Self Sabotage

I am hitting that point where I no longer like the comments I am getting about my weight loss. They make me feel self-conscious.

Even though I've lost 33 pounds, I keep thinking that I am not going to get to my goal and because of that I am beginning to go off course. Parts of me doesn't want to watch what I eat all the time and now that the weight is coming off slower it feels like a lost cause.

I am self sabotaging all the success I've accomplished. How do I get back on track?


  • supplemama
    supplemama Posts: 1,956 Member
    You just have to do it! what helps me is to have a routine and stick with it. That takes my mind off it so much. Try eating the same things every day for a week, exercising at the same time(s) every day, stuff like that. Write up a routine and stick with it, for just a week.
  • SairahRose
    SairahRose Posts: 412 Member
    I got to that point once. I had a day where I didn't track anything and ate what I wanted.
    And then the day after I felt better, and well enough to continue with the weight loss journey. Being on the wagon is hard, so sometimes you need to get off and stretch your legs a bit.
    You can do it!
  • Cndressing
    Cndressing Posts: 36
    Don' make excuses, i've been there too, and until i stopped making excuses to not go to gym this day or not go for a walk and i forced myself to get up and move then i got back in track.
  • Linda_Darlene
    Linda_Darlene Posts: 453 Member
    You just have to do it! what helps me is to have a routine and stick with it. That takes my mind off it so much. Try eating the same things every day for a week, exercising at the same time(s) every day, stuff like that. Write up a routine and stick with it, for just a week.

    I agree! Do it for another week. Sometimes we need short time goals. Looking too far ahead can sometimes be discouraging. You have come so far! Don't give up now!
  • YES! my goal is to lose 60 lbs. I started at 240 and got down to 185 (55lbs lost!) Then it got tough, the last five pounds just didn't want to budge, so I got discouraged and fell off the wagon, I am now at 195 and struggling to get back into it so I can meet my goal. Stick to it, you can do it!

    - Dijon
  • zenchild
    zenchild Posts: 680 Member
    Maybe, for one week, go to maintenance calories. Give yourself a little vacation. You sound like you're burnt out and need a break. Eat at maintenance, allow yourself to recharge and then get back to it. BUT, only do this if you know you'll be able to get back on the wagon. If you don't think you'll be able to get going again, maybe change your routine, change your workouts. Just do something different.
  • mcorange01
    mcorange01 Posts: 33 Member
    Oh my, I completly get it as well!! I too have had the same issues, there are days I feel like.. I am NOT going to log today... it never fails though by the time I get home I do log it all and then feel quilty about all the crap I ate that day. I have learned the roller coaster is a part of everyday life and I am getting better about accepting it, My fear is that I, like you will have more and more days like today and then I will fall off the wagon for good. Stay strong in your mind and your keep your goals in check, easier said than done I know! Hang in there.. I am hanging with you!! :drinker:
  • Kincar
    Kincar Posts: 601 Member
    Maybe, for one week, go to maintenance calories. Give yourself a little vacation. You sound like you're burnt out and need a break. Eat at maintenance, allow yourself to recharge and then get back to it. BUT, only do this if you know you'll be able to get back on the wagon. If you don't think you'll be able to get going again, maybe change your routine, change your workouts. Just do something different.

    This is what I did: ate at maintenance for a week. It was rather freeing and a nice reprieve from watching every thing that I ate. I still counted calories but with a higher calorie goal I could afford to eat things I normally might skip.

    After the week I felt better about getting back on track.
  • dctina
    dctina Posts: 5
    I find that if I occassionally allow myself an "over" day, not only do I feel good about tracking, but within a day or two, I lose a little bit! I'm at a stuck point, too. For me, that means something needs to change. In my case, I need to increase my exercise (doing very little now). If you are a routines gal, being VERY regular may be the key for you!

    Don't get discouraged--you WANT it to come off slowly, because then you KNOW you've WORKED it off, rather than forced it in an unhealthy way. The closer you get, the harder it is to work it off.
  • Leslie85
    Leslie85 Posts: 265 Member
    Just because the weight isn't falling off doesn't mean your body isn't changing. I haven't seen the numbers change on the scale in almost 2 months...but I can tell such a huge difference in the way my clothes fit and a HUGE difference in my muscle tone.

