People who are 100lb or more overweight..?? 4 u

3ofmine Posts: 136 Member

I have been at this for almost two months and I am just at the beginning really of all this. What I want to know is when you started exercising how was your back and legs? I had an accident over 10 yrs ago and had 2 morphine blocks done on my back and at the time I was told losing weight would help it(I was already 50 or so lbs overweight). I have suck bad lower back pain when I walk it goes down into my hip/leg on the right side. I am just wondering if anyone else has any pain like this or if it's just from my back issues. I do know that it isn't as bad as it used to be and the 20lbs I have lost has helped a ton already so that makes me think it isn't my past back issues but my weight issue. I have been pushing through but some days it's worse than others and now instead of it hurting ALL the time I can walk for a little while before it starts. When it does oh boy it's painful and almost makes me trip so I got a stick off the trail and use it as a walking stick when I walk. I also will hold on to the rail on the gazelle or treadmill when I walk on those(not the whole time but when it starts hurting just to relieve some pressure) I am NOT going to let this beat me. I am pushing through and it's not going to stop me I just wonder if anyone else that is a lot overweight has this issue or if it's just my back. If you have back issues when exercising what to do you to help? Thanks for the help in advance :)

