Weight Lifting and Appetite

So I've started weight lifting, and been doing it for about a month, consistently, now. The one problem is, that after every session I am STARVING.

Last night, I ended up eating three pieces of pizza, a whole bunch of lunchmeat and some cookies. :(

Needless to say, that does NOT fit into my caloric intake! So...what's up? How can I fight this?


  • DaveRCF
    DaveRCF Posts: 266
    Maybe a protein shake would help fill you up. At the end of the day though, so you are starving, big deal. It's a head game thing, nothing more. Suck it up, buttercup :)
  • wellbert
    wellbert Posts: 3,924 Member
    Plan a healthy post workout meal that includes both protein AND carbohydrates. When I was eating higher calories, my favorite was a peanut butter sandwich with protein shake.
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    If you're starving after a weight lifting session, then EAT. Just make better food choices than pizza. Protein shakes are great when you're on the run.

    I am usually ravenous after a strength session. I choose things like: tuna, mustard & spinach or grilled chicken breast & salad, or leftovers from the day before if I have any. You need to refuel yourself with protein to help repair your muscles. Find something healthy that works for you and fills you up.
  • dtpss188
    dtpss188 Posts: 85
    Lifting has historically cranked up my appetite. Since being on MFP I have managed to control the massive eating that used to be associated with my lifting. For me, I am so focused on remaining withing my caloric limitations that the mental component in resisting urges is there. I try to have a snack prior to lifting, typically some carb and some protein. Lifting days I also look to take in more protein overall as well. That is the day in which I choose to have eggs at breakfast and/or tuna or left over steak/chicken on my salad a lunch. That seems to work for me. One additional thing, I ride my bicycle on many of my lifting days (always after never before works for me) and the cardio component seems to suppress my appetite. Others probably have some additional strategies to add. I believe each of us finds what works for us as individuals and likely have some commonalities as well. Hope this helps. BTW, I have lost 62 lbs and have maintained my strength, feeling pretty good about that one!
  • Phrak
    Phrak Posts: 353 Member
    If you're starving after a weight lifting session, then EAT. Just make better food choices than pizza. Protein shakes are great when you're on the run.

    I am usually ravenous after a strength session. I choose things like: tuna, mustard & spinach or grilled chicken breast & salad, or leftovers from the day before if I have any. You need to refuel yourself with protein to help repair your muscles. Find something healthy that works for you and fills you up.

    Just so you know you have about 24hrs to get some food/protein in you to gain these benefits. Im never that hungry after a workout so i dont eat till the next morning. But if you are hungry and you are low on calories, lean meats and veggies.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    You should eat after working out, but it's best to plan this meal before you even leave for the gym. Get lots of micro-nutrients, carbs and protein in this meal, and eat NOTHING PROCESSED! Feel free to eat all you want at this time. (as long as it's good food) Your hunger signal is so strong because your body needs input, so listen to your body, and eat. But make sure this meal is done right, or sooner or later, you'll be eating pizza or something else you know you shouldn't.
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    A quick hit of protein 20 - 60 mins after a weights work out. Apparently the shakes get into your blood stream quicker, but I prefer protein bars (taste like candy to me).
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    It is completely normal to be starving after weight lifting because your muscles need the fuel. Since you know this is going to happen to you, you should be prepared with healthy snacks to eat after your weight lifting sessions. Instead of having pizza and cookies on hand, you should have fresh fruits, veggies, and lean protein on hand.

  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    *sigh* Yeah..yesterday, there wasn't a lot of healthy stuff for supper. :D *will go fix that*
    Lifting has historically cranked up my appetite. Since being on MFP I have managed to control the massive eating that used to be associated with my lifting. For me, I am so focused on remaining withing my caloric limitations that the mental component in resisting urges is there. I try to have a snack prior to lifting, typically some carb and some protein. Lifting days I also look to take in more protein overall as well. That is the day in which I choose to have eggs at breakfast and/or tuna or left over steak/chicken on my salad a lunch. That seems to work for me. One additional thing, I ride my bicycle on many of my lifting days (always after never before works for me) and the cardio component seems to suppress my appetite. Others probably have some additional strategies to add. I believe each of us finds what works for us as individuals and likely have some commonalities as well. Hope this helps. BTW, I have lost 62 lbs and have maintained my strength, feeling pretty good about that one!

    Interesting...I was always told NOT to mix cardio with strenth because of possible muscle damage...but if that helps get my mind off junk food, then maybe some light cardio would be good. :)
  • GalaxyDuck
    GalaxyDuck Posts: 406 Member
    Just so you know you have about 24hrs to get some food/protein in you to gain these benefits. Im never that hungry after a workout so i dont eat till the next morning. But if you are hungry and you are low on calories, lean meats and veggies.

    ^^True. I usually eat my post-workout meal within 45 minutes to 2 hrs of working out (depending on whether or not it's all ready to go or something I have to make usually!). I find on days when I don't get to do this, I'm a lot more sore the next day!
  • vicky1804
    vicky1804 Posts: 320 Member
    I finish work at 3.30pm and head to the gym so by the time I get home its time for tea.
    Im usually absolutly starving after the gym so I always make sure I know what im having for tea that night.
    I usually have fruit/yoghurt 1-1.5 hours before the gym and keep a piece of fruit for after to hold me over till I get home.

    I also tend to find the day after an outside run I could eat like a horse!
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    I don't understand though...WHY does it make me so hungry? It only takes about 20 minutes, and my heart rate doesn't go above 120 during...
  • antizoni1
    antizoni1 Posts: 334
    Drink a protein shake immediately after your workout, this will hold you off until you can eat something healthy, try for high protein and high fiber
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Because you use up (at least some of ) the glycogen in your blood and it has to be replaced, and because your body is now repairing the damage from the workout, and that requires energy and nutrients. Strength training requires a lot of energy, and not just the act of lifting, but the next day or two as your body repairs, also.
  • dtpss188
    dtpss188 Posts: 85

    Yes, my cardio at some point after lifting is counter-intuitive according to many. But you should know that I am a mesomorph. Basically, since 16 or 17 years old I have never had a hard time having plenty of muscle on board. So, my body form probably allows me to get away with cycling later in the day after lifting. I rarely ride immediately after liting, but usually have at least an hour down time and snacks in between. This formula has made me feel (and I think look) the best I have in years. Plus, I'm addicted to riding my bike, I don't want to quit lifting, so there's no choice in the matter.

    Now, if you are struggling to add lean tissue (muscle) then this may not work for you. My struggle is to get my body weight down, so I'm focusing on maintaining muscle and burning fat. It seems to be working for me.

    Keep collecting information and find out what works for you. Hopefully you can kick those cravings AND get the nutrition you need.

    Others have mentioned WHOLE FOODS. I agree and believe wholeheartedly. I feel that Dr. Agatson does a great job in his book The South Beach Diet. Even if you don't go on the diet specifically, the book is great.
  • Mindarin
    Mindarin Posts: 93 Member
    Ok, cool! :D I am a mesomorph too, so I'll def. try this. Thank you!

    *vows to say no to junk food even though it's really yummy*

  • PeterThompson
    well if you feel like that add a protein diet in your fitness plan so it will fill you up and of course you need to be determined and have discipline for yourself to achieve your goal http://bestadjustabledumbbellsreviews.com/ this link will help you too