Finding myself again

Karenzky Posts: 34 Member
Hi! First time to start a post, i'm karen 32 , 5 ft and my heaviest weight is 180 lbs , my current weight is 162 , i started my low calorie diet may 7 of 2012
the reason why i want to lose weight is to gain back myself that slowly fading each time i hear those nasty comments even from those people that are not really skinny, they made me some kind of a gauge that if their lighter than me they feel good about themselves. They will comment with a lot of disgust.

Also i want to find a job, people here in our country are mostly superficial , i had an experience that they did not even interview me but rejected right away, and im applying for as an office staff.

I always get those insensitive remarks like theres a house i went and they have a dog, i told them to hold their dog because it might bite, they said its okay for me to atleast lessen my fat legs, then they laugh, i just smile, i know its meant to be a joke but for me it was a very low blow.

So i decided to lose weight because im tired of being treated like this just because i'm fat.

I was not fat before i had four kids and i really wish to go back the way i was,

i gained weight due to being emotional eater, i was physical and emotional abused by my ex, and i found comfort with food, and also my metabolism slower down after i gave birth.


  • zonah
    zonah Posts: 216 Member
    Hi, Karen

    Welcome to MFP, I'm an emotional eater too. I'm trying to exercise at least 3 x a week for 40 mins. Since I've been doing this I'm sleeping better and handeling stress better too. Good luck on your journey.
  • lacewitch
    lacewitch Posts: 766 Member
    welcome to MFP, you will find loads of brilliant people and a variety of advice here. People who make hurtful comment are speaking from their own insecurities, and can be pitied as they have some fundamental unhappines. I hope you can find what you want here.
    Are you doing any exercise - is there anything you used to like doing ( or still like doing that you can do instead of eatin. i am a emotional boredom eater and i find replacement helps
    if i am in a snacking mood i find doing something helps - dance for 10 mins like no one is waqtching. i also hula hoop and pole dance and trying to do something instead of eating distracts you
    and remember icecream/ chocolate crisps and cookies are not your friends they can't help you may get the sugar high but thats it. and then you get the downwer :(

    good luck feel free to add me as a friend if you want.
  • Karenzky
    Karenzky Posts: 34 Member
    Hi, Karen

    Welcome to MFP, I'm an emotional eater too. I'm trying to exercise at least 3 x a week for 40 mins. Since I've been doing this I'm sleeping better and handeling stress better too. Good luck on your journey.

    thank you, i need a lot of ideas and suggestion in this journey :D
  • Karenzky
    Karenzky Posts: 34 Member
    welcome to MFP, you will find loads of brilliant people and a variety of advice here. People who make hurtful comment are speaking from their own insecurities, and can be pitied as they have some fundamental unhappines. I hope you can find what you want here.
    Are you doing any exercise - is there anything you used to like doing ( or still like doing that you can do instead of eatin. i am a emotional boredom eater and i find replacement helps
    if i am in a snacking mood i find doing something helps - dance for 10 mins like no one is waqtching. i also hula hoop and pole dance and trying to do something instead of eating distracts you
    and remember icecream/ chocolate crisps and cookies are not your friends they can't help you may get the sugar high but thats it. and then you get the downwer :(

    good luck feel free to add me as a friend if you want.

    thank you, what you said really made sense to me, i tried to shrug their comment off though sometimes it really hits me, about exercise what i do is i walk as much possible it helps me clear my head too, and also i read this forum a lot whenever i felt like eating , and it helps me fight the cravings , good luck to us :D
  • njgal35
    njgal35 Posts: 28
    Hi Karen. With kids I know it's easy to lose yourself but it is possible to find yourself again. Ignore people.

    Good luck. I was 180 after the birth of my 2nd child and I have kept at 164 for the last two years.

    Now at 157 and trying to get to 151. I concentrate taking 10 pounds at a time to help me ease through the journey of being healthy.
  • verptwerp
    verptwerp Posts: 3,659 Member
    Welcome !

    I just don't get why people have to be so mean ...... too bad you couldn't kick the nasty people with the nasty dog LOL ...... next time someone comments rudely on your weight, look them in the eye & tell them it's inappropriate ...... sure, there might be repercussions, but you need to set boundaries ......

    There's a guy I know who is ok most of the time, but every so often he tries to get away with making rude comments as "a joke" ...... yet I've noticed if people put him in his place, he backs down pretty quickly .....

    We're all here to get healthier ...... best of luck to you, honey !