Afraid to be seen working out..



  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    There are two magic words that can help you deal with this. They work not only for exercise but in most other areas of life too. Anytime you're nervous or worried about what others might think you need only say these two words to yourself and you can push forward.

    **** 'em.

    (hope y'all can figure it out)
  • annrum
    annrum Posts: 144
    I think, as many other people have said, you need to tune out everything else, so do whatever helps you to do this. There are some idiots out there, this is true, but most people will either think "good for you!" or not think about you at all. Others will smile and wave/encourage you. Best of luck :smile:
  • ktrn0312
    ktrn0312 Posts: 723 Member
    Don't worry about it. It is amazing how quickly you become part of the landscape & community. Neighbors cheer you on & before you know it you are inspiring others to join you. Start off slowly.
  • Barbellsandthimbles
    Barbellsandthimbles Posts: 205 Member
    Drive to a park across town where you are less likely to run in to someone you know. I was this way in the beginning but when I started I was so worn out that I didn't think about anything else during the workout other than putting one foot in front of the other and just finishing the blasted workout! It's easy to say "don't worry what other people think" but I think it's just natural, to a point. I also think the more you just do it the less you will care about others and more about the small things that show your health is improving. Everyone has to start somewhere!
  • srpm
    srpm Posts: 275 Member
    Honestly, when I see someone outside jogging, I'm think to myself: Darnit! I need to get in my workout too! lol So it pretty much inspires me to work out.
    Ditto...Either that or good for them, I wish I had their determination depending on how hard they're going.
  • sgarrard01
    sgarrard01 Posts: 213 Member
    Think "f'em" its your body and at least your doing somthing about it instead of them staring! plus people do notice the difference, so after a couple of months of passing the same people you can be proud as you see them noticing the difference or if they say something!!!
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I did my first outdoor run with my flat mate a few weeks ago while the weather was really nice. I had to keep stopping and starting and we ran past rush hour traffic. I felt more sorry for them sitting in their cars in the heat and me running along.

    Did it hurt - Yep
    Did I feel a bit like and Idiot - Yep
    But i felt like this when I had finished

    Honestly, give it ago, even if your first time is a short one. You can always increase you distance once you feel happier.
  • AnnedeTours
    AnnedeTours Posts: 2 Member
    I totally understand! I enjoy walking my dog at night - he loves it when I even try to jog a block!- that way I don't worry about people seeing me. Of course, you would need a safe neighborhood to do that... and maybe a big, scary looking dog. : )
    Don't give up- some people are just jealous because they don't have the guts to even TRY to run!!
  • senyosmom
    senyosmom Posts: 613 Member
    start with something like bike riding - EVERYONE has to do that outside so its totally normal. Just so you know, when I see people jogging outside all I think is "way to go!" so I wouldnt worry about people seeing you.
  • greasygriddle_wechnage
    greasygriddle_wechnage Posts: 246 Member
    :flowerforyou: true story... girl in my gym that started working out last Feb was close to 400 pounds, could only walk about 3 times around our inside track. she has NEVER given up. i beam from head to toe seeing her and her dedication. total buff guy next to me throwing weights around like pillows... not so much.
  • Daymia
    Daymia Posts: 57 Member
    I can honestly say you won't care! I was in the same position when I decided to try jogging while on my lunch break. I was so afraid coworkers would see me and worried people driving by would think I looked stupid. And then I decided to just suck it up and do it, and the feeling of accomplishment completely takes over. You'll realize that even if they did see you or think you looked silly, you did it! It's a great feeling - don't be afraid!
  • auroranflash
    auroranflash Posts: 3,569 Member
    When I'm worried or anxious about something (socially), I usually push myself to do it anyway. It's the only way to make yourself stronger.

    I have two sides of me - a soft shy quiet side and a balls-to-the-wall, ferocious superhero rockstar monster. When the soft squishy side tries to protect me, the rockstar comes out and they come to terms with what is best for me.

    Everyone looks silly at first. Go out there and own it.
  • lorrie0217
    lorrie0217 Posts: 17 Member
    In my head I look sexy when I jazzercise, look hot when I run and look hardcore when I am at boot camp.

    In the real world I look freaking awkward but it's part of my charm so I own that ship ;) and don't care who watches lol.

  • catweazle12
    catweazle12 Posts: 60 Member
    Among my running friends when we see overweight, runners or beginners, we know how hard you are working. We have all been there. I've been running for years and don't lack the confidence anymore.

    Visualization helps. See yourself as the runner you would like to be. If it's the long, lean body, good form you like about a runner. see yourself looking like that. I sometimes pretend I'm Paula Radcliffe, Kara Goucher etc.. It makes me feel powerful, athletic and confident.

    Most people are rooting for you, some are jealous... get outside, run and enjoy...
  • pgalvez
    pgalvez Posts: 4 Member
  • charmingcee
    charmingcee Posts: 32 Member
    I'm still a closet runner/ walker myself. I go out early in the morning while it's still dark. I take my dog because I feel much safer...he's a pitbull but I think if I were ever chased by anything or anyone he'd be the first to run, but he's good for looks though... I too would stop running every time I'd see headlights approaching. I think I'm getting better though. I let a few cars pass by this morning and I just kept running. It felt good!!!
  • DavPul
    DavPul Posts: 61,406 Member
    Keep this in mind about every person that sees you pass them by. "I am running, they are not". I don't care if you're slowest runner in history, you're lapping everybody sitting on the stoop watching. And I'd be willing to bet that if you could read the mind of 99.99999999% of actual people running that are passing you by, they would be thinking, "Great job, keep up the good work" and "Hope to see you on the trail tomorrow".
  • BOLO4Hagtha
    BOLO4Hagtha Posts: 396 Member
    Honestly, when I see someone outside jogging, I'm think to myself: Darnit! I need to get in my workout too! lol So it pretty much inspires me to work out.


    I had this same hesitation to go out running, so I hit the track about and hr before closing since it wasn't as light outside. I avoided eye contact and ran/jogged on the outs of the track to avoid people. About a month into my running, a guy stopped me to tell me that he admires me for coming here everyday to run. Let me tell you, I look like a damn mess when I run. I sweat too much, I mean I am drenched everywhere, and for someone to tell me that they admire me for coming at the track day after day, and leave huffing and puffing, it felt good. I kinda stopped caring what people thought of me then, because I was out there running when plenty others would have just thrown the towel in.

    Don't worry what others think of you, do your thing and you will be great!
  • Awake_Alive
    Awake_Alive Posts: 261 Member
    There are two magic words that can help you deal with this. They work not only for exercise but in most other areas of life too. Anytime you're nervous or worried about what others might think you need only say these two words to yourself and you can push forward.

    **** 'em.

    (hope y'all can figure it out)

    ^^^^ Oh yeah...THIS!!!!!!!!!!!
  • AbbeyRysMom
    AbbeyRysMom Posts: 101 Member
    All I want to do is attempt to go for a run outside. If it's not me worried about people I know seeing me, its me worrying about myself looking stupid trying to run and workout in public... I shouldn't worry about what people think but I do.. It gets me so nervous and anxious.
    What do I do... >.<

    Hey, are you me?? :P I feel exactly the same way! I'm afraid of looking dumb!