    I have days like that too. Some days I think, "well, I'm not losing I'll just go back to eating like I was before!" but then I have to remember that my body IS changing!
  • HLeAnn
    HLeAnn Posts: 261 Member
    Maybe, for one week, go to maintenance calories. Give yourself a little vacation. You sound like you're burnt out and need a break. Eat at maintenance, allow yourself to recharge and then get back to it. BUT, only do this if you know you'll be able to get back on the wagon. If you don't think you'll be able to get going again, maybe change your routine, change your workouts. Just do something different.

    I did this for a week or so while on vacation. It was nice. I didn't gain any weight and i was able to be more liberal with some of my food choices. Namely beer. LOL. Now I'm back at eating at a defecit and doing just fine.
  • LisaVld34
    LisaVld34 Posts: 63 Member
    I find that if I occassionally allow myself an "over" day, not only do I feel good about tracking, but within a day or two, I lose a little bit! I'm at a stuck point, too. For me, that means something needs to change. In my case, I need to increase my exercise (doing very little now). If you are a routines gal, being VERY regular may be the key for you!

    Don't get discouraged--you WANT it to come off slowly, because then you KNOW you've WORKED it off, rather than forced it in an unhealthy way. The closer you get, the harder it is to work it off.

    I DO allow myself one cheat day a week. I find though it creeps to two on the weekends and then I am playing catch up during the week and getting frustrated. I need to keep it to my one day BUT I don't want to. I am feeling stressed and not feeling very much like watching calories.
  • LisaVld34
    LisaVld34 Posts: 63 Member
    Don' make excuses, i've been there too, and until i stopped making excuses to not go to gym this day or not go for a walk and i forced myself to get up and move then i got back in track.

    The one thing I haven't let go of is Zumba and I am happy for that but you're right I am making excuses and I don't know how to stop sabotaging my hard work!
  • RMCoffey
    RMCoffey Posts: 27
    If you let yourself quit now - imagine how hard it will be to start over!! :smile: Keep Pushing through - you'll be glad you did!
  • LisaVld34
    LisaVld34 Posts: 63 Member
    If you let yourself quit now - imagine how hard it will be to start over!! :smile: Keep Pushing through - you'll be glad you did!

    I know, thanks.
  • LadyIntrepid
    LadyIntrepid Posts: 399 Member
    Don't ever hide your beauty and your light. Step into it fully. You deserve to live and be the way you've always wanted.
  • ShaSimone
    ShaSimone Posts: 270 Member
    If you have an off day, or two, you didn't fail! The only failure is giving up. Start back on track the very next moment and make that choice a good one.
  • I got to that point once. I had a day where I didn't track anything and ate what I wanted.
    And then the day after I felt better, and well enough to continue with the weight loss journey. Being on the wagon is hard, so sometimes you need to get off and stretch your legs a bit.
    You can do it!

  • musicgirl99
    musicgirl99 Posts: 252 Member
    If you let yourself quit now - imagine how hard it will be to start over!! :smile: Keep Pushing through - you'll be glad you did!

    Maybe this will help. I lost 20 pounds last year for my wedding. After the wedding, I felt just like you do right now and stopped caring and ate whatever my heart desired. Four months later, I had gained it ALL back plus an additional 11 pounds. People were asking if I was already pregnant (which by the way, I wasn't). Now, I am starting over and it is so hard and at times very frustrating. You don't want to be where I am now so just try and stay motivated and keep at it. Others here have offered lots of great suggestions. You can do it.
  • WarriorReady
    WarriorReady Posts: 571 Member
    Don' make excuses, i've been there too, and until i stopped making excuses to not go to gym this day or not go for a walk and i forced myself to get up and move then i got back in track.

    The one thing I haven't let go of is Zumba and I am happy for that but you're right I am making excuses and I don't know how to stop sabotaging my hard work!

    Are you or have you went through something really stressful within the last few weeks or so? Sometimes when life bombards we want to let go. Best of luck staying on track. Remember this journey and you are worth it! This is your time to shine - you are a Star! :flowerforyou: