Need help with my sweet tooth

Since starting my diet I have lost 22pounds. I was 147 pounds and i'm now 126. My only problem i've come across seems to be sweets. I have a craving everyday for them and I cant seem to find anything that will get rid of the craving other than eating chocolate :$ I pretty much cut out meals (calories) so I can eat something sweet instead which is building up my fat intake. Anybody got any things they have found that they've misplaced their sweet stuff with that actually works? As much as it may seem that i'm at a light weight, I want to get toned up and it seems like eating sweets and chocolate will obviously never help me


  • jackiemonx
    jackiemonx Posts: 343 Member
    im the same, i always need sweet stuff ALL the time for snacks
    and after a meal :-(
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    Me too. Even after a bowl of cereal i'm craving a biscuit or something. Fruit just doesnt help :(
  • Lauren8239
    Lauren8239 Posts: 1,039 Member
    I must be the only one in the world that can't stand sweet stuff. Seriously. I don't like chocolate...or cake, or anything with obvious sugar in it. Makes me feel sick. No pies, no pastries............but I love salty stuff.
    Good job on your weight loss :smile:
  • morgan9
    morgan9 Posts: 22
    Raw snow peas. I recently discovered these and they are delicious!
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    Ahh i'm jealous! I know quite a few people that are like that but instead of the chocolate they have like 4 bags of crisps a day. Thanks alot also :):)
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    Ive never heard of Raw snow peas before :O Do the sell them in England?
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I use to have a sweet tooth. It took a while of not eating it but the cravings went away. And now if I eat sugar it leaves me tired and with a terrible headache. It's not worth it for me.
  • morgan9
    morgan9 Posts: 22
    Might also be called sugar snap peas. Not sure about availability overseas as I'm in the US.

    Also, congrats on the weight loss!
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    So did you just stop eating it all together? I cant imagine doing that!
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    I'll look into it. Thanks alot!!!!
  • skywa
    skywa Posts: 901 Member
    just snack smart and in moderation. non fat greekyogurt with cinnamon and a tbsp of semi sweet chocolate chips is one of my favorite desserts. @-@ its low cal, sweet and totally delcious! plus its not super heavy, so it wont make you gain 2 lbs of water weight the next day.
  • StarryEyed500
    StarryEyed500 Posts: 225 Member
    Ive never heard of Raw snow peas before :O Do the sell them in England?
    Snow peas = mangetout. You should be able to get hold of them. They're slightly different to sugar snap peas.
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    Ive never heard of Raw snow peas before :O Do the sell them in England?
    Snow peas = mangetout. You should be able to get hold of them. They're slightly different to sugar snap peas.

    Have you tried them too? Are they a good chocolate replacement? And thanks :D
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    just snack smart and in moderation. non fat greekyogurt with cinnamon and a tbsp of semi sweet chocolate chips is one of my favorite desserts. @-@ its low cal, sweet and totally delcious! plus its not super heavy, so it wont make you gain 2 lbs of water weight the next day.

    Ooh sounds lovely :D Thanks!
  • Blueknight12
    I have lost over 90 pounds over the past 6 months, and I love sweets. I have not eaten many lately, but I do like to take a slice of angel food cake, put a couple tablespoons of cool whip on it, and melt a few chocolate chips and drizzle it on top. It definitely relieves the sweet tooth, and it only has like 120 calories in it. This kept me going for the past few months!
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    I have lost over 90 pounds over the past 6 months, and I love sweets. I have not eaten many lately, but I do like to take a slice of angel food cake, put a couple tablespoons of cool whip on it, and melt a few chocolate chips and drizzle it on top. It definitely relieves the sweet tooth, and it only has like 120 calories in it. This kept me going for the past few months!

    Wooow congratulations on losing all that weight!
    Im from england and I dont know what cool whip is :$ But the rest sounds amazing haha :P Thanks :D
  • firefir1122
    I have taken to buying dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel from trader joe's! its sweet, and half a bar is only 140 calories. i usually eat like two squares(1/2 a serving) and day and it helps satisfy my sweet tooth....however i am still a total sucker for cupcakes and muffins ect when they are in my house, so i try to avoid buying/baking them...
  • FrugalMomsRock75
    FrugalMomsRock75 Posts: 698 Member

    ^^ with chocolate protein powder and agave nectar instead of artificial sweetener=delicious.
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member
    I have taken to buying dark chocolate with sea salt and caramel from trader joe's! its sweet, and half a bar is only 140 calories. i usually eat like two squares(1/2 a serving) and day and it helps satisfy my sweet tooth....however i am still a total sucker for cupcakes and muffins ect when they are in my house, so i try to avoid buying/baking them...

    When I was a kid I used to steal my nannas dark chocolate but it used to be too sickly/sweet so i'd end up giving it back. So yeah, dark chocolate does seem like a good idea. I could eat milk chocolate all day :(
  • ChelseaWhiteman
    ChelseaWhiteman Posts: 25 Member

    ^^ with chocolate protein powder and agave nectar instead of artificial sweetener=delicious.

    Thank you :D:D