer calories than you burn, and focus on healthy less processed foods - lean proteins, fresh fruits and veggies, whole grains, limit processed sugars and flours. And do this consistently. Most people who get on here complaining that they can't lose weight don't follow a plan consistently for long enogh for it to work - they think taking a day off here or there won't hurt (sorry, those days off can often be enough to offset the good days), or they jump from one plan to another. Pick something healthy and stick with it. And make sure you are accurately measuring your intake and exercise calories.