Fat punk slimming!

oharab Posts: 14 Member
Just a wierdo geek from the north of England who thinks he's more punk than he actually is. I mean, how punk can you be after 30?

As a kid I used to have the build of a racing snake, but those days are very much gone! I did lose a load of weight last year, but it's all gone back on, and more. I now have a 8 month old daughter, and I am determined not to be the fat dad who can't take her to the park.

I don't want to pay £5 a week for someone to tell me I'm fat at Weight Watchers, so I need friends on here to keep me on track. Who's gonna join the fun bus?



  • frillypantz
    frillypantz Posts: 134
    Add me :) I'll happily call you fat for free :D
  • Em_runs_away
    Em_runs_away Posts: 194 Member
    I'll call you fat for free too....punk!
    I've have a one year old and a 4 year old and I want to be as fit and healthy as possible to set the right example for life. I still have a lot of room for improvement but it's working, slowly.