I'm back!

I was here a long time ago and then just lost the want to lose weight.. Well I'm at my heaviest now and my clothes don't fit for the first time in a long time... My partner doesn't want me to lose weight because she likes me the way I am but I can't help but hate myself like this. I want to lose at least 30 to forty pounds and I'll be happy. I just want to fit into my clothes again, or even have to buy new ones if they're too big. :]

So some help an encouraging words are always welcome. :]


  • noelkm67
    noelkm67 Posts: 118
    Welcome back! You can do this - one step and one meal at a time. How about mini goals of 10 pounds each?
  • ahendrix12
    ahendrix12 Posts: 21
    That's probably a good idea. I know I've set a goal of a walk every day. So hopefully I can achieve that. I really need to do it because lately my circulation in my legs have been so bad that even when I walk a little distance at a fast pace, they burn and hurt so much that I have to stop and I can't go on anymore. It's really harming my life and I need to change that. So I know walking is going to help me a lot.

    Another goal I've set is to try to come in under the 1200 calories set for me a day. Which I don't think will be that hard if I can stay away from the fast food as much as possible. :P