From sugar addict to clean/healthy eater - anyone else?



  • hmo4
    hmo4 Posts: 1,673 Member
    I'm interested, but to a point. I like different cereals for breaky, for example, but I'll work on it. Don't you miss stuff?
  • jessmomof3
    jessmomof3 Posts: 4,590 Member
    I'm interested, but to a point. I like different cereals for breaky, for example, but I'll work on it. Don't you miss stuff?

    I started a thread here.

    No, I don't miss the junk anymore. I think I've just trained myself to think of it as poison. Diet Coke gives me migraines, so that is a good deterrent! I did try a couple sips a few months ago and thought it tasted horrible!! I think your taste buds change after a while.

    I love the foods that I eat now otherwise I wouldn't eat them! :bigsmile:
  • neeterskeeter
    neeterskeeter Posts: 571 Member
    I agree- I *thought* I would miss sugar and processed food but it didn't turn out that way. After just a couple days of consciously eating clean I felt so *good* and healthy. I was much more productive and energetic and confident. The benefits just continued from there. My skin was soft (I also aim to drink a lot of water -- I don't "drink" any calories or anything really besides waater and occasionally decaf hot or iced green tea), my nails were stronger, my face looked radiant, I looked trimmer, and, the biggest difference was just how I *feel*... for the first time ever I eat more than I usually do on a "diet" (because I make sure to eat my exercise calories and have 1225 net calories a day) and I felt full and satisfied, not deprived at all, and I also didn't feel cravings for sugar and junk. It's like my body just instinctively knew this was good for me and it no longer wanted the bad stuff.

    *Now* I will never give up my love for New Mexican green chili burritos with little potatoes, or hot fudge sundaes. So I still eat those but very occasionally as compared to waaay too often like before. And if someone has a birthday or bring dessert to dinner etc. I have two bites and give the rest to my boyfriend. That satisfies my curiosity as to how it tastes and it doesn't even taste very good compared to in the past when it was pretty much all I ate.

    So I really don't miss stuff, and believe me, I was the queen of sugar- I grew up on it and my favorite breakfast cereal was Cinnamon Toast Crunch. :laugh: And now I honestly don't miss that at all, I don't even have the desire to eat it because I know it is just plain sugar and empty or fattening calories, whereas at least with a sundae there is some dairy and with a burrito there is chicken or beef, and beans, etc.

    If you are curious I would encourage you to try it for just a few days and see how you feel. Processed food isn't going anywhere so you can still go back to that at any time. But to start seeing the benefits of eating clean just tell yourself you don't need anything unhealthy for, say, 3 days, and see what happens.