Close Call!!!

OMG...I was so close to going hog wild today. I'm a stress eater. When I get upset, I eat. Between the loss of my twin grandsons, my aunt, my brother, being laid off, my daughter's psycho ex boyfriend...I gained so much weight in the last few years it's crazy. Today I was upset about something. I went to go walk, but I made a detour to the store. I had every intention of getting one of those rotisserie chickens and doing my best to eat the whole bloody thing. I envisioned it; I practically tasted it.

As luck would have it, the store has a sushi bar on the way to the deli...where those chickens were at. LOL. I stopped, and ended up getting sushi rolls instead. Then I got some strawberries. THEN I went to the park, where miracles of miracles, I walked a whole 3 miles in an hour. (If you knew me, then you would know how amazing that is. LOL.)So....I consider this a success story. :bigsmile:


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