Question! Freaking out!



  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    This happens sometimes for reasons the other MFP members have mentioned, however I would perhaps change up your exercise a bit! It all seems very similar endurance wise. For faster fat burning I have had a few of my trainers say to keep running, bike riding, etc. but do it in a slightly different way - through interval training. Rather for jogging at a consistent pace and for as long as you can go (endurance training) change your focus to shorter periods of time and higher intensity.

    You can do this for running, biking, cross trainer/elliptical trainer:

    Monday: 1min:1min (1 minute walk - low instensity and 1 minute sprint/jogging fast) for anywhere between 10-30mins.
    Wednesday: 2min/1.5min: 30secs - 2 minute walk - low instensity and 30 second sprint as fast as you can) for anywhere between 10-30mins.

    You can really do any ratio of time as long as you vary the times throughout the week and ensure you really mix up the intensity levels. This has worked for me.

    Also, I would encourage you to do weights... squats is a good start...
    These compound movements are sure to show you results - Squats; Deadlifts; Lunges; Push Ups; Sit ups; Bench Press; Dips; Pull Up's; Clean & Press & Bent Over Rows. You will drop body fat and build muscle!
  • ash190489
    ash190489 Posts: 587 Member
    Also, would it be good to do some some sort of eating pattern to trick my body? Like, eat 1600 calories one week then 1200 the next? and so on???

    Yes, vary your eating patterns too - the trick is variation! But on the weeks your eating more, make sure it's healthy choices - like nuts, eggs, meat, etc. Ensure you're also getting enough protein if you are doing weights.

    Good luck
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm always about 3-5 pounds heavier in the evening than I am in the morning. It only makes sense. All the food and some of the drink you've consumed through the day hasn't been "processed" yet.
  • Cambrendle
    Cambrendle Posts: 104 Member
    If you're interested in tracking your sodium, go to your food diary settings and add in "track sodium"... MFP will calculate a recommended maximum daily allowance for you... other than that a HUGE eye opener for me was reading EVERY label I pick up before I buy it... you'd be surprised on how much sodium is in the same item... processed and packaged differently by another manufacturer ...

    i.e. little brick of frozen spinach... 220 mg sodium 1 serving.
    big bag of frozen spinach... 60 mg sodium 1 serving...
  • bnjlindsey
    bnjlindsey Posts: 2 Member
    One of the things I noticed in your post is that you weighed yourself at night and weighed 138 and then the next morning you weighed again and weighed 135. You should always weigh yourself at the same time of day. I weigh myself in the morning before I eat anything. Food and water do add to your weight total and it takes time for you to digest them. By the morning you have digested the food you ate the day before, so that is the best time to get an accurate weight reading. Hope that helps.
  • ashlye08
    ashlye08 Posts: 22 Member
    Hi guys!

    So, my start weight was 138, and I slowly but surely have crept down to 133. I've been running/ jogging appx. 4 1/2 miles everyday. Whenever I can't run, I make sure to go for a long bike ride, or do some other form of exercise that will burn calories! A couple days ago I started squatting. Some days I'll go for longs walks. Etc. Etc. I watch my calories carefully! My daily goal is 1200 and of course I eat more when I burn more. So, now, my question. Yesterday and the day before I wasn't able to run (so I watched my calories even more carefully), but last night when I weighed myself I weighed 138 AGAIN!!! And this morning, 135!!! What, the, heck! Is this normal??? I was wondering if I possibly am building up muscle already? (I would say I've been running faithfully for a month now) I need some input cause I am seriously discouraged. I have not splurged at all. :(

    Ok first thing is that your weight can vary but 7lbs during the day. For the most accurate weight it should be first thing in the morning right after using the restroom. At night you are also weighing the food you have eaten that day and any waste that you need to get rid of.
  • 70davis
    70davis Posts: 348 Member
  • DiannaMoorer
    DiannaMoorer Posts: 783 Member
    Also, would it be good to do some some sort of eating pattern to trick my body? Like, eat 1600 calories one week then 1200 the next? and so on???

    Today I could NOT eat all my exercise calories back. I was way too full. Do what feels right. If you are famished eat but eat healthy. If full, stop. But I think tricking your body is a good idea. Up calories one day, lower them another another. Like on a rest day.
  • autumnpennell
    autumnpennell Posts: 196 Member
    thanks ash190489 for all your input!
  • CyberEd312
    CyberEd312 Posts: 3,536 Member
    muscles need water to repair damage done to them.

    Keep drinking, and stop going by numbers and go by how you feel.

    Agreed... I am doing single body part weight training with cardio this week to change things up... Heavy weight/ low reps to failure and H.I.T cardio after... I was on the scale 3 times this week was up 4 lbs. after first weigh in, down 2 lbs. the next day and up 5 lbs. yesterday.. I eat in a calorie deficit so I can tell you it isn't fat gain... It is water retention do to muscle repair, so I keep drinking my 130-150 oz of water a day ignore the scale and go by how I feel in my clothes. The scale is not the end all, be all..... Best of Luck... Just keep at it.....