Fool Proof Fail Safe Weight Loss, does it exist? for free?



  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    We will only know if it's a safe level or not by observing the results physically and mentally and comparing it to our goals. If we missed the mark, then we re-adjust and keep going,

  • laddyboy
    laddyboy Posts: 1,565 Member
    Here is the secret...

    Eat Less Than you normally burn during the day. That's IT!!! It's Calories in vs. Calories out. It's a numbers game.

    Making better food choices will allow you to eat more volumes of food for less calories. IT is fool proof.
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    We will only know if it's a safe level or not by observing the results physically and mentally and comparing it to our goals. If we missed the mark, then we re-adjust and keep going,


    No, we need guidlines to start with to protect those that arent as educated in nutrician as you

    What would you say to a 180 lbs, 18 year old girl who says that she plans to lose 10 lbs a week be only consuming 300 calories a day "Well you only know if it's a safe level or not by observing the results physically and comparing it to your goals - good luck"?

    I don't think you would

    oopsy, you misquoted me. "...observe the results physically AND MENTALLY..." Both are integral. I'd wager a guess that a 180 pound 18 year girl, would not feel very good physically and mentally on 300 calories a day. I am assuming that the underlying goal for anybody is to feel good aka be the best we can be. so I do stand behind observing your results and comparing it to your goals as a resonable course of action for reasonable people. That being said, I'd never put myself in the position where I'd be the one telling anybody what to do. I'm just a schmuck, doing the best I can. sharing what works, or what I THINK may work for me, but I do not assume that I know the answer for everyone.

    I also don't think we need to protect people. I believe in natural selection. (oh no I didn't just say that) :noway:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I also don't think we need to protect people. I believe in natural selection. (oh no I didn't just say that) :noway:

    Right so it was wrong to educate the masses on the dangers of smoking?

    How about those that used to like to lay out in the sun, we didn't need to protect people by educating them about the skin cancer risks - just let natural selection take it's course

    And if 18 year old girls want to go on a 300 calorie a day diet then they shouldn't be told of the risks involved - they should be allowed to get on with it and see how it feels?
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    Sorry Wonderrob. I'm kind of making light of the conversation. I mean no harm. I just advocate self-control, not control by others.
    When we know better we do better. I'm all for education. That's how we learn, right? Oh wait, we do learn another way, and that's by 'doing'.
    If I had listened to people that said it's dangerous to ride motorcycles, I would have missed out on amazing adventures and memories I cherish, and hobby that I love. Not for everybody, but it was for me, I'm glad I did my own experiment.
    Life is such a glorious adventure, it's up to us to determine our own levels of safety. Again I'm talking about consenting reasonable adult people. This is not children or people with diminished capabilities I'm refering to. Let's not make this a bigger deal than it is. It's just calories, and it's just a little research, and just a little chat about finding something that works.
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    It's just calories, and it's just a little research, and just a little chat about finding something that works.

    'Just calories' killed 400,000 Americans last year!

    Anyway, I'm not looking for an argument - I'm grumpy because I'm hugry!
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
    lol. I knew there was a laugh in there Wonderob. I realize I should just shuttup now too. I get that it's a serious issue. I'm just anything but serious right now.
    Take care :happy:
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    "How to lose weight and hair through stress and poor nutrition"

    Sounds... awful.

    Think you've probably missed the irony in the title there.....
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I read somewhere that NO diets work ... when you understand why this is right, you will no longer be fat

    Bold statement! Wrong of course - my diet works perfectly and I challenge anybody to say otherwise

    Whenever I plan to lose 14lbs on 'a diet' it always works

    Totally missed the point there bud. Agree with the statement fully. As long as you are having to use 'diets' to force yourself to eat right you are always going to be fighting a losing battle. When you change your feelings fundamentally on food, that is when you will really make a difference.
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I also don't think we need to protect people. I believe in natural selection. (oh no I didn't just say that) :noway:

    Right so it was wrong to educate the masses on the dangers of smoking?

    How about those that used to like to lay out in the sun, we didn't need to protect people by educating them about the skin cancer risks - just let natural selection take it's course

    And if 18 year old girls want to go on a 300 calorie a day diet then they shouldn't be told of the risks involved - they should be allowed to get on with it and see how it feels?

    again I think you've missed the point - fact is we shouldn't have to force people to act in their own best interests. If they choose not to, then the outcome is on them.
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    Thank you so much for posting this! I love charts, numbers, etc. so signed up immediately and the sheets are so easy to use.

    I downloaded the PDF and started to read it. I'm a programmer too, so what he says makes complete sense to me (I love his AutoCAD software as well :)

    Only problem is that I'm at work right now and should be programming, not reading about a hack diet ....
  • angelaraedesigns
    angelaraedesigns Posts: 68 Member
  • MissNordicLight
    MissNordicLight Posts: 140 Member
    Oh, and I forgot to mention the best part, it's FREE :happy:
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I read somewhere that NO diets work ... when you understand why this is right, you will no longer be fat

    Bold statement! Wrong of course - my diet works perfectly and I challenge anybody to say otherwise

    Whenever I plan to lose 14lbs on 'a diet' it always works

    Totally missed the point there bud. Agree with the statement fully. As long as you are having to use 'diets' to force yourself to eat right you are always going to be fighting a losing battle. When you change your feelings fundamentally on food, that is when you will really make a difference.

    Nope I completely got the point but don't agree with you

    I always use diets to force myself to eat right and I'm not fighting a losing battle. Why do I need to change my feelings on food if every time I feel the need to change my weight, I can adopt my 'diet' phase and lose the weight I need easily? - really making a difference
  • Wonderob
    Wonderob Posts: 1,372 Member
    I also don't think we need to protect people. I believe in natural selection. (oh no I didn't just say that) :noway:

    Right so it was wrong to educate the masses on the dangers of smoking?

    How about those that used to like to lay out in the sun, we didn't need to protect people by educating them about the skin cancer risks - just let natural selection take it's course

    And if 18 year old girls want to go on a 300 calorie a day diet then they shouldn't be told of the risks involved - they should be allowed to get on with it and see how it feels?

    again I think you've missed the point - fact is we shouldn't have to force people to act in their own best interests. If they choose not to, then the outcome is on them.

    'Force' is a strong,infamitory word and nobody is advocating prohibition type measures for food.

    'Assist' is a better word, so is 'educate' and 'encourage'

    We really shouldn't need to force people to act in the best interest of the planet, but the fact is we 'encourage' by offering incentives.
  • ronda_gettinghealthy
    ronda_gettinghealthy Posts: 777 Member
    fool proof fail safe free ---YES it is called SYMAMYA.....

    Shut your mouth and move your *kitten*

  • PrncessBre
    PrncessBre Posts: 444 Member
    Bump to read later
  • ksumme
    ksumme Posts: 283
    As long as you are having to use 'diets' to force yourself to eat right you are always going to be fighting a losing battle. When you change your feelings fundamentally on food, that is when you will really make a difference.

    Love this. It really hit home for me!! I have continuously told others I am not on a specifically 'diet', just trying to make better choices and eat better... BUT... mentally, I think I have still been looking at it as a 'diet'. I know it isn't short term, this is a life change for me, because it HAS to be. I am done with being unhealthy.

    I would agree, that if overall I didn't have a MAJOR weight issue, and found that 'from time to time' I needed to drop 10 to 15 lbs - that I could and would do that. But, for those of us with significant issues with food - we (or at least I) do need to work on readjusting my fundamental relationship with food... and exercise.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member
    I read the eBook today and I liked it. It actually goes right along with what MFP says, except that it helps you figure out (through trial and error) what your true metabolic rate is based on your progress over time. It has a lot of motivation content as well as a sensible exercise plan that only takes 15 minutes a day. (But he's also clear that you should do whatever exercise you want to do, but it's not crucial for weight loss)

    He also goes into detail about how to get into maintenance mode and how to continue to track your progress over time and establish a clear boundary that if you happen to cross into it, you go back into full-on diet mode until you're back where you want to be.

    It was a VERY good book with common sense, and it made the programmer in me really want to code stuff. :)

    And by the way, "rapid", in this book, is about a pound a week, but also stresses to stay within what's comfortable for you to minimize feelings on hunger during the day.
  • crimsontech
    crimsontech Posts: 234 Member

    Please note, again, this book is NOT a new plan, it's NOT anything different than what we're doing here on MFP. This is just great for motivation, and how to track your weight loss in a way that helps to keep you from getting discouraged if you have a day or two with a higher weight than the previous day.