WHY Are you losing weight?

To get into that little black dress? To impress that special someone?

My goal is to join the Air Force one day. I plan on doing ROTC when i get to college (next fall!) and I want to be in shape so i can survive and one day be an officer. I hope to be an interpreter for the AF. :3

Why are YOU losing weight?


  • mspris2u
    mspris2u Posts: 161 Member
    I'm losing weight cause I want to feel better and have more endurance. I don't think I look bad and my hubby thinks I'm gorgeous (TG he is a chubby chaser :-) so its more about health for me than anything else. Oh, and I would like to not feel like I'm gonna start a fire from my thighs rubbing together lol
  • carld256
    carld256 Posts: 855 Member
    I'm haunted by the photo I found which was taken at my peak weight (275). Also, I'm a diabetic and both my parents passed away well before 70 from cancer, so I'm trying to live a healthier life.
  • Cazzy34
    Cazzy34 Posts: 159 Member
    Because i have a few rolls of extra fat!! Also to get back into my old clothes that i can't get past my knees!
  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    I had four weddings to attend over a six month period, including my older sister's on a beach in Aruba. I was sick of trying to find dresses that fit me and sick of the size I was wearing and new I'd never be comfortable on a beach at 215 pounds, let alone at any of the other 3 weddings.

    I've gotten through all the weddings now and people are surprised that I'm still dieting. Now I think I'm just trying to prove that I can get down to that goal weight even if people tell me the last 15 pounds are impossible to lose.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    For me it's more of a health thing, I didn't become a father (at least that I know of) until I was almost 40 and I want to be around to dance at my daughter's wedding (she's only 14 so it will be a few years....) and be a healthy, active grandfather when the time comes.

    I also have quite a number of elderly clients and you can spot the ones who look after themselves, men tend to lose about 1% of their lean muscle mass each year after age 40 (unless they maintain it through exercise) and a lot of degenerative diseases & frailness associated with aging can be mitigated through good diet and regular exercise, it's not the fountain of youth but it's the closes thing we've got.
  • TheChosenOne_
    I'm not here to lose weight, but I'm here to gain muscle.
    I gain muscle to
    -Look better
    -Be healthier
    -Get girls
    -Be an awesome football player
  • tuiccim
    tuiccim Posts: 689 Member
    Because I am in pain all the time from my back. I've been fat all my life and I read a quote recently that said "Those who don't make time for fitness, will have to make time for illness." I really don't want to be a diabetic like my dad or be in pain from my back and ankle like I am all the time. I figured that if I lost some of the weight these things would get better.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    To not be fat.
    To not have to buy fat people clothes.
    To not be one of those people that has to use a motorized cart to get around.
    To get back at everyone who said I was fat.
    To make my family proud.
    To make myself proud.
    To get the kind I guy I want and deserve.
    To say I actually did something meaningful.
  • Althaltallik
    Awesome reasons, everyone! ^^
    I'm not here to lose weight, but I'm here to gain muscle.
    I gain muscle to
    -Look better
    -Be healthier
    -Get girls
    -Be an awesome football player

    By football do you mean Futbol or American Football?
  • babycook
    babycook Posts: 172 Member
    I started gaining weight in the summer due to drugs I had to take. They caused metabolic syndrome so it's hard to lose weight. I got a gym membership and started working out and changed my eating habits. I have lost 5 lbs since October. :) And that was in the last few weeks after starting meds for the metabolic syndrome. I joined the gym because my clothes didn't fit. It has not made much of a difference in that area at all but it improved my moods. I'm bipolar and had a hard time keeping my mood stable. It's been very stable since December so I continue with the gym and eating better. It's become a lifestyle now.
  • _SpeshK_
    _SpeshK_ Posts: 496 Member
    Because I want to feel good, I don't want to be held back anymore-I have been overweight all my life, I want to be healthy, and..I want to learn to SURF!
  • Althaltallik
    To not be fat.
    To not have to buy fat people clothes.
    To not be one of those people that has to use a motorized cart to get around.
    To get back at everyone who said I was fat.
    To make my family proud.
    To make myself proud.
    To get the kind I guy I want and deserve.
    To say I actually did something meaningful.

    If you have to lose weight to get the right guy, he doesnt deserve you! D=
    But, yea, it does help getting them to notice xD
  • runnercheryl
    runnercheryl Posts: 1,314 Member
    Because I want to start a family in a few years, and I don't believe I can truly say I love my son or daughter unless I'm working hard to be healthy, to teach them the values of health, fitness and nutrition, to inspire them and to be in their life as long as possible.

    I want my future children to believe they can be anything they want to be, but also that what makes them special is being themselves. I want to teach confidence and self-esteem, and I can start that by showing them they were worth all the hard work it takes to get from obesity to a healthy weight.
  • sugarandspice27
    sugarandspice27 Posts: 521 Member
    All of the usual reasons, but I have one single mantra that keeps me going:

    "I don't want to be a Fat *kitten* anymore!"

    It's offensive AND motivational at the same time.
  • ValerieMartini2Olives
    ValerieMartini2Olives Posts: 3,024 Member
    To not be fat.
    To not have to buy fat people clothes.
    To not be one of those people that has to use a motorized cart to get around.
    To get back at everyone who said I was fat.
    To make my family proud.
    To make myself proud.
    To get the kind I guy I want and deserve.
    To say I actually did something meaningful.

    If you have to lose weight to get the right guy, he doesnt deserve you! D=
    But, yea, it does help getting them to notice xD

    ^^That is true but come on... let's be real. Attraction is almost always physical and if we can make ourselves look better, we can attract better quality.
  • ktied
    ktied Posts: 137 Member
    I have a bet going on with my boyfriend that I can beat him by the end of summer in tennis. I need to be in shape for it.
  • Louise1247
    Louise1247 Posts: 670 Member
    More for self confidence, wanting to prove i can do it, to be healthier, to fit more clothes.

    I was told that someone said i was 'NEVER NATURALLY SLIM' so i thought F-it... im proving them wrong!
  • impyimpyaj
    impyimpyaj Posts: 1,073 Member
    According to my profile, my goal is to "lose the belleh." And that's really pretty much it. I'm actually a little disappointed that when I lost the weight I gained, I also lost my butt. I lived my first 21 years with no butt, and then I gained weight and finally had one. I liked it. Now it's gone again. Boo. But the belleh is still here, and it has to go!
  • karenjoy
    karenjoy Posts: 1,840 Member
    because I was fat, and I didn't want to be anymore
  • Althaltallik
    To not be fat.
    To not have to buy fat people clothes.
    To not be one of those people that has to use a motorized cart to get around.
    To get back at everyone who said I was fat.
    To make my family proud.
    To make myself proud.
    To get the kind I guy I want and deserve.
    To say I actually did something meaningful.

    If you have to lose weight to get the right guy, he doesnt deserve you! D=
    But, yea, it does help getting them to notice xD

    ^^That is true but come on... let's be real. Attraction is almost always physical and if we can make ourselves look better, we can attract better quality.

    Very true.