P90x'ers I NEED HELP!!!!

Okay...I got the excercise dvds off ebay, but I don't know how to use them...like in what sequence. I watched the intro dvd, and that Tony guy talked about a lean workout, a classic workout and a double workout...but I don't get which dvds to use and when????

PLEASE HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks!!!! I am so excited and can't wait to get started!!!! I think I want to do the Lean or the classic workout routines first. (RIGHT??)


  • trilogy06
    I have a calendar if you want me to email it to you. Just let me know what your email is.
  • sandy429
    sandy429 Posts: 2,779 Member
    You are missing some vital information -- one of the pitfalls of not ordering directly from Beachbody or a Beachbody Coach. Contact Beachbody Customer Service and order the Nutrition Plan & Fitness Guide. You need both to get the maximum results from the program.
  • visiologist

    You may not have realized that you were buying a pirated version: bootleg copies of the legit DVDs.

    But I really wish people in general would give that more thought when buying certain items from eBay. There are a lot of great deals to be had from eBay retailers who are simply enterprising people running businesses with low overhead, and on used products. But there is also a HUGE market for these kinds of bootleg ripoffs. Beachbody put a lot of time, money and effort into creating that program, and their profits are basically illegally siphoned off by these pirates. Granted, many of the people buying bootlegs would not have bought at all at the full price, but many would.

  • Joe2BFit
    Hey forget about them the inportant thing is that you are ready to start your workout ill help you,

    true you do need diet plan but we can work with that later.

    Ok you want to do classic ok:
    Week 1,2,3

    Week 5,6,7
    Day 1.Chest and Back: Ab ripper X
    Chest Shoulders and Tri's Ab Ripper X
    Day 2.Plyo
    Day 3.Shoulders and arms Ab Ripper X
    Bi's Tri's Ab Ripper X
    Day 4Yoga all hr in a half of it lol
    Day 5.Legs and back Ab Ripper X
    Day 6.Kenpo X
    Day 7. Rest or Streach-X

    Do this for 3 weeks,
    week 4,8,12 rest week:

    Day 1 Yoga
    Day 2 Plyo
    Day 3 Str-X
    Day 4 Yoga
    Day 5 Kenpo X
    Day 6 Str-X
    Day Kenpo-X

    Something like this....

    Now for week 9,10,11 You do the same that you did for week 1 for week 9, then week 10 you do the same thing from week 5, then last one week 1 again

    hope this made since now you really need to get a good eating habit down its truly hard trust me i been through this 90 day and lost 45 pounds but i had some trouble and let myself go after the 90 days and gained 20 pounds back...so today i did day 1 and im rdy to knock out another 89 more days and get under 200 now!

    Eating was very tough stick to it ill try to help along the way...email me if u got any questions


  • Joe2BFit
    the recovery week is wrong i cant remember right off hand ill get bk to u