When your spouse isn't dieting



  • palmerig88
    palmerig88 Posts: 623 Member
    If my husband cooks and I don't want it I make my own and vice versa. No way am I fixing anyones lunch but my own.
  • bradphil87
    bradphil87 Posts: 617 Member
    *Sigh*(I hate airing my dirty laundry in public) I have no answer to this because I am experiencing the same thing. My girlfriend does not log or watch what she eats and is skinny fat at the moment. She visits me on the weekends and eats healthy then because I cook. I tried to explain to her why she always feels tired and never wants to do anything but lay on the couch and watch movies/TV was due to having poor nutrition. I try to take her out jogging but she always has an excuse to not being able to go. If and when I tell her stuff about it she gets all defensive saying I don't support her and I don't understand how tough her work week was so then I am the bad guy. So now its like we live two completely separate lives. All I would like is an attempt/effort to live a full and healthier life so we could do more things TOGETHER and not solo hikes for me and jogs. If anyone has a suggestion please let me know :ohwell:
    Maybe a compromise? Tell her you will do something with her that she enjoys (even if it's just taking her to a movie) if she will do something with you that you enjoy. A friend of mine recently did this. He wanted to go into the city to watch a baseball game with his girlfriend (and of course she wasn't too thrilled about it) and convinced her by saying that they would drive in a few hours early and spend those hours at the mall lol
  • indisguise
    indisguise Posts: 235
    chellebubblz - Will he eat soup? You can make a chicken or beef vegetable soup and heat that up on the stove.

    *edit* I've also come across several recipes for yummy low calorie sweet treats here on MFP - maybe try one or two of those to offer in place of the cookies.
  • chellebubblz
    chellebubblz Posts: 84 Member
    Wow, lots of responses, thanks guys! I don't really get on here when he's at home lol. A few notes.

    @indisguise--I will definitely be doing soups! I have a few recipes I want to try but missing some ingredients. We live in a very small town, with one overpriced grocery store, so we usually go out of town to buy groceries once a week. So I will be doing that this weekend most likely.

    My fiance isn't very supportive, his support begin and ends with eating healthy IF i cook healthy. He doesn't want me to lose weight because and I quote "I love you the way you are right now and I don't want you to lose your butt or boobs" So I'm eating the best I can with my own personal sabotager and working out like crazy while he's at work. I was doing REALLY good after our son was born in Feb, then I got on Mirena and started gaining after my doctor assured me I wouldn't.
  • Saiklor
    Saiklor Posts: 183
    Perhaps a heart-to-heart with him explaining that you're a person, not an object for his amusement. You're more than your butt and your boobs, you are your happiness and your health and your feelings, and if he is only supporting your butt and boobs he can kick his own butt to the curb.
  • bs00
    bs00 Posts: 1
    try not to buy ANYTHING that is processed instead of putting everything sepearate beacuse when we women get depressed and down we tend to go for the BAD foods which at the moment are so delicious !!! thats what im doing to my bf since we live together and now he HAS TO eat better lol!!! AND so do I!
  • tomhancock
    tomhancock Posts: 100 Member
    My fiance isn't very supportive, his support begin and ends with eating healthy IF i cook healthy. He doesn't want me to lose weight because and I quote "I love you the way you are right now and I don't want you to lose your butt or boobs"

    I don't know your fiance, so could be wrong, but this sounds like an excuse to me. If he thinks you look great now, he is going to like your body even more when you lose a little weight.

    Not sure why he would come up with an excuse like this. Could be he is really attached to his unhealthy diet, could be he feels out of control with you trying to make changes to your body, could be he is worried that you will lose weight and he won't, and that may affect your relationship. Some people just don't like change, or think a healthy diet means eating food that tastes bad.

    If I were you, I would get creative with your cooking, find some healthy recipes he really likes. That is probably the first step to getting him on your side. skinnytaste.com is your friend. Good luck!
  • lukeout007
    lukeout007 Posts: 1,247 Member
    My wife can't diet right now because she's pregnant. It's been 6 months of me doing it by myself. Unfortunately I can tell you it tends to get harder...at least for me. She's never been shy about eating like *kitten* around me...cheesecake, candy...heck half the time she expects me to pick it up for her from the store. And I do because I love her and I'm sure she's having cravings. But it does suck.

    Just stick through it and keep cooking healthy meals. If he doesn't eat them that's his problem not yours. I cook every single night and 99% of the time its healthy. My wife eats what I cook but sometimes she'll decide she doesn't like it and eat something else or drown it in sauce. I could really care less. As long as its healthy and tastes good to me that's what matters.

    I also make extra so I have lunch for the next day.
  • chellebubblz
    chellebubblz Posts: 84 Member
    @bs00--that's EXACTLY how i feel. if it's there, it's very hard for me to stay away from it and i always have an excuse, but i know i have weaknesses hardcore!

    @tomhancock--i'm pretty sure he thinks i want to lose weight because i'm unconcious and he wants me to know he loves me no matter what and doesn't care. i don't think he realizes im doing it for myself and our son, not so i look better, that's just a huge plus. i never believe him when he says it lol. it all boils down to, he loves food especially carbs. it makes him feel better.

    @lukeout--i wouldn't suggest telling this to your wife as pregnant women can be scary if they take things the wrong way. but eating right during pregnancy is an AMAZING thing for delivery!! i ate healthy throughout my pregnancy and not only did i gain just 10 pounds while i was pregnant, but the delivery was soooo easy compared to the others when i didn't take care of myself.
  • NoMoreJellyRolls
    My hubby is 6'1 135 pounds, him and the kids eat like its their last meal ever. he NEVER cooks because its all about fat, grease, butter, butter, and oh more butter! So I cook a healthy meal for dinner and I have divided my kitchen. I have my cabinets and they have theirs. Its EXTREMELY hard not to have 20 oreo's and a glass of milk, or a chocolate covered donut. But we do come to an agreement on meals, If I buy healthy and cook healthy he will gladly eat it (or starve). But I can expect him to be healthy all the time because he doesnt want that, he likes eating 30+ times a day and 29 of those times are junk.

    Good luck
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    My husband is in the Navy so I have to cook a lot for just me. Something I do a lot is make spaghetti squash then refrigerate it in individual portions, then for dinner all week (or in your case lunch) I dump that nights squash into a skillet with other veggies, sauce or diced tomatoes, and sometimes some ground meat or soy crumbles. Easy, quick, delicious, and LOADED with flavor and nutrition without a lot of calories or fat.
  • rosiecotton24
    rosiecotton24 Posts: 81 Member
    My husband eats healthy 'sometimes'. When we go to the grocery I'm trying to get healthy stuff while he's putting chips, cookies, frozen pizzas, etc in the cart. He told me the other day he eats some healthy and some bad. lol
    I really want to try to weed out a lot of the processed foods we have. We also have two sons who always want easy stuff to make- stuff they can just pop in the microwave. That or Taco Bell. Blah. My oldest son is a skinny rail who eats anything without gaining. Thankfully he does like a variety of veggies (more than I like!) My younger son is like me- gains weight easily and doesn't like many veggies at all.
    So, I guess I'm just going to have to try to slowly make changes. Hopefully in time they'll learn to eat more healthy.
    I also can't get my husband to exercise. Granted he does get up about 4:30 am to head to work, but gets off around 3 or 4 in the afternoon. But then, he mainly just wants to sit on his butt and watch tv all evening. Even when I go out to walk, he doesn't go with me. I have never really asked him to go, though, so maybe I should suggest that! He really needs to lose some weight. He is gaining mainly in his belly like most men, and it makes me concerned for his health.
  • Zichu
    Zichu Posts: 542 Member
    You could easily trick him with the pizza's. Buy some ingredients that he likes, obviously don't go for the most unhealthy ingredients and make your own pizza.

    I made a few pizzas before using Warburton's Square Wraps, a whole tin of tuna, peppers, onions, mushrooms, passata, a bit of cheese and it came to less than 600 calories.

    It's better than consuming 1000, 2000 or even 3000 calories from one pizza that isn't going to fill you up. With this, the pizza looks completely stacked and should fill your average joe up thanks to all that protein.
  • chellebubblz
    chellebubblz Posts: 84 Member
    Well we did grocery shopping over the weekend and bought very little processed foods, so I was quite proud of him! But I had a grocery list I had printed off of Plan2Eat so that helped. I've been making alot of recipes off of Skinny Taste website and I will eat the correct portion size while he usually eats 2 servings. Hoping to eventually get him down to the correct portion size also, but I will take the baby steps!

    Our son is just now starting baby foods so I really want to instill healthy eating habits in him and I can't really do that until his dad is on board too
  • Lynxie83
    Lynxie83 Posts: 246
    Hubby has been very supportive of me. We're both overweight, me more than him, but he has been benefitting from this healthy cooking too.

    I set a menu for the week and he will try everything I cook, if he doesn't like it or it wasn't enough for him, he'll have something to eat after. He's not exercising like I am, but he's still seeing the results from the healthier cooking.

    For lunches I make a big batch of soup on the weekend and freeze it in single portions, I also save the extra portions from dinner and freeze them. If my meal makes enough for 4, I serve up two plates and two freezer containers so we can't over eat.

    Good luck with the SOs out there who aren't as supportive as mine :)