Help! Don't know what I am doing different.

Hi everyone! I recently got back into using my fitbit and can't seem to get the same results as I did before. I am only trying to lose 10lbs. I am 5'2" and weigh as of this morning 119.6 lbs. I have logged EVERYTHING I have eaten for the last 10 days, been drinking alot of water and ensuring each day I do not go over my 500 calorie deficit for the day if not more. I stepped on the scale today and I only lost .5 lbs. According to fitbit I should of lost at least 2 lbs. On most days I ensure to eat at least 1200 calories, somestimes I am just shy of it at 1000 or so. Any ideas on what I am doing wrong? I just started pre-natal vitiamins but I am not pregnant. If this information helps. I am so fustrated. Before the weight just melted away. So fustrated.


  • now_or_never12
    now_or_never12 Posts: 849 Member
    Eat more. If you are working on losing the last 10lbs you can't expect to lose it quickly unfortunately. The last few lbs take a long time to come off. 0.5lbs is a great loss when you don't have far to go.