are you on 1200 also?

Im just starting to figure out my meals, even though I slip alot, :/, maybe we can share ideas and motivate....


  • Jerkis
    Jerkis Posts: 23 Member
    i am :) but this week ive been bad :(
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Same here. My friend had a big bday party. Persian kabobs everywhere and the best cake ever. Ooooooopppssss... im trying to get back on track
  • Martin0524
    Martin0524 Posts: 59 Member
    You can add me if you like... and if you need help with anything just let me know.
  • jlanier
    jlanier Posts: 16
    I am too. Someday's are better than others lol. Consistency is key!!!
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I'm on 1300+ usually, but one thing I noticed about your eating is that you eat a lot of cookies/crackers. Something that's low calorie and filling are fruits and veggies :) You might not appreciate my suggestion but... yeah. I'd say limit yourself to one pack a day and eat a loooot more fruits/veggies and you'll find that you can eat more and stay within your goal.
  • Biggipooh
    Biggipooh Posts: 350
    Yes! Add me, if you like...
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    I eat alot of crackers when im stuck sittin on the couch or rockin my son to sleep. I cant make food and I cant peel a orange :/. Im tryin to precut fruit now, but I just ate all the watermelon. Lol
  • Kooraloo
    Kooraloo Posts: 362 Member
    I like to buy the big bags of fresh carrots/ snap peas/ celery/ clementines and pre cut/wash/peel them because I know I'll be too lazy wash and eat them later. That's how avoid the crackers and brownies!
  • mandy031383
    mandy031383 Posts: 94 Member
    Same here, after I get home from the store every sunday I clean all of my fruits and veggies and make sure they are ready to eat right from the fridge. That way it is quicker n easier for me.
  • mandy031383
    mandy031383 Posts: 94 Member
    I am
    At first it was a little hard, but now that I have figured it all out sometimes I have trouble hitting my 1200 daily.
    I eat lots of fruit n veggies and lean protein. feel free to add me if you would like.
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Carrots are a good idea. I havent bought those in awhile :)
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    I'm on 1200 and I can tell you that I *live* on roasted asparagus and blue menu chicken fingers (from Loblaws, which is a grocery store in Canada). I eat an entire bundle of asparagus sprinkled with 1tsp oil and some salt and I also have 2 or 3 blue menu chicken fingers and some bbq sauce (2 tbsp) and it's about 300 calories and it's FILLING. Plus the asparagus and chicken fingers all go into the oven on the same tray so it saves on clean-up!

    Friend me, if you want, I'd be happy to discuss this!
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Im a total foodie. I love to grill n bake homemade. My meals are not too bad. Its the snacks. Late night snacks. Oooooo any homemade goodie recipies... I might have to start a new topic to get more involved...
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Options .. dont know how well this topic will go but if you wanna follow
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Very Easy To Eat Fruit and Veg (no prep required)
    apples, grapes, grape tomatoes, bananas, baby carrots, snap peas, bags of pre-cut brocolli, white mushrooms (just dust them off a bit before you eat them), frozen peas (just eat 'em frozen!), peaches, berries of almost all kinds, asparagus (it's good raw, just snap off the tough end), nectarines, pineapple (buy the pre-cut kind, who has time to core and chop a whole pineapple???)....

    Somewhat Easy to Eat Fruit and Veg (small prep required)
    oranges (peeling), clementines (peeling), bell peppers (chopping), fennel/anise (chopping), celery (rinse and chop), cherries (grab a bowl for the pits), jicama (peel and cut into sticks, eat like a carrot stick), mango (peel it and then eat it like an apple-orange, only messier!), kiwi (cut in half and eat out the insides of each side with a grapefruit spoon), grapefruit (cut in half and eat with a grapefruit spoon)....
  • Pfeiffer24
    Pfeiffer24 Posts: 106 Member
    Very Easy To Eat Fruit and Veg (no prep required)
    apples, grapes, grape tomatoes, bananas, baby carrots, snap peas, bags of pre-cut brocolli, white mushrooms (just dust them off a bit before you eat them), frozen peas (just eat 'em frozen!), peaches, berries of almost all kinds, asparagus (it's good raw, just snap off the tough end), nectarines, pineapple (buy the pre-cut kind, who has time to core and chop a whole pineapple???)....

    Somewhat Easy to Eat Fruit and Veg (small prep required)
    oranges (peeling), clementines (peeling), bell peppers (chopping), fennel/anise (chopping), celery (rinse and chop), cherries (grab a bowl for the pits), jicama (peel and cut into sticks, eat like a carrot stick), mango (peel it and then eat it like an apple-orange, only messier!), kiwi (cut in half and eat out the insides of each side with a grapefruit spoon), grapefruit (cut in half and eat with a grapefruit spoon)....

  • ahaaa
    ahaaa Posts: 2
    also on 1200 brutal, went over today, now i'm craving chips... ill add you
  • macorini
    macorini Posts: 1
    Hi Yes Iam also trying to stick to the 1200 calories. I have only been doing this for 2 weeks but I love reading all the successful stories.
    I am certain I will be able to acheive my goals this time.