Life update

LivyJo Posts: 355 Member
I've been on My Fitness Pal for ages but wanted to tell a little recent development in my story.

With MFP, I'd lost 20lbs or so a couple years back. I felt so great. I was keeping it off, working out a lot, and felt so great. Then my life changed, my mom was put on the heart transplant list, my job changed, and blah blah blah. I lost focus on me and gained the weight back over the course of the last 1.5 years. Now that the job was going steady, my hubby and i started to talk about trying to get pregnant back in November.

My mom has a serious heart condition called hypertrophic cardiomyopathy. Its a genetic mutation that runs in my family, where the heart is unhealthy and can cause all sorty of problems, sudden death being one of the symptoms. My mother is on the transplant list because of it, and she decided to get the gene identified through genetic testing. So me and my hubby put the brakes on baby making - with the chance that i could pass on to my children, we decided to put that on hold until we knew if i had it, and knew our options. My grandmother and my mother have HCM, and my chances were 50/50.

Its a long drawn out process to get the gene identified, only 2 labs in the USA can do it. And then it was my turn to get tested. I had to get all my life in order (life insurance, etc) in order to get the testing because it could effect me for the rest of my life. Also mentally had to prepare, i was sure i had it! With a 50/50 chance, the odds are not good, and mentally that can really bum a person out. What if i had it and was told i could no longer do the things i love like Zumba and hiking!? What if I had it, and then could give to my unborn children? Would we need to go through very expensive invitro in order to identify eggs w/o this genetic mutation? HCM can cause sudden death in children and adults caused by the thickening of the heart walls and valves. How scary to think of giving it to our children!

I went and saw the Dr's at University Hospital in Denver, and they drew my blood to send to the lab - back in May. They told me 3-5 weeks for the results. Last week i was in Oregon visiting my mom, and i got the call. The Dr. sounded upset when she started out, and i was prepared for the worse. And then she told me what i still can't believe....that i am NEGATIVE for the gene mutation. And that means i can't pass it on to our children thank God.

So...thats been my life for the past few months. Worrying about having it, preparing for having it.....and then realizing that i dont have it and can lead a healthy life if choose to! I have a clean bill of health, i have a weight off of my shoulders and a fresh outlook on life. And now i can try to get pregnant naturally!

I do really want to shed some weight before getting pregnant. I know it will help us to conceive and i know i really should in order to be an ideal weight for my body. Would love the support of my friends here - perhaps there are others that are trying to get pregnant and wanting to be their very healthiest. So looking for friends who have similar type of goals , maybe trying to get pregnant, 30 somethings (any age is fine though) looking to lose weight, be our healthiest selves and get support doing it.

- Olivia


  • MisterDubs303
    MisterDubs303 Posts: 1,216 Member
    What a relief that must be for you! I'm so happy to hear this, and I hope that your family will be able to enjoy many more years with your mother. I wish you the best as you and your husband continue to grow your family. It's nice to have you back!
  • adr810
    adr810 Posts: 18
    What wonderful news! I know that must be such a huge relief.

    I have a sweet 7 month old little boy and I am trying to lose about 100 lbs before I start to try for our next baby. I was very healthy during my first pregnancy and only gained 15lbs but I was already very overweight to begin with. I had a very complicated pregnancy and while it had nothing to do with my weight I want to be sure I am at my best before we have another little one!

    I'm still getting used to the MFP website but I have already lost 15lbs. Add me if you like!