Ripped in 30 AND...

Okay so I started Jillian Michaels, ripped in 30 just over a week ago. I'm just now starting week 2 and I feel like I'm going to DIE during it! I'm on day 2 of week 2 and not going to lie, I may have shed a few tears in between it. I'm trying to get the form down and keep up with the video, but she. is. a. beast!

Anyway, that's beside the point. I've been reading posts lately that talk about doing RI30 or 30DS AND some type of cardio. How do you do it?! Should I be doing cardio as well.. in order to see any results? I was 183 and now bounce between 179 and 181, but blame that on water weight. I've been dieting and exercising for 2 weeks now.. maybe the cardio is the reason I'm not dropping the pounds? I HATE running. I am SO not a runner. I have definitely changed my eating habits and didn't exercise AT ALL before... I just thought I'd see better results by now?

Any advice/encouragement is welcome!! Thanks :